7 calls to db_insert_id()

admin_edit_degree_form_submit in modules/admin/admin.degrees.inc
batch_set in modules/batch/batch.module
Create a new batch process.
content_add_new_uploaded_file in modules/content/content.module
bool_replace_existing means should we replace an existing file (based on filename) with this new one? Instead of creating an INSERT, that is.
content_content_save in modules/content/content.module
Implements hook_content_save. We will save the content object to the database.
DatabaseHandler::duplicate_advising_session in classes/DatabaseHandler.php
Given an advising_session_id, create a duplicate of it as a new session_id (and return the new session_id).
FlightPath::save_advising_session_from_post in classes/FlightPath.php
notify_save_notification in modules/notify/notify.module
Actually writes our notification to our notification_history table.