function content_content_save

6.x content.module content_content_save(&$content)

Implements hook_content_save. We will save the content object to the database.

1 call to content_content_save()
announcements_enable in modules/announcements/announcements.install


modules/content/content.module, line 1811


function content_content_save(&$content) {
  global $user;

  $types = content_get_types();
  $type = $content->type;

  if (!isset($content->title) || !$content->title || $content->title === NULL || $content->title === FALSE) {
    $content->title = t("Content") . " " . time(); // give a default title, since title cannot be null.

  $log = @trim($content->log);

  // If this is a NEW content, then insert once into content table to get cid.  Then, insert into content_versions to get vid.  Then update content table with vid.
  if ($content->cid == 'new') {
    db_query('INSERT INTO content (user_id, `type`, title, posted, updated, published, delete_flag, `log`)
              VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)', array($user->id, $type, $content->title, time(), time(), $content->published, 0, $log));
    $content->cid = db_insert_id();

    // insert into content_versions to get the vid.
    db_query("INSERT INTO content_versions (cid, `user_id`) VALUES (?,?)", array($content->cid, $user->id));
    $content->vid = db_insert_id();

  else {
    // If this is an EXISTING content, then insert once into content_versions to get new vid.  Update title and vid in content table.    
    // insert into content_versions to get the vid.
    db_query("INSERT INTO content_versions (`cid`, `user_id`) VALUES (?,?)", array($content->cid, $user->id));
    $content->vid = db_insert_id();

  if (!$content->delete_flag) {
    $content->delete_flag = 0; // force content->delete_flag to equal a value.

  // Now we should have a fully created $content object.  Let's update the title and other values in the content table.
  db_query("UPDATE content SET vid = ?, title = ?, updated = ?, published = ?, delete_flag = ?, `log` = ? WHERE
            cid = ?", array($content->vid, $content->title, time(), $content->published, $content->delete_flag, $log, $content->cid));

  // TODO:  If deleting, should we delete associated files too?  Maybe we do this on a cron after X number of months?

  // Now we are going to insert all of the field values.  We assume there is a table ALREADY CREATED with our field names
  // as field__the_name.

  // Insert new row into content__$type table, including all the extra fields and such.  It should
  //        look like  cid | vid | field__name | field__name | and so on.

  // Add in our new field values.
  $params = array();
  $all_fields = array();
  $param_names = array();

  $all_fields [] = 'cid';
  $all_fields [] = 'vid';

  $param_names [] = ':cid';
  $param_names [] = ':vid';

  $params [':cid'] = $content->cid;
  $params [':vid'] = $content->vid;

  foreach ($types [$type]['fields'] as $fieldname => $details) {

    if ($details ['type'] != 'cfieldset' && $details ['type'] != '' && !strstr($details ['type'], 'markup')) { // skip markup and fieldsets

      $db_field_name = "field__$fieldname";
      $all_fields [] = $db_field_name;
      $param_names [] = ":$db_field_name";
      $val = NULL;
      if (isset($content->{$db_field_name}) && isset($content->{$db_field_name}['value'])) {
        $val = $content->{$db_field_name}['value'];

      if ($details ['type'] == 'checkboxes' && is_array($val)) {
        // Since we came from "checkboxes", and val is an array, we will save the following way:
        // ~~key~~key~~key~~.  This lets us query like so:  LIKE '%~~key~~%' to find elements with that key.  Not the most
        // elegant way to do it, but it should work for now.
        $new_val = "~~"; // always begin with ~~
        foreach ($val as $k => $v) {
          $new_val .= $k . "~~"; // always end with ~~.
        $val = $new_val;
      else if (is_array($val)) {
        // Not sure what this is, but we will serialize it.
        $val = serialize($val);

      $params [":field__$fieldname"] = $val;

    else if ($details ['type'] == 'cfieldset') {
      // This is a fieldset, so now we need to descend into its elements to find the fields we need to save.
      foreach ($details ['elements'] as $c => $v) {
        foreach ($details ['elements'][$c] as $fieldname => $edetails) {
          if (strstr($edetails ['type'], 'markup') || $edetails ['type'] == '') {
            continue; // skip markup

          $db_field_name = "field__$fieldname";
          $all_fields [] = $db_field_name;
          $param_names [] = ":$db_field_name";

          $val = NULL;
          if (isset($content->{$db_field_name}) && isset($content->{$db_field_name}['value'])) {
            $val = $content->{$db_field_name}['value'];

          if ($edetails ['type'] == 'checkboxes' && is_array($val)) {
            // Since we came from "checkboxes", and val is an array, we will save the following way:
            // ~~key~~key~~key~~.  This lets us query like so:  LIKE '%~~key~~%' to find elements with that key.  Not the most
            // elegant way to do it, but it should work for now.
            $new_val = "~~"; // always begin with ~~
            foreach ($val as $k => $v) {
              $new_val .= $k . "~~"; // always end with ~~.
            $val = $new_val;
          else if (is_array($val)) {
            // Not sure what this is, but we will serialize it.
            $val = serialize($val);

          $params [":field__$fieldname"] = $val;

    } //else/if

  } // foreach  

  $sql = "INSERT INTO content__$type
              (" . join(", ", $all_fields) . ")
              VALUES (" . join(", ", $param_names) . ")";

  db_query($sql, $params);

  // Re-calc our alert counts.

  watchdog('content', "content_save cid:$content->cid");
