
Primary tabs

Contains filters are case sensitive
File name Locationsort descending Namespace Description This file should be included by every public-facing page of FlightPath. It will include all the classes, as well as settings and function files, and modules.
CHANGELOG.txt CHANGELOG.txt FlightPath 6.x Changelog ======================== 2023-01-18 Made a change to engagements module, when checking for all SMS messages. Instead of checking for NOW - 1 DAY, it only checks for NOW - 3 HOURS. For most of the time, this means it…
AdvisingScreen.php classes/AdvisingScreen.php
AdvisingScreenTypeView.php classes/AdvisingScreenTypeView.php
all_classes.php classes/all_classes.php
Course.php classes/Course.php
CourseList.php classes/CourseList.php
DatabaseHandler.php classes/DatabaseHandler.php
DegreePlan.php classes/DegreePlan.php
FlightPath.php classes/FlightPath.php
Group.php classes/Group.php
GroupList.php classes/GroupList.php
ObjList.php classes/ObjList.php
Semester.php classes/Semester.php
StandardizedTest.php classes/StandardizedTest.php
Student.php classes/Student.php
Substitution.php classes/Substitution.php
SubstitutionList.php classes/SubstitutionList.php
cli.php cli.php
COPYRIGHT.txt COPYRIGHT.txt ==================================== Copyright Information for FlightPath ==================================== Last updated: 10/7/2020 All FlightPath code is Copyright 2006 - Present by the original authors. FlightPath is considered "open…
cron.php cron.php The cron.php file for FlightPath, which should be run periodically.
README.txt custom/files/README.txt This directory (/custom/files) must be readable/writable by the webserver. This is where modules will store uploaded files. One example of how to make this directory writable would be with the CHMOD command. Ex: chmod -R 777 files Your specific… custom/modules/example_helper/ name = Example helper module description = This module's source code demonstrates several important features of module development core = 6.x
example_helper.module custom/modules/example_helper/example_helper.module example_helper.module - Example module file includes/ This file contains mostly db shortcuts.
hook.api.php includes/hook.api.php Lists all available hooks within FlightPath's core code. includes/ includes/ This file contains misc functions for FlightPath includes/ Secure password hashing functions for user authentication. includes/ includes/
index.php index.php The primary entry point for FlightPath.
install.php install.php This is the initial installation file for FlightPath.
LICENSE.txt LICENSE.txt (See the COPYRIGHT.txt file for specific copyright information, including and interpretation of Section 13 of this license as it pertains to FlightPath and modules) --------------------------------------------------------------- … modules/admin/ modules/admin/ modules/admin/ modules/admin/ name = FlightPath Admin Module description = The primary administrative back end to FlightPath core = 6.x
admin.module modules/admin/admin.module The administrative configurations for FlightPath.
admin.css modules/admin/css/admin.css ___admin-degrees-page{} .admin-degrees-list-degree .list-degree-row { padding-bottom: 3px; padding-top: 3px; font-size: 0.9em; } .list-degree-row-excluded { background-color: #ddd; } .admin-button-msg { padding-left: 30px; font-style:… modules/advise/ modules/advise/ name = Advise description = This is the primary advising module, which displays degree plans as well as What If mode. core = 6.x
advise.module modules/advise/advise.module modules/advise/
advise.css modules/advise/css/advise.css CSS file for the advise module. Added to pages having to do with advising. modules/alerts/ name = Alerts description = Alert system (similar to tickets) for FP core = 6.x schema = 4
alerts.install modules/alerts/alerts.install
alerts.module modules/alerts/alerts.module module file for Alerts
style.css modules/alerts/css/style.css .alert-field-mark { font-size: 1.2em; } .alert-field-mark label { display: inline; font-weight: bold; } .alert-field-mark .alert-student-extra-mark { display: inline-block; padding-left: 10px; font-weight: bold; color:… modules/announcements/ name = Announcements description = Administrators may enter announcements which can then be displayed in a block for specific users. core = 6.x requires = content schema = 2
