
Primary tabs

Contains filters are case sensitive
File namesort descending Location Namespace Description modules/admin/
admin.css modules/admin/css/admin.css .admin-degrees-list-degree .list-degree-row { padding-bottom: 3px; padding-top: 3px; font-size: 0.9em; } .list-degree-row-excluded { background-color: #ddd; } .admin-button-msg { padding-left: 30px; font-style: italic; color:… modules/admin/ modules/admin/ modules/admin/ name = FlightPath Admin Module description = The primary administrative back end to FlightPath core = 5.x
admin.module modules/admin/admin.module The administrative configurations for FlightPath.
advhr.css modules/tinymce/inc/tiny_mce/plugins/advhr/css/advhr.css {border:1px none #000; background:transparent; vertical-align:middle;} .panel_wrapper div.current {height:80px;} #width {width:50px; vertical-align:middle;} #width2 {width:50px; vertical-align:middle;} #size {width:100px;}
advimage.css modules/tinymce/inc/tiny_mce/plugins/advimage/css/advimage.css #src_list, #over_list, #out_list {width:280px;} .mceActionPanel {margin-top:7px;} .alignPreview {border:1px solid #000; width:140px; height:140px; overflow:hidden; padding:5px;} .checkbox {border:0;} .panel_wrapper div.current {height:305px;} #prev…
advise.css modules/advise/css/advise.css CSS file for the advise module. Added to pages having to do with advising. modules/advise/ modules/advise/ name = Advise description = This is the primary advising module, which displays degree plans as well as What If mode. core = 5.x
advise.module modules/advise/advise.module modules/advise/
AdvisingScreen.php custom/classes/AdvisingScreen.php
AdvisingScreenTypeView.php custom/classes/AdvisingScreenTypeView.php
advlink.css modules/tinymce/inc/tiny_mce/plugins/advlink/css/advlink.css .mceLinkList, .mceAnchorList, #targetlist {width:280px;} .mceActionPanel {margin-top:7px;} .panel_wrapper div.current {height:320px;} #classlist, #title, #href {width:280px;} #popupurl, #popupname {width:200px;} #popupwidth, #popupheight, #popupleft,…
all_classes.php classes/all_classes.php
all_custom_classes.php custom/classes/all_custom_classes.php
announcements.css modules/announcements/css/announcements.css /** * CSS file for the announcements module. */ .announcement { margin-bottom: 20px; font-size: 0.9em; } .admin-announcements .announcement { border: 1px solid #ccc; padding: 20px; margin: 20px; } .announcement .announcement-posted… modules/announcements/ name = Announcements description = Administrators may enter announcements which can then be displayed in a block for specific users. core = 5.x requires = content
announcements.install modules/announcements/announcements.install
announcements.module modules/announcements/announcements.module
attributes.css modules/tinymce/inc/tiny_mce/plugins/xhtmlxtras/css/attributes.css .panel_wrapper div.current { height: 290px; } #id, #style, #title, #dir, #hreflang, #lang, #classlist, #tabindex, #accesskey { width: 200px; } #events_panel input { width: 200px; } themes/basic/ name = Basic Starter Theme description = This is a very plain "starter" theme which you may use to create your own custom theme. See README.txt. core = 4.x
batch.css modules/batch/css/batch.css CSS file for batch module * modules/batch/ name = Batch description = Provides access for developers to batch processing functionality. core = 5.x
batch.install modules/batch/batch.install
batch.module modules/batch/batch.module modules/batch/ This file contains functionality for testing out Batch's processing with a sample form which performs some arbitrary actions. modules/blank_degrees/ name = Blank Degree Search description = This module lets users view "blank" degree plans in FlightPath. core = 5.x
blank_degrees.module modules/blank_degrees/blank_degrees.module
blank_page modules/tinymce/inc/tiny_mce/plugins/template/blank.htm blank_page
blocks.css modules/blocks/css/blocks.css .blocks-table { width: 100%; } .block-module-name { background-color: #eee; border-top: 1em solid white; padding: 5px; } modules/blocks/ name = Blocks description = Manage the location and appearance of blocks in FlightPath core = 5.x
blocks.module modules/blocks/blocks.module This file should be included by every public-facing page of FlightPath. It will include all the classes, as well as settings and function files, and modules.
cell.css modules/tinymce/inc/tiny_mce/plugins/table/css/cell.css /* CSS file for cell dialog in the table plugin */ .panel_wrapper div.current { height: 200px; } .advfield { width: 200px; } #action { margin-bottom: 3px; } #class { width: 150px; }
CHANGELOG.txt CHANGELOG.txt FlightPath 5.x Changelog ======================== 2021-03-18 Added inval() to priority when editing groups, to avoid possible mysql errors. 2021-02-25 Added floatval() to min hours, max hours, etc, in admin_course_submit(), to avoid possible… themes/classic/ name = Classic description = This is the "classic" theme which ships with FlightPath. core = 4.x
comments.css modules/comments/css/comments.css /* Styles for the comments module */ #comments-comment-textarea { width: 100%; height: 100px; } .comments-visible-input-row { font-size: 0.8em; } .comments-copy-paste-help { font-size: 0.7em; } .comments-comment-buttons { text-align:… modules/comments/ name = Comments description = This module lets you save advising comments for a student. core = 5.x requires = advise
comments.module modules/comments/comments.module
content.css modules/tinymce/inc/tiny_mce/themes/simple/skins/o2k7/content.css body, td, pre {font-family:Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:10px;} body {background: #FFF;} .mceVisualAid {border: 1px dashed #BBB;} /* IE */ * html body { scrollbar-3dlight-color: #F0F0EE; scrollbar-arrow-color:…
content.css modules/tinymce/inc/tiny_mce/themes/advanced/skins/highcontrast/content.css body, td, pre { margin:8px;} body.mceForceColors {background:#FFF; color:#000;} h1 {font-size: 2em} h2 {font-size: 1.5em} h3 {font-size: 1.17em} h4 {font-size: 1em} h5 {font-size: .83em} h6 {font-size: .75em} .mceItemTable, .mceItemTable td,…
content.css modules/tinymce/inc/tiny_mce/themes/advanced/skins/default/content.css body, td, pre {color:#000; font-family:Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:10px; margin:8px;} body {background:#FFF;} body.mceForceColors {background:#FFF; color:#000;} body.mceBrowserDefaults {background:transparent; color:inherit;…
content.css modules/tinymce/inc/tiny_mce/themes/advanced/skins/o2k7/content.css body, td, pre {color:#000; font-family:Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:10px; margin:8px;} body {background:#FFF;} body.mceForceColors {background:#FFF; color:#000;} h1 {font-size: 2em} h2 {font-size: 1.5em} h3 {font-size: 1.17em} h4…
content.css modules/content/css/content.css .content-edit-controls .form-element, .content-edit-controls label { display: inline; padding-right: 10px; }
content.css modules/tinymce/inc/tiny_mce/themes/simple/skins/default/content.css body, td, pre { font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 10px; } body { background-color: #FFFFFF; } .mceVisualAid { border: 1px dashed #BBBBBB; } /* MSIE specific */ * html body { scrollbar-3dlight-color:…
content.css modules/tinymce/inc/tiny_mce/plugins/spellchecker/css/content.css .mceItemHiddenSpellWord {background:url(../img/wline.gif) repeat-x bottom left; cursor:default;} modules/content/ name = Content description = Create generic HTML content for use on your site. core = 5.x
