Search API
classes/_Course.phpView source
- <?php
- /*
- Class definition for the Course object.
- */
- class _Course
- {
- // Some public variables and what they are used for.
- // Database & misc related:
- public $random_id, $db_advised_courses_id;
- public $bool_placeholder, $db, $db_substitution_id, $db_unassign_transfer_id;
- public $db_exclude, $data_entry_comment, $array_index, $data_entry_value;
- public $db_group_requirement_id; // the id from the group_requirements table where this was specified.
- // Course catalog data related:
- public $subject_id, $course_num, $course_id, $requirement_type, $catalog_year;
- public $min_hours, $max_hours, $list_prereqs, $repeat_hours;
- public $array_valid_names;
- // Student record related:
- public $bool_taken, $term_id, $section_number, $grade, $hours_awarded, $quality_points;
- public $bool_transfer, $institution_id, $institution_name, $course_transfer;
- public $transfer_eqv_text, $transfer_footnote, $bool_outdated_sub;
- public $bool_substitution, $course_substitution, $substitution_hours, $sub_remarks, $sub_faculty_id;
- public $bool_substitution_split, $substitution_footnote, $bool_substitution_new_from_split;
- // Major or Group Requirement related:
- public $min_grade, $specified_repeats, $bool_specified_repeat, $required_on_branch_id;
- public $assigned_to_group_id, $assigned_to_semester_num, $bool_exclude_repeat;
- // advising & in-system logic related:
- public $advised_hours, $bool_selected, $bool_advised_to_take;
- public $course_list_fulfilled_by; //$course_fulfilled_by,
- public $bool_has_been_assigned, $bool_added_course, $group_list_unassigned;
- public $advised_term_id, $temp_old_course_id;
- public $bool_use_draft;
- //public $bool_has_been_assignedToBareDegreePlan;
- // Display related:
- public $display_status, $icon_filename, $description, $title;
- public $title_text, $temp_flag, $bool_has_been_displayed;
- public $bool_unselectable;
- public $bool_hide_grade, $bool_ghost_hour, $bool_ghost_min_hour;
- /**
- * The constructor for a Course object.
- *
- * @param int $course_id
- * - Numeric course_id of the course to try to load. Leave blank
- * if you simply wish to instantiate a course object.
- *
- * @param bool $is_transfer
- * - Is this course a transfer course? Meaning, from another
- * school.
- *
- * @param DatabaseHandler $db
- * @param bool $is_blank
- * @param int $catalog_year
- * - What catalog_year does this Course belong to? This is
- * used later when we call load_descriptive_data() to get its
- * description, hour count, etc.
- *
- * @param bool $bool_use_draft
- */
- function __construct($course_id = "", $is_transfer = false, DatabaseHandler $db = NULL, $is_blank = false, $catalog_year = "", $bool_use_draft = false)
- {
- $this->advised_hours = -1;
- if ($is_blank == true)
- { // Do nothing if this is a "blank" course.
- return;
- }
- $array_valid_names = array(); // will hold all "valid" names for this course (non excluded names).
- $this->course_id = $course_id*1; // Force it to be numeric.
- $this->temp_old_course_id = 0; // Used in case we delete the course_id, we can get it back (good with substitutions of transfers that are outdated).
- $this->catalog_year = $catalog_year;
- $this->assigned_to_semester_num = -1;
- $this->assigned_to_group_id = 0;
- $this->bool_advised_to_take = false;
- $this->bool_added_course = false;
- $this->specified_repeats = 0;
- $this->bool_exclude_repeat = false;
- $this->bool_specified_repeat = false;
- $this->random_id = rand(1,9999);
- $this->display_status = "eligible";
- $this->course_list_fulfilled_by = new CourseList();
- $this->group_list_unassigned = new ObjList();
- $this->bool_use_draft = $bool_use_draft;
- // Always override if the global variable is set.
- if ($GLOBALS["fp_advising"]["bool_use_draft"] == true) {
- $this->bool_use_draft = true;
- }
- $this->db = $db;
- if ($db == NULL)
- {
- $this->db = get_global_database_handler();;
- if (!is_object($this->db))
- {
- $this->db = new DatabaseHandler();
- }
- }
- if ($course_id != "")
- {
- $this->load_course($course_id, $is_transfer);
- }
- }
- /**
- * This function will create a "data string" of the course.
- * Think of it as a poor man's serialize. I can't actually use
- * serialize, as I have to call this for every course on the screen,
- * and the page load time was too long when using serialize, probably
- * because of all the extra fields which I did not need.
- *
- * The string returned will be used to send information about this
- * course to a popup window.
- *
- * Important details about the course are put into a particular order,
- * separated by commas. Booleans are converted to either 1 or 0.
- *
- * This function is the mirror of load_course_from_data_string().
- *
- * @return string
- */
- function to_data_string()
- {
- $rtn = "";
- $rtn .= $this->course_id . "~";
- $rtn .= $this->assigned_to_semester_num . "~";
- $rtn .= $this->assigned_to_group_id . "~";
- $rtn .= intval($this->bool_advised_to_take) . "~";
- $rtn .= $this->specified_repeats . "~";
- $rtn .= intval($this->bool_specified_repeat) . "~";
- $rtn .= $this->grade . "~";
- $rtn .= $this->hours_awarded . "~";
- $rtn .= $this->term_id . "~";
- $rtn .= $this->advised_hours . "~";
- $rtn .= intval($this->bool_transfer) . "~";
- // If this is a transfer, then we will put in various information
- // about the original transfer course...
- if ($this->bool_transfer == true)
- {
- $rtn .= $this->course_transfer->course_id . "~";
- } else {
- // Just enter blank.
- $rtn .= "~";
- }
- $rtn .= intval($this->bool_added_course) . "~";
- $rtn .= $this->db_advised_courses_id . "~";
- $rtn .= $this->random_id . "~";
- $rtn .= intval($this->bool_substitution) . "~";
- // If this is a substitution, what is the original requirement?
- if ($this->bool_substitution == true)
- {
- $rtn .= $this->course_substitution->course_id . "~";
- } else {
- // Just enter blank.
- $rtn .= "~";
- }
- $rtn .= $this->db_substitution_id . "~";
- $rtn .= $this->min_hours . "~";
- $rtn .= $this->max_hours . "~";
- $rtn .= intval($this->bool_substitution_new_from_split) . "~";
- $rtn .= intval($this->bool_substitution_split) . "~";
- $rtn .= intval($this->bool_has_been_assigned) . "~";
- $rtn .= $this->display_status . "~";
- $rtn .= intval($this->bool_ghost_hour) . "~";
- return $rtn;
- }
- /**
- * This will take a data string, as created by
- * the function to_data_string(), and make $this object
- * match the original object. It is a poor man's
- * unserialize. See to_data_string()'s description for a fuller
- * picture of what is going on.
- *
- * To use:
- * - $newCourse = new Course();
- * - $newCourse->load_course_from_data_string($data);
- *
- *
- * @param string $str
- */
- function load_course_from_data_string($str)
- {
- $temp = explode("~",$str);
- $this->course_id = $temp[0];
- $this->load_course($this->course_id);
- $this->assigned_to_semester_num = $temp[1];
- $this->assigned_to_group_id = $temp[2];
- $this->bool_advised_to_take = (bool) $temp[3];
- $this->specified_repeats = $temp[4];
- $this->bool_specified_repeat = (bool) $temp[5];
- $this->grade = $temp[6];
- $this->hours_awarded = $temp[7] * 1; // *1 to force numeric, and trim extra zeros.
- $this->term_id = $temp[8];
- $this->advised_hours = $temp[9] * 1;
- $this->bool_transfer = (bool) $temp[10];
- // Was this a transfer course?
- if ($this->bool_transfer == true)
- {
- $t_course = new Course($temp[11], true);
- $t_course->term_id = $this->term_id;
- $this->course_transfer = $t_course;
- }
- $this->bool_added_course = (bool) $temp[12];
- $this->db_advised_courses_id = $temp[13];
- $this->random_id = $temp[14];
- $this->bool_substitution = (bool) $temp[15];
- // Was this a substitution course?
- if ($this->bool_substitution == true)
- {
- $t_course = new Course($temp[16]); // original course requirement.
- $this->course_substitution = $t_course;
- }
- $this->db_substitution_id = $temp[17];
- $this->min_hours = $temp[18] * 1;
- $this->max_hours = $temp[19] * 1;
- $this->bool_substitution_new_from_split = (bool) $temp[20];
- $this->bool_substitution_split = (bool) $temp[21];
- $this->bool_has_been_assigned = (bool) $temp[22];
- $this->display_status = $temp[23];
- $this->bool_ghost_hour = (bool) $temp[24];
- }
- /**
- * This function will return a CSV string of all the possible
- * names for this course, in alphabetical order.
- *
- * This function is used by DataEntry primarily.
- *
- * @param bool $bool_add_white_space
- * @param bool $bool_add_exclude
- * @return string
- */
- function get_all_names($bool_add_white_space = false, $bool_add_exclude = true)
- {
- $rtn = "";
- $used_array = array();
- $table_name = "courses";
- if ($this->bool_use_draft) {$table_name = "draft_$table_name";}
- // took out: and `catalog_year`='$this->catalog_year'
- // because we don't care what catalog year it comes from...
- $res = $this->db->db_query("SELECT * FROM $table_name
- WHERE course_id = '?'
- AND delete_flag = '0'
- ORDER BY subject_id, course_num ", $this->course_id);
- while($cur = $this->db->db_fetch_array($res))
- {
- if (in_array($cur["subject_id"] . "~" . $cur["course_num"], $used_array))
- { // skip ones we have already seen.
- continue;
- }
- $used_array[] = $cur["subject_id"] . "~" . $cur["course_num"];
- $rtn .= $cur["subject_id"] . " " . $cur["course_num"];
- if ($cur["exclude"] != '0' && $bool_add_exclude == true)
- {
- $rtn .= " exclude";
- }
- $rtn .= ",";
- if ($bool_add_white_space == true)
- {
- $rtn .= " ";
- }
- }
- $rtn = trim($rtn);
- // remove last comma.
- $rtn = substr($rtn,0,-1);
- return $rtn;
- }
- /**
- * The function returns either an integer of the the number of
- * hours the course is worth, or, a range in the form of
- * min-max (if the course has variable hours)
- *
- * Examples: 3 or 1-6
- *
- * @return string
- */
- function get_catalog_hours()
- {
- if (!$this->has_variable_hours())
- {
- return $this->min_hours;
- } else {
- // Meaning this does course have variable hours.
- $min_h = $this->min_hours;
- $max_h = $this->max_hours;
- // Convert back from ghosthours.
- if ($this->bool_ghost_min_hour) {
- $min_h = 0;
- }
- if ($this->bool_ghost_hour) {
- $max_h = 0;
- }
- return "$min_h-$max_h";
- }
- }
- /**
- * Returns how many hours this course has been advised for.
- * This is used with courses which have variable hours. If
- * the course has not been advised for any particular number
- * of hours, then it's min_hours are returned.
- *
- * @return unknown
- */
- function get_advised_hours()
- {
- if ($this->advised_hours > -1)
- {
- return $this->advised_hours;
- } else {
- // No, the user has not selected any hours yet. So,
- // just display the min_hours.
- // Correct for ghost hours, if any.
- $min_h = $this->min_hours;
- if ($this->bool_ghost_min_hour) {
- $min_h = 0;
- }
- return $min_h;
- }
- }
- /**
- * This will assign the $this->display_status string
- * based on the grade the student has made on the course.
- * The display_status is used by other display functions to decide
- * what color the course should show up as.
- *
- */
- function assign_display_status()
- {
- // Assigns the display status, based on grade.
- $grade = $this->grade;
- // Get these grade definitions from our system settings
- // Configure them in custom/settings.php
- $retake_grades = csv_to_array($GLOBALS["fp_system_settings"]["retake_grades"]);
- $enrolled_grades = csv_to_array($GLOBALS["fp_system_settings"]["enrolled_grades"]);
- if (in_array($grade, $retake_grades))
- {
- $this->display_status = "retake";
- }
- if (in_array($grade, $enrolled_grades))
- {
- $this->display_status = "enrolled";
- }
- }
- /**
- * Returns TRUE if the student has completed the course
- * (and did not make a failing grade on it).
- *
- *
- *
- * @return bool
- */
- function is_completed()
- {
- // returns true if the course has been completed.
- $grade = $this->grade;
- // Get these grade definitions from our system settings
- // Configure them in custom/settings.php
- $retake_grades = csv_to_array($GLOBALS["fp_system_settings"]["retake_grades"]);
- $enrolled_grades = csv_to_array($GLOBALS["fp_system_settings"]["enrolled_grades"]);
- if ($grade == "") {
- return false;
- }
- if (in_array($grade, $enrolled_grades)) {
- return false;
- }
- if (in_array($grade, $retake_grades)) {
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- }
- /**
- * Does $this meed the minimum grade requirement of the
- * supplied course requirement? You may specify either
- * a Course object, or just enter the min_grade in the mGrade
- * variable.
- *
- * @param Course $course_req
- * - The Course object who has the min grade requirement.
- * Set to NULL if using $m_grade.
- *
- * @param string $m_grade
- * - The min grade which $this must meet. Do not use if using
- * $course_req.
- *
- * @return bool
- */
- function meets_min_grade_requirement_of(Course $course_req = NULL, $m_grade = "")
- {
- // Does $this course meet the min grade requirement
- // of the supplied course requirement?
- // Get these grade definitions from our system settings
- // Configure them in custom/settings.php
- $b_or_better = csv_to_array($GLOBALS["fp_system_settings"]["b_or_better"]);
- $c_or_better = csv_to_array($GLOBALS["fp_system_settings"]["c_or_better"]);
- $d_or_better = csv_to_array($GLOBALS["fp_system_settings"]["d_or_better"]);
- $enrolled_grades = csv_to_array($GLOBALS["fp_system_settings"]["enrolled_grades"]);
- if ($course_req != null) {
- $min_grade = $course_req->min_grade;
- } else {
- $min_grade = $m_grade;
- }
- if ($min_grade == "")
- { // There is no min grade requirement for this course.
- return true;
- }
- // If the student is currently enrolled, return true.
- if (in_array($this->grade, $enrolled_grades))
- {
- return true;
- }
- if ($min_grade == "A" && $this->grade == "A")
- {
- return true;
- }
- if ($min_grade == "B" && in_array($this->grade, $b_or_better))
- {
- return true;
- }
- if ($min_grade == "C" && in_array($this->grade, $c_or_better))
- {
- return true;
- }
- if ($min_grade == "D" && in_array($this->grade, $d_or_better))
- {
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- /**
- * Simply returns TRUE if $this has variable hours.
- *
- * @return bool
- */
- function has_variable_hours()
- {
- $min_h = $this->min_hours;
- $max_h = $this->max_hours;
- // Convert back from ghosthours, for the comparison.
- if ($this->bool_ghost_min_hour) {
- $min_h = 0;
- }
- if ($this->bool_ghost_hour) {
- $max_h = 0;
- }
- if ($min_h == $max_h)
- {
- return false;
- } else {
- return true;
- }
- }
- /**
- * Figure out the number of hours this particular
- * instance of the course is worth. In the case
- * of variable hours, it will return the number
- * of hours selected. If that does not exist,
- * it will return the MIN HOURS.
- *
- * @return int
- */
- function get_hours()
- {
- // This course might be set to 1 hour, but be a "ghost hour",
- // meaning the student actually earned 0 hours, but we recorded 1
- // to make FP's math work out. So, let's return back 0 hours.
- if ($this->bool_ghost_hour)
- {
- $h = 0;
- return $h;
- }
- // Do they have any hours_awarded? (because they completed
- // the course)
- if ($this->hours_awarded > 0)
- {
- $h = $this->hours_awarded;
- return $h;
- }
- if ($this->has_variable_hours() && $this->advised_hours > -1) {
- return $this->advised_hours;
- }
- // No selected hours, but it's a variable hour course.
- // So, return the min_hours for this course.
- return $this->min_hours;
- }
- /**
- * Calculate the quality points for this course's grade and hours.
- *
- * @param string $grade
- * @param int $hours
- * @return int
- */
- function get_quality_points(){
- $hours = $this->get_hours();
- $grade = $this->grade;
- $pts = 0;
- $qpts_grades = array();
- // Let's find out what our quality point grades & values are...
- if (isset($GLOBALS["qpts_grades"])) {
- // have we already cached this?
- $qpts_grades = $GLOBALS["qpts_grades"];
- }
- else {
- $tlines = explode("\n", variable_get("quality_points_grades", "A ~ 4\nB ~ 3\nC ~ 2\nD ~ 1\nF ~ 0\nI ~ 0"));
- foreach ($tlines as $tline) {
- $temp = explode("~", trim($tline));
- if (trim($temp[0]) != "") {
- $qpts_grades[trim($temp[0])] = trim($temp[1]);
- }
- }
- $GLOBALS["qpts_grades"] = $qpts_grades; // save to cache
- }
- // Okay, find out what the points are by multiplying value * hours...
- if (isset($qpts_grades[$grade])) {
- $pts = $qpts_grades[$grade] * $hours;
- }
- return $pts;
- }
- /**
- * This function is used for comparing a course name to the subject_id
- * and course_num of $this.
- * We expect a space between the subject_id and CourseNum in $str.
- *
- * For example: MATH 1010
- *
- * You may also ONLY specify a subject, ex: BIOL. If you do that,
- * then only the subject will be compared.
- *
- * Example of use: if ($c->name_equals("ART 101")) then do this etc.
- *
- * @param string $str
- * @return bool
- */
- function name_equals($str)
- {
- // We expect the str to be given to us
- // with a space b/t the subject_id and course_num.
- // ex: MATH 111
- // may also ONLY specify the subject. ex: BIOL
- $temp = explode(" ",$str);
- if ($this->subject_id == $temp[0] && ($this->course_num == $temp[1] || trim($temp[1]) == ""))
- {
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- /**
- * Convienience function. Simply compare the course_id of
- * another course to $this to see if they are equal.
- *
- * This is also used by CourseList and ObjList to determine
- * matches.
- *
- * Usage: if ($newCourse.equals($otherCourse)) { ... }
- *
- * @param Course $course_c
- * @return bool
- */
- function equals(Course $course_c = null)
- {
- if ($this->course_id == $course_c->course_id)
- {
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- /**
- * Load $this as a new course based on the subject_id and course_num,
- * instead of the course_id. This is a useful function for when you
- * know a subject_id and course_num, but not course_id (for example, if
- * it comes from human input).
- *
- * @param string $subject_id
- * @param string $course_num
- */
- function load_course_from_name($subject_id, $course_num)
- {
- // Load a course based on its name. In otherwords,
- // find the CourseID this way first.
- $course_id = $this->db->get_course_id($subject_id, $course_num);
- $this->load_course($course_id);
- }
- /**
- * Loads $this as a new course, based on course_id.
- *
- * @param int $course_id
- * @param bool $is_transfer
- */
- function load_course($course_id, $is_transfer = false)
- {
- if ($this->db == NULL)
- {
- $this->db = get_global_database_handler();
- }
- $catalog_line = "";
- if ($this->catalog_year != "") {
- $catalog_line = " AND catalog_year = '$this->catalog_year' ";
- }
- if ($is_transfer == false) {
- $this->load_descriptive_data();
- } else {
- // This is a transfer course. Find out its eqv, if any...
- $res = $this->db->db_query("SELECT * FROM
- transfer_courses a,
- transfer_institutions b
- a.transfer_course_id = '?'
- AND a.institution_id = b.institution_id ", $course_id);
- $cur = $this->db->db_fetch_array($res);
- $this->subject_id = $cur["subject_id"];
- $this->course_num = $cur["course_num"];
- $this->course_id = $course_id;
- $this->bool_transfer = true;
- $this->institution_id = $cur["institution_id"];
- $this->institution_name = $cur["name"];
- }
- $this->assign_display_status();
- }
- /**
- * This function will correct capitalization problems in course titles.
- *
- * @param string $str
- *
- * @return string
- *
- */
- function fix_title($str = "")
- {
- if ($str == "")
- {
- $str = $this->title;
- }
- // Should we do this at all? We will look at the "autocapitalize_course_titles" setting.
- $auto = $GLOBALS["fp_system_settings"]["autocapitalize_course_titles"];
- if ($auto == "no") {
- // Nope! Just return.
- $this->title = $str;
- return $str;
- }
- // Otherwise, we may continue with the capitalization scheme:
- $str = str_replace("/", " / ", $str);
- $str = str_replace("/", " / ", $str);
- $str = str_replace("-", " - ", $str);
- $str = str_replace(":", ": ", $str);
- $str = str_replace("(", "( ", $str);
- // Only pad an ampersand if we are not talking about
- // an HTML character.
- if (!strstr($str,"&#"))
- {
- $str = str_replace("&", " & ", $str);
- }
- // Let's also get rid of extra spaces.
- $str = str_replace(" ", " ", $str);
- $str = str_replace(" ", " ", $str);
- // convert to ucwords and fix some problems introduced by that.
- $str = trim(ucwords(strtolower($str)));
- $str = str_replace("Iii", "III", $str);
- $str = str_replace("Ii", "II", $str);
- $str = str_replace(" Iv"," IV",$str);
- $str = str_replace(" Vi"," VI",$str);
- $str = str_replace(" Of "," of ",$str);
- $str = str_replace(" The "," the ",$str);
- $str = str_replace(" In "," in ",$str);
- $str = str_replace(" And "," and ",$str);
- $str = str_replace(" An "," an ",$str);
- $str = str_replace(" A "," a ",$str);
- $str = str_replace(" To "," to ",$str);
- $str = str_replace(" For "," for ",$str);
- // Strange words and abreviations which should be changed.
- $str = str_replace("Afrotc","AFROTC",$str);
- $str = str_replace("Gis","GIS",$str);
- $str = str_replace("Dna","DNA",$str);
- $str = str_replace(" Cpr","CPR",$str);
- $str = str_replace(" Rn"," RN",$str);
- $str = str_replace(" Micu"," MICU",$str);
- $str = str_replace(" Sicu"," SICU",$str);
- $str = str_replace(" Picu"," PICU",$str);
- $str = str_replace(" Nicu"," NICU",$str);
- $str = str_replace("Uas ","UAS ",$str);
- $str = str_replace(" Uas"," UAS",$str);
- // Cleanup
- $str = str_replace("( ", "(", $str);
- $str = str_replace(" - ", "-", $str);
- // Is this just a course name by itself? If so, it should
- // all be capitalized.
- $temp = explode(" ", $str);
- if (count($temp) == 2
- && strlen($temp[0]) <= 4
- && strlen($temp[1]) <= 4)
- {// We could also test to see if there are numbers starting the
- // second token.
- $str = strtoupper($str);
- }
- // If this contains the word "formerly" then we need to pull out what's
- // there and make it all uppercase, except for the word Formerly.
- if (strstr(strtolower($str), strtolower("formerly ")))
- {
- $formline = preg_replace("/.*\((formerly .*)\).*/i", "$1", $str);
- $str = str_replace($formline, strtoupper($formline), $str);
- $str = str_replace("FORMERLY ", "Formerly ", $str);
- }
- $this->title = $str;
- return $str;
- }
- /**
- * This function will load $this will all sorts of descriptive data
- * from the database. For example, hours, title, description, etc.
- *
- * It must be called before any attempts at sorting (by alphabetical order)
- * are made on lists of courses.
- *
- * It will by default try to load this information from cache. If it cannot
- * find it in the cache, it will query the database, and then add what it finds
- * to the cache.
- *
- *
- * @param bool $bool_load_from_global_cache
- * - If set to TRUE, this will attempt to load the course data
- * from the "global cache", that is, the cache which is held in the
- * GLOBALS array. This should usually be set to TRUE, since this is
- * much faster than querying the database.
- *
- * @param bool $bool_ignore_catalog_year_in_cache
- * - If set to TRUE, we will grab whatever is in the cache for this
- * course's course_id, regardless of if the catalog years match.
- * If set to FALSE, we will try to match the course's catalog year
- * in the cache as well.
- *
- * @param bool $bool_limit_current_catalog_year
- * - If set to TRUE, then we will only *query* for the course's
- * catalog_year in the db, and those before it (if we do not find
- * the exact catalog_year). We will not look for any catalog years
- * after it. If set to FALSE, we will look through any
- * valid catalog year.
- *
- * @param bool $bool_force_catalog_year
- * - If set to TRUE, we will only look for the course's catalog
- * year in the database.
- *
- * @param bool $bool_ignore_exclude
- * - If set to TRUE, we will ignore courses marked as "exclude" in the
- * database.
- *
- */
- function load_descriptive_data($bool_load_from_global_cache = true, $bool_ignore_catalog_year_in_cache = true, $bool_limit_current_catalog_year = true, $bool_force_catalog_year = false, $bool_ignore_exclude = false)
- {
- if ($this->db == null)
- {
- $this->db = get_global_database_handler();
- }
- $db = $this->db;
- if ($this->catalog_year == "")
- {
- $this->catalog_year = variable_get("current_catalog_year", 2006); // current catalog_year.
- }
- $setting_current_catalog_year = variable_get("current_catalog_year", 2006) * 1;
- if ($this->bool_use_draft) {
- $setting_current_catalog_year = variable_get("current_catalog_draft_year", 2006) * 1;
- }
- $earliest_catalog_year = variable_get("earliest_catalog_year", 2006);
- if ($setting_current_catalog_year < $earliest_catalog_year)
- { // If it has not been set, assume the default.
- $setting_current_catalog_year = $earliest_catalog_year;
- }
- if ($bool_limit_current_catalog_year == true && $setting_current_catalog_year > $earliest_catalog_year)
- {
- if ($this->catalog_year*1 > $setting_current_catalog_year)
- {
- $this->catalog_year = $setting_current_catalog_year; // current catalog_year.
- }
- }
- if ($this->catalog_year < $earliest_catalog_year && $this->catalog_year != 1900)
- {
- // Out of range, so set to default
- $this->catalog_year = $earliest_catalog_year;
- }
- $cat_line = "";
- if ($bool_force_catalog_year == true)
- {
- $cat_line = " AND catalog_year = '$this->catalog_year' ";
- }
- $cache_catalog_year = $this->catalog_year;
- if ($bool_ignore_catalog_year_in_cache == true)
- {
- $cache_catalog_year = 0;
- }
- if (!isset($this->array_valid_names))
- {
- $this->array_valid_names = array();
- }
- // First-- is this course in our GLOBALS cache for courses?
- // If it is, then load from that.
- if ($bool_load_from_global_cache == true && $this->course_id != 0 &&
- $GLOBALS["fp_course_inventory"][$this->course_id][$cache_catalog_year]["subject_id"] != "")
- {
- $this->subject_id = $GLOBALS["fp_course_inventory"][$this->course_id][$cache_catalog_year]["subject_id"];
- $this->course_num = $GLOBALS["fp_course_inventory"][$this->course_id][$cache_catalog_year]["course_num"];
- $this->title = $GLOBALS["fp_course_inventory"][$this->course_id][$cache_catalog_year]["title"];
- $this->description = $GLOBALS["fp_course_inventory"][$this->course_id][$cache_catalog_year]["description"];
- $this->min_hours = $GLOBALS["fp_course_inventory"][$this->course_id][$cache_catalog_year]["min_hours"];
- // Reset the ghosthours to default.
- $this->bool_ghost_hour = $this->bool_ghost_min_hour = FALSE;
- if ($this->min_hours <= 0) {
- $this->min_hours = 1;
- $this->bool_ghost_min_hour = TRUE;
- }
- $this->max_hours = $GLOBALS["fp_course_inventory"][$this->course_id][$cache_catalog_year]["max_hours"];
- if ($this->max_hours <= 0) {
- $this->max_hours = 1;
- $this->bool_ghost_hour = TRUE;
- }
- $this->repeat_hours = $GLOBALS["fp_course_inventory"][$this->course_id][$cache_catalog_year]["repeat_hours"];
- $this->db_exclude = $GLOBALS["fp_course_inventory"][$this->course_id][$cache_catalog_year]["db_exclude"];
- $this->array_valid_names = $GLOBALS["fp_course_inventory"][$this->course_id][$cache_catalog_year]["array_valid_names"];
- return;
- }
- if ($this->course_id != 0)
- {
- $exclude_line = " AND exclude = '0' ";
- if ($bool_ignore_exclude) {
- $exclude_line = "";
- }
- $table_name = "courses";
- if ($this->bool_use_draft) {$table_name = "draft_$table_name";}
- $res = $this->db->db_query("SELECT * FROM $table_name
- WHERE course_id = '?'
- AND catalog_year = '?'
- AND delete_flag = '0'
- $exclude_line ", $this->course_id, $this->catalog_year);
- $cur = $this->db->db_fetch_array($res);
- if ($this->db->db_num_rows($res) < 1)
- {
- // No results found, so instead pick the most recent
- // entry.
- $table_name = "courses";
- if ($this->bool_use_draft) {$table_name = "draft_$table_name";}
- $res2 = $db->db_query("SELECT * FROM $table_name
- WHERE course_id = '?'
- AND subject_id != ''
- AND delete_flag = '0'
- $exclude_line
- AND catalog_year <= '$setting_current_catalog_year'
- $cat_line
- ORDER BY `catalog_year` DESC LIMIT 1", $this->course_id);
- $cur = $db->db_fetch_array($res2);
- if ($db->db_num_rows($res2) < 1)
- {
- // Meaning, there were no results found that didn't have
- // the exclude flag set.
- // So, try to retrieve any course, even if it has
- // been excluded (but within our catalog year range)
- //$db3 = new DatabaseHandler();
- $table_name = "courses";
- if ($this->bool_use_draft) {$table_name = "draft_$table_name";}
- $res3 = $db->db_query("SELECT * FROM $table_name
- WHERE course_id = '?'
- AND subject_id != ''
- AND delete_flag = '0'
- AND catalog_year <= '$setting_current_catalog_year'
- $cat_line
- ORDER BY `catalog_year` DESC LIMIT 1", $this->course_id);
- $cur = $db->db_fetch_array($res3);
- }
- }
- $this->title = $this->fix_title($cur["title"]);
- $this->description = trim($cur["description"]);
- $this->subject_id = trim(strtoupper($cur["subject_id"]));
- $this->course_num = trim(strtoupper($cur["course_num"]));
- $this->min_hours = $cur["min_hours"] * 1; //*1 will trim extra zeros from end of decimals
- $this->max_hours = $cur["max_hours"] * 1;
- // Reset the ghosthours to default.
- $this->bool_ghost_hour = $this->bool_ghost_min_hour = FALSE;
- if ($this->min_hours <= 0) {
- $this->min_hours = 1;
- $this->bool_ghost_min_hour = TRUE;
- }
- if ($this->max_hours <= 0) {
- $this->max_hours = 1;
- $this->bool_ghost_hour = TRUE;
- }
- $this->repeat_hours = $cur["repeat_hours"] * 1;
- if ($this->repeat_hours <= 0)
- {
- $this->repeat_hours = $this->max_hours;
- }
- $this->db_exclude = $cur["exclude"];
- $this->data_entry_comment = $cur["data_entry_comment"];
- // Now, lets get a list of all the valid names for this course.
- // In other words, all the non-excluded names. For most
- // courses, this will just be one name. But for cross-listed
- // courses, this will be 2 or more (probably just 2 though).
- // Example: MATH 373 and CSCI 373 are both valid names for that course.
- $table_name = "courses";
- if ($this->bool_use_draft) {$table_name = "draft_$table_name";}
- $res = $this->db->db_query("SELECT * FROM $table_name
- WHERE course_id = '?'
- AND exclude = '0' ", $this->course_id);
- while($cur = $this->db->db_fetch_array($res))
- {
- $si = $cur["subject_id"];
- $cn = $cur["course_num"];
- if (in_array("$si~$cn", $this->array_valid_names))
- {
- continue;
- }
- $this->array_valid_names[] = "$si~$cn";
- }
- } else if ($this->bool_transfer == true)
- {
- // This is a transfer credit which did not have a local
- // course eqv. At the moment, the subject_id and
- // course_num are empty. So, let's fill them in with the
- // transfer credit's information.
- if ($this->course_transfer != null)
- {
- $this->subject_id = $this->course_transfer->subject_id;
- $this->course_num = $this->course_transfer->course_num;
- if ($this->course_transfer->hours_awarded > 0)
- {
- $this->hours_awarded = $this->course_transfer->hours_awarded;
- }
- }
- }
- if ($this->description == "")
- {
- $this->description = "There is no course description available at this time.";
- }
- if ($this->title == "")
- {
- $this->title = "$this->subject_id $this->course_num";
- }
- // Now, to reduce the number of database calls in the future, save this
- // to our GLOBALS cache...
- // We do need to go back and correct the ghost hours, setting them
- // back to 0 hrs, or else this will be a problem.
- $min_hours = $this->min_hours;
- $max_hours = $this->max_hours;
- if ($this->bool_ghost_min_hour) $min_hours = 0;
- if ($this->bool_ghost_hour) $max_hours = 0;
- // Since we may have trouble characters in the description (like smart quotes) let's
- // do our best to try to clean it up a little.
- $this->description = utf8_encode($this->description);
- $GLOBALS["fp_course_inventory"][$this->course_id][$cache_catalog_year]["subject_id"] = $this->subject_id;
- $GLOBALS["fp_course_inventory"][$this->course_id][$cache_catalog_year]["course_num"] = $this->course_num;
- $GLOBALS["fp_course_inventory"][$this->course_id][$cache_catalog_year]["title"] = $this->title;
- $GLOBALS["fp_course_inventory"][$this->course_id][$cache_catalog_year]["description"] = $this->description;
- $GLOBALS["fp_course_inventory"][$this->course_id][$cache_catalog_year]["min_hours"] = $min_hours;
- $GLOBALS["fp_course_inventory"][$this->course_id][$cache_catalog_year]["max_hours"] = $max_hours;
- $GLOBALS["fp_course_inventory"][$this->course_id][$cache_catalog_year]["repeat_hours"] = $this->repeat_hours;
- $GLOBALS["fp_course_inventory"][$this->course_id][$cache_catalog_year]["db_exclude"] = $this->db_exclude;
- $GLOBALS["fp_course_inventory"][$this->course_id][$cache_catalog_year]["array_valid_names"] = $this->array_valid_names;
- $GLOBALS["cache_course_inventory"] = true; // rebuild this cache before it closes.
- }
- /**
- * Similar to load_descriptive_data(), this will load whatever we have
- * for $this transfer course.
- *
- * @param int $student_id
- * - If > 0, we will look for the course data which has been
- * assigned for this particular student. If it == 0, we will
- * just use the first bit of data we find.
- *
- */
- function load_descriptive_transfer_data($student_id = 0)
- {
- // This method should be called to load transfer course data
- // into THIS object. It assumes that $this->course_id is a transfer
- // course's ID, which can be looked up in flightpath.transfer_courses.
- // If a student_id is specified, it will load eqv information.
- if ($this->db == null)
- {
- $this->db = get_global_database_handler();
- }
- $res = $this->db->db_query("SELECT * FROM transfer_courses
- WHERE transfer_course_id = '?' ", $this->course_id);
- $cur = $this->db->db_fetch_array($res);
- $this->subject_id = $cur["subject_id"];
- $this->course_num = $cur['course_num'];
- $this->title = $this->fix_title($cur['title']);
- $this->min_hours = $cur["min_hours"] * 1;
- $this->max_hours = $cur["max_hours"] * 1;
- $this->institution_id = $cur["institution_id"];
- // Try to figure out the institution name for this course...
- $this->institution_name = $this->db->get_institution_name($this->institution_id);
- if ($student_id > 0)
- {
- // Because transfer credit titles may differ from student
- // to student, let's look up the title in the per-student transfer courses table...
- $res = $this->db->db_query("SELECT * FROM student_transfer_courses
- WHERE student_id = '?'
- AND transfer_course_id = '?'
- ", $student_id, $this->course_id);
- $cur = $this->db->db_fetch_array($res);
- if (trim($cur["student_specific_course_title"]) != "") {
- $this->title = trim($cur["student_specific_course_title"]);
- }
- // Also assign hours_awarded while we are here.
- $this->hours_awarded = $cur["hours_awarded"] * 1;
- $already = array(); // to prevent duplicates from showing up, keep up with
- // eqv's we've already recorded.
- $res2 = $this->db->db_query("SELECT * FROM transfer_eqv_per_student
- WHERE student_id = '?'
- AND transfer_course_id = '?'
- ", $student_id, $this->course_id);
- while($cur2 = $this->db->db_fetch_array($res2))
- {
- if (!in_array($cur2["local_course_id"], $already)) {
- $c = new Course($cur2["local_course_id"]);
- $this->transfer_eqv_text .= "$c->subject_id $c->course_num
- (" . $c->get_catalog_hours() . " " . t("hrs") . ") ";
- $already[] = $cur2["local_course_id"];
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Based on $this->term_id, set what catalog year should go with
- * the course.
- *
- */
- function set_catalog_year_from_term_id()
- {
- if ($this->db == null)
- {
- $this->db = new DatabaseHandler();
- }
- if (strstr($this->term_id, "1111"))
- {
- $this->catalog_year = $GLOBALS["fp_system_settings"]["earliest_catalog_year"];
- }
- $this->catalog_year = trim(substr($this->term_id,0,4));
- // If the catalog year is greater than the currentCatalogYear
- // setting, then set it to that.
- if ($this->catalog_year > $GLOBALS["fp_system_settings"]["current_catalog_year"])
- {
- $this->catalog_year = $GLOBALS["fp_system_settings"]["current_catalog_year"];
- }
- }
- /**
- * Based on $this->term_id, returns a plain english description
- * of the term. For example, 20061 would return "Spring of 2006".
- *
- * @param bool $bool_abbreviate
- * - If set to TRUE, abbreviations will be used. For example,
- * Spring will be "Spr" and 2006 will be '06.
- *
- *
- * @return unknown
- */
- function get_term_description($bool_abbreviate = false)
- {
- // Let's use the built-in FP function
- return get_term_description($this->term_id, $bool_abbreviate);
- }
- /**
- * Basically, this is a comparator function that will return true
- * if $this equals many of the attributes of $course_c. Useful for
- * seeing if $this is an "instance of" a particular course, but not
- * necessairily the course that the student took. Example: if you want
- * to test if MATH 101 is part of a group. You wouldn't use ==, since
- * all the attributes might not be the same.
- *
- * @param Course $course_c
- *
- * @return bool
- */
- function equals_placeholder(Course $course_c)
- {
- // First, see if the courses are identical.
- if ($this->equals($course_c))
- {
- return true;
- }
- // Okay, now we go through and test for particular attributes
- // to be equal.
- if ($this->subject_id == $course_c->subject_id
- && $this->course_num == $course_c->course_num
- && $this->institution == $course_c->institution)
- {
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- /**
- * This is the to_string method for Course. Because we want to pass it
- * values, we are not using the magic method of "__to_string". So, to use,
- * invoke this method directly. Ex:
- *
- * $x = $newCourse->to_string("", true);
- *
- * @param string $pad
- * - How much padding to use. Specified in the form of a string
- * of spaces. Ex: " "
- *
- * @param bool $bool_show_random
- * - Display the randomly assigned number which goes with
- * this course.
- *
- * @return string
- */
- function to_string($pad = " ", $bool_show_random = false)
- {
- $rtn = "";
- if ($this->subject_id == "") {
- $this->load_descriptive_data();
- }
- if ($bool_show_random) {$x = "rnd:$this->random_id -";}
- $rtn = $pad . "$this->course_id $x- $this->subject_id $this->course_num ($this->hours_awarded) $this->grade $this->term_id";
- if ($this->course_list_fulfilled_by->is_empty != true) {
- // In other words, if this is a requirement, and it is
- // being fulfilled by one of the student's courses,
- // then let's see it.
- $rtn .= " ->fulfilled by " . $this->course_list_fulfilled_by->get_first()->to_string("");
- }
- if ($this->bool_transfer == true && is_object($this->course_transfer))
- {
- $rtn .= " - XFER eqv to " . $this->course_transfer->to_string("");
- } else if ($this->bool_transfer == true){
- $rtn .= " - XFER no eqv ";
- }
- if ($this->bool_advised_to_take) {
- $rtn .= " - adv in sem " . $this->assigned_to_semester_num . ".";
- }
- if ($this->bool_substitution) {
- $rtn .= " - substitution.";
- }
- if ($this->bool_exclude_repeat) {
- $rtn .= " - excluded repeat.";
- }
- if ($this->db_exclude > 0) {
- $rtn .= " - db_exclude = $this->db_exclude";
- }
- if ($this->specified_repeats > 0) {
- $rtn .= " reps: $this->specified_repeats";
- }
- $rtn .= "\n";
- return $rtn;
- }
- /**
- * This is the magic method __sleep(). PHP will call this method any time
- * this object is being serialized. It is supposed to return an array of
- * all the variables which need to be serialized.
- *
- * What we are doing in it is skipping
- * any variables which we are not using or which do not need to be
- * serialized. This will greatly reduce the size of the final serialized
- * string.
- *
- * It may not seem worth it at first, but consider that we may be serializing
- * an entire degree plan, with a dozen groups, each with every course in the
- * catalog. That could easily be 10,000+ courses which get serialized!
- *
- * @return array
- */
- function __sleep()
- {
- // This is supposed to return an array with the names
- // of the variables which are supposed to be serialized.
- $arr = array(
- "db_advised_courses_id",
- "db_substitution_id", "db_unassign_transfer_id",
- "db_exclude", "array_index", "db_group_requirement_id", "array_valid_names",
- "data_entry_value",
- "subject_id", "course_num", "course_id", "requirement_type", "catalog_year",
- "min_hours", "max_hours", "repeat_hours", "bool_outdated_sub",
- "bool_taken", "term_id", "section_number", "grade", "hours_awarded", "quality_points",
- "bool_transfer", "institution_id", "institution_name", "course_transfer", "transfer_footnote",
- "bool_substitution", "course_substitution", "substitution_hours",
- "bool_substitution_split", "substitution_footnote", "bool_substitution_new_from_split",
- "min_grade", "specified_repeats", "bool_specified_repeat", "required_on_branch_id",
- "assigned_to_group_id", "assigned_to_semester_num",
- "advised_hours", "bool_selected", "bool_advised_to_take", "bool_use_draft",
- "course_fulfilled_by", "course_list_fulfilled_by",
- "bool_has_been_assigned", "bool_added_course", "group_list_unassigned",
- "display_status", "bool_has_been_displayed", "bool_hide_grade", "bool_ghost_hour",
- "bool_ghost_min_hour",
- );
- // Okay, remove any variables we are not using
- // from the array.
- $rtn = array();
- foreach($arr as $var)
- {
- if (isset($this->$var)) // This checks to see if we are using
- { // the variable or not.
- $rtn[] = $var;
- }
- }
- return $rtn;
- }
- } // end of Course class.