function system_cron

7.x system.module system_cron()
6.x system.module system_cron()
5.x system.module system_cron()

Implementation of hook_cron

We will perform operations necessary for keep FlightPath's tables in shape.


modules/system/system.module, line 2573


function system_cron() {

  // Should we trim the watchdog table of extra entries?  Only once every so often, not every cron run.
  $last_run = intval(variable_get("system_last_run_trim_watchdog", 0));
  $check_against = strtotime("NOW - 7 DAYS"); // don't run any more often than once every 7 days
  $c = 0;
  if ($check_against > $last_run) {

    // Should we "trim" the watchdog table of old entries?
    $max_age_days = variable_get("max_watchdog_age", "1095");
    if ($max_age_days != "never" && ($max_age_days * 1) > 0) {

      // Okay, let's trim the table.
      $max_timestamp = strtotime("$max_age_days DAYS AGO");

      $result = db_query("DELETE FROM watchdog WHERE `timestamp` < ? ", $max_timestamp);
      $rows = db_affected_rows($result);
      if ($rows > 0) {
        watchdog("system", t("@rows old rows (older than @max days) trimmed from watchdog table on system cron run."), array("@rows" => $rows, "@max" => $max_age_days), WATCHDOG_DEBUG);


    // Should we trim the watchdog table of DEBUG records?
    $max_age_days = intval(variable_get("max_watchdog_debug_age", "30"));
    if ($max_age_days != "never" && ($max_age_days) > 0) {

      // Okay, let's trim the table.
      $max_timestamp = strtotime("$max_age_days DAYS AGO");

      $result = db_query("DELETE FROM watchdog WHERE `timestamp` < ? AND severity = ? ", $max_timestamp, WATCHDOG_DEBUG);
      $rows = db_affected_rows($result);
      if ($rows > 0) {
        watchdog("system", t("@rows old 'debug' rows (older than @max days) trimmed from watchdog table on system cron run."), array("@rows" => $rows, "@max" => $max_age_days), WATCHDOG_DEBUG);


    variable_set("system_last_run_trim_watchdog", time());

  } // check against > last_run, so we should do it.

  // Should we delete from user_attributes any mda_validation_codes which are older than X hours?
  $max_age_hours = 1;
  // Okay, let's trim the table.
  $max_timestamp = strtotime("$max_age_hours HOURS AGO");

  $result = db_query("DELETE FROM user_attributes WHERE `name` = 'mfa_validation_code' AND `updated` < ? ", $max_timestamp);
  $rows = db_affected_rows($result);
  if ($rows > 0) {
    watchdog("system", t("@rows old 'mfa_validation_code' rows (older than @max hours) trimmed from user_attributes table on system cron run."), array("@rows" => $rows, "@max" => $max_age_days), WATCHDOG_DEBUG);
