function system_block_regions

7.x system.module system_block_regions()
6.x system.module system_block_regions()
4.x system.module system_block_regions()
5.x system.module system_block_regions()

Hook block regions.

This function simply defines which block regions we will handle. Each block section should have a unique machine name, so it is best to namespace it with the name of the module, then page or tab it appears on.

The array looks like this: return array( "system_main" => array( "title" => t("Main Tab"), "regions" => array ( "left_col" => array("title" => t("Left Column")), "right_col" => array("title" => t("Right Column")), ), ), );

REMEMBER to make these machine-names, so only alpha numeric and underscores!


modules/system/system.module, line 254


function system_block_regions() {
  return array(
    "system_main" => array(
      "title" => t("Main Tab"),
      "regions" => array(
        "left_col" => array("title" => t("Left Column")),
        "right_col" => array("title" => t("Right Column")),
    "system_login" => array(
      "title" => t("Login Page"),
      "regions" => array(
        "top" => array("title" => t("Top")),
        "left_col" => array("title" => t("Left Column")),
        "right_col" => array("title" => t("Right Column")),
        "bottom" => array("title" => t("Bottom")),