function course_search_display_courses
Search API
7.x course_search.module | course_search_display_courses() |
6.x course_search.module | course_search_display_courses() |
4.x course_search.module | course_search_display_courses() |
5.x course_search.module | course_search_display_courses() |
Show the user their select of courses.
- modules/
course_search/ course_search.module, line 332 - This module allows users to search for courses, descriptions, and, if supported, rotation schedules and sample syllabi.
function course_search_display_courses() {
$rtn = "";
fp_add_css(fp_get_module_path("course_search") . "/css/course_search_style.css");
$mode = "";
// We are going to be setting up a render array for this screen, so other modules can alter it later.
$render = array();
$render ["#id"] = "course_search_display_courses";
$school_id = intval(@$_REQUEST ["school_id"]);
$current_catalog_year = variable_get_for_school("current_catalog_year", '', $school_id);
// catalog_year is always just whatever the current year is.
$catalog_year = $current_catalog_year;
$subject_id = $_REQUEST ["subject_id"];
$render ["#catalog_year"] = $catalog_year;
$render ["#school_id"] = $school_id;
$render ["#subject_id"] = $subject_id;
$clean_urls = variable_get("clean_urls", FALSE);
// Try to find out the title to this subject, if one exists
// in our subjects table.
$res = db_query("SELECT * FROM subjects
WHERE subject_id =?
AND school_id = ? ", $subject_id, $school_id);
$cur = db_fetch_array($res);
$title = $cur ["title"];
if ($title == "") {
$title = strip_tags($subject_id);
//$rtn .= t("Current catalog year:") . " <b>$catalog_year-" . ($catalog_year +1) . "</b>
// ";
if (module_enabled("schools")) {
$render ['selected_school_name'] = array(
'value' => "<div class='current-school'>" . t("Current school: ") . "<strong>" . schools_get_school_name_for_id($school_id) . "</strong>
- " . l(t("Change?"), "tools/course-search") . "</div>",
$render ["current_cat_year"] = array(
"value" => "<div class='current-cat-year-line'>" . t("Current catalog year:") . " <strong>$catalog_year-" . ($catalog_year + 1) . "</strong></div>",
$render ["subject_title"] = array(
"value" => "<div class='subject-title'><h2>$title</h2></div>",
// Draw the term selector.
$html = "";
$only_term = @strip_tags($_REQUEST ["only_term"]);
$html .= "<form id='term_form' action='" . fp_url("tools/course-search/courses") . "' method='GET'>
<input type='hidden' name='mode' value='$subject_id'>
<input type='hidden' name='subject_id' value='$subject_id'>
<input type='hidden' name='school_id' value='$school_id'>
if (!$clean_urls) {
// Hack for if clean URLs isn't enabled
$html .= "<input type='hidden' name='q' value='tools/course-search/courses'>";
$html .= "
View courses offered:
<select name='only_term' onChange='document.getElementById(\"term_form\").submit();'>
<option value=''>Any term</option>
$term_array = csv_to_array(variable_get_for_school("course_search_avail_term_id_suffix_order", '', $school_id));
$schedule_text = "";
for ($t = $catalog_year; $t <= $catalog_year + 4; $t++)
$html .= "<option value=''>---------------------</option>";
foreach ($term_array as $x)
$schedule_text .= "<td class='tenpt' align='center'>";
$the_term_id = $t . $x;
$temp_course = new Course();
$temp_course->term_id = $the_term_id;
$term_desc = $temp_course->get_term_description(false);
$sel = "";
if ($only_term != "" && $only_term == "$the_term_id") {
$sel = " selected";
$html .= "<option value='$the_term_id' $sel>$term_desc</option> \n";
$html .= "
$render ["term_selector_form"] = array(
"value" => $html,
if ($only_term != "") {
$temp_course = new Course();
$temp_course->term_id = $only_term;
$term_desc = $temp_course->get_term_description(false);
$render ["term_selected_only_term"] = array(
"value" => "<div style='font-weight: bold; padding-bottom: 20px;'>
" . t("The following courses are currently scheduled to be offered during @termdesc", array("@termdesc" => $term_desc)) . "
$term_structures = get_term_structures($school_id);
$grad_notice_flag = false;
$temp_course = new Course();
$result = db_query("SELECT * FROM courses
WHERE catalog_year = ?
AND subject_id = ?
AND exclude = 0
AND delete_flag = 0
AND school_id = ?
ORDER BY course_num ", $catalog_year, $subject_id, $school_id);
if ($result)
while ($cur = db_fetch_array($result))
$n_subject_id = trim($cur ["subject_id"]);
$n_course_num = trim($cur ["course_num"]);
$n_course_id = $cur ["course_id"];
$n_school_id = $cur ['school_id'];
$bool_hide = FALSE;
$title = trim($cur ["title"]);
$title = $temp_course->fix_title($title);
$description = trim($cur ["description"]);
if ($description == "") {
$description = t("No description is available at this time. Consult
the official course catalog for listings.");
$syllabus_text = "";
$syllabus_array = course_search_get_course_syllabus_details($n_course_id);
if (@$syllabus_array ["url"] != "")
$syllabus_text = "<div class='course-search-sample-syllabus'>
<a href='{$syllabus_array ["url"]}' class='nounderline'>
<i class='fa fa-file-text-o'></i>
" . t("Sample Syllabus") . "</a>
// Look for all 5 years.
$long_schedule_array = course_search_get_course_rotation_schedule($n_course_id, $catalog_year, 100, TRUE);
$schedule_array = course_search_get_course_rotation_schedule($n_course_id, $catalog_year);
$full_schedule_array = course_search_get_course_rotation_schedule($n_course_id);
$schedule_text = "";
if (count($long_schedule_array) > 0) {
$schedule_text .= "
<b>" . t("Anticipated availability:", array("@cat" => $catalog_year)) . "</b>
$s_disp = "auto";
if ($mode != "advanced")
{ // only show this in the basic mode, not advanced.
foreach ($schedule_array as $term_id)
$temp_course = new Course();
$temp_course->term_id = $term_id;
$schedule_text .= " " . $temp_course->get_term_description(true) . ",";
$schedule_text = substr($schedule_text, 0, -1); // take off comma.
$rnd_div_id = sha1(rand(1, 999999) . time());
$schedule_text .= "
<a href='javascript: toggleHideDiv(\"$rnd_div_id\");' class='nounderline'>
<span id='SPAN$rnd_div_id'>
" . t("more»") . "
</span></a> ";
$s_disp = "none";
// Consult our settings to find out what order our terms should be in.
$term_array = csv_to_array(variable_get_for_school("course_search_avail_term_id_suffix_order", '', $school_id));
// Get our table headers
$avail_headers = variable_get_for_school("course_search_avail_term_headers", '', $school_id);
$avail_mobile_headers = variable_get_for_school("course_search_avail_term_mobile_headers", '', $school_id);
$th = explode(",", $avail_headers);
$twidth = "90%";
$mleft = "20px;";
$schedule_text .= "
<div id='$rnd_div_id' style='display: $s_disp; margin-left: $mleft;'>
<table border='1' width='$twidth' class='fp-course-search-avail'>
<td>" . t("Year") . "</td>
foreach ($th as $header_text) {
$schedule_text .= "<td>" . trim($header_text) . "</td>";
$schedule_text .= " </tr>";
for ($t = $catalog_year; $t <= $catalog_year + 4; $t++)
$schedule_text .= "<tr>
<td class='tenpt' align='center'>
foreach ($term_array as $x)
$schedule_text .= "<td class='tenpt' align='center'>";
$the_term_id = $t . $x;
// Does the term suffix ($x) call for the year to be
// subtracted by 1, or modified at all? This is the case at ULM for fall.
// Ex: 201340 is Fall of *2012*, not 2013.
// We can tell this because the term structure (from admin settings)
if (strtoupper($term_structures [$x]["disp_adjust"]) == "[Y-1]" || strtoupper($term_structures [$x]["disp_adjust"]) == "[Y4-1]") {
// It is subtracted by one. So the year for "XYZ of 2016" is actually recorded as 2017xyz
$the_term_id = ($t + 1) . $x;
if (strtoupper($term_structures [$x]["disp_adjust"]) == "[Y+1]" || strtoupper($term_structures [$x]["disp_adjust"]) == "[Y4+1]") {
// It is added by one. So the year for "XYZ of 2016" is actually recorded as 2015xyz
$the_term_id = ($t - 1) . $x;
if (in_array($the_term_id, $full_schedule_array))
$schedule_text .= "<img src='" . fp_theme_location() . "/images/small_check.gif'>";
else {
if ($only_term != "" && $only_term == $the_term_id) {
// Meaning, the term that the user selected is NOT in this
// course's schedule. So, we should hide it.
$bool_hide = TRUE;
$schedule_text .= " </td>";
$schedule_text .= "</tr>";
$schedule_text .= "
else if ($only_term != "") {
// This is if there are NO schedule offerings, yet the user
// selected to view a particular term.
$bool_hide = TRUE;
if (course_search_get_course_rotation_schedule_not_anticipated($n_course_id))
// This course has no anticipated offerings!
$schedule_text = "<div><b>" . t("Anticipated availability:") . "</b>
" . t("There are no anticipated course offerings
at this time.") . "</div>";
if ($only_term != "") {
$bool_hide = TRUE;
$min_hours = trim($cur ["min_hours"] * 1);
$max_hours = trim($cur ["max_hours"] * 1);
if ($min_hours == $max_hours)
$hours = $min_hours;
else {
$hours = "$min_hours to $max_hours";
$repeat = "";
if (trim($cur ["repeat_hours"] * 1) > $min_hours)
$repeat = "<div class='course-search-repeat'>" . t("May be repeated for up to @repeat hours of credit.", array("@repeat" => $cur ["repeat_hours"] * 1)) . "</div>";
if (trim($cur ["repeat_hours"] * 1) > 20) {
$repeat = "<div class='course-search-repeat'>" . t("May be repeated for credit.") . "</div>";
// Draw it on screen...
if ($bool_hide != true) {
$details = $schedule_text . $syllabus_text;
$hyp1 = " - ";
$on_click = "";
$html = "";
// Note, the HTML comments are so other modules, that wish to manipulate this block, have something easy to find/replace
$html .= "<div class='course-search-course-block'>
<!-- TITLE-ROW -->
<div class='course-search-course-title-row'
<!-- COURSE-NAME -->
<span class='course-search-course-name'>$n_subject_id $n_course_num</span>
<span class='course-search-course-title'>$title</span> - $hours " . t("hrs.") . "$repeat
<!-- END-TITLE-ROW -->
<div class='course-search-course-extra'>
<!-- DESC -->
<div class='course-search-course-description'>$description</div>
<!-- END-DESC -->
<!-- DETAILS -->
<div class='course-search-course-details'>$details</div>
<!-- END-DETAILS -->
$html .= "</div>
<!-- END-COURSE-EXTRA -->"; // div course-search-course-extra
$html .= "</div>"; // div course-search-course-block
$render ["course_search_course_block__$n_course_id"] = array(
"value" => $html,
watchdog("course_search", "User viewed courses in subject: @subject", array("@subject" => $subject_id));
//$pC .= $screen->get_java_script_code();
$html = '
<script type="text/javascript">
function toggleHideDiv(rndDivID)
var d = document.getElementById(rndDivID);
if ( == "none")
{ = "";
document.getElementById("SPAN" + rndDivID).innerHTML = "«less";
} else { = "none";
document.getElementById("SPAN" + rndDivID).innerHTML = "more»";
function toggleCourseExtra(e) {
$render ["extra_javascript"] = array(
"value" => $html,
$rtn .= fp_render_content($render);
// Let's set our breadcrumbs
$crumbs = array();
$crumbs [] = array(
'text' => 'Courses',
'path' => 'tools/course-search',
return $rtn;