12 calls to content_get_types()

calendar_confirm_cancel_appointment_form in modules/calendar/calendar.module
Confirm we actually want to cancel this appointment
content_content_load in modules/content/content.module
Implementation of content's hook_content_load
content_content_save in modules/content/content.module
Implements hook_content_save. We will save the content object to the database.
content_display_content_admin_list in modules/content/content.module
Display a list of content for the administrator
content_edit_content_form in modules/content/content.module
This form lets the user edit some piece of content
content_edit_content_form_submit in modules/content/content.module
Submit handler for the edit content form.
content_edit_content_form_validate in modules/content/content.module
content_perm in modules/content/content.module
Implementation of hook_perm
content_unpublish_content_form in modules/content/content.module
content_view_content in modules/content/content.module
Display the content specified in the GET's cid.
engagements_display_main in modules/engagements/engagements.module
displays the main Engagements tab, which shows the history of past engagements.
_content_generate_create_table_sql in modules/content/content.module
Meant to be run by admin, this generates table creation sql for a given type.