function hook_content_load

7.x content.api.php hook_content_load(&$content)
6.x content.api.php hook_content_load(&$content)
4.x content.module hook_content_load(&$content)
5.x content.module hook_content_load(&$content)

This hook is called by the function content_load($cid), and allows other modules to act on content which is being loaded. As with other hooks, modules act on the hook based on their weight in the modules table in the database.

It should be noted that the content module itself makes use of this hook, with its function content_content_load()

1 function implements hook_content_load()

Note: this list is generated by pattern matching, so it may include some functions that are not actually implementations of this hook.

content_content_load in modules/content/content.module
Implementation of content's hook_content_load


modules/content/content.api.php, line 124


function hook_content_load(&$content) {
  $content->title = "Change the Title";
  // No need to return since we passes by reference.