function content_content_load

7.x content.module content_content_load(&$content)
6.x content.module content_content_load(&$content)
4.x content.module content_content_load(&$content)
5.x content.module content_content_load(&$content)

Implementation of content's hook_content_load

We simply wish to load from our db table. The cid is in $content->cid.


unknown_type $content:


modules/content/content.module, line 2110


function content_content_load(&$content) {

  $res = db_query("SELECT * FROM content WHERE cid = ? 
                    ORDER BY vid DESC 
                    LIMIT 1", array($content->cid));
  $content = db_fetch_object($res);

  if (!$content) {
    return FALSE;

  // Populate our field values in the content object

  $res = db_query("SELECT * FROM content__$content->type WHERE vid = ?", array($content->vid));
  $fieldvals = db_fetch_array($res);

  $types = content_get_types();

  // This condition can occur if we have content from a module which is no longer enables.
  if (!isset($types [$content->type])) {

  foreach ($types [$content->type]['fields'] as $fieldname => $details) {

    if ($details ['type'] != 'cfieldset') {
      $val = (string) @$fieldvals ['field__' . $fieldname];

      if (is_serialized_string($val)) {
        $val = unserialize($val);

      $content->{'field__' . $fieldname} = array('value' => $val, 'field' => $details);

      $display_value = $val;

      // Figure out or clean up the "display_value" for this field.        
      if (isset($details ['filter']) && $details ['filter'] != 'plain') {
        $display_value = filter_markup(trim($display_value), $details ['filter']);
      else {
        // Always assumed to be "plain" if no filter is set.
        if (is_string($display_value)) {
          $display_value = filter_markup($display_value, "plain");
          // Need to add in line breaks if this was plain.
          $display_value = nl2br(trim($display_value));

      // If this is a datetime-local field, then the value needs to be adjusted for it to work correctly.
      if ($details ['type'] == 'datetime-local') {
        if (trim($display_value) != '') {
          //$value = date('Y-m-d\TH:i', strtotime($value));
          $format = 'standard';
          if (isset($details ['format_date'])) {
            $format = $details ['format_date'];
          $display_value = format_date(convert_time(strtotime($display_value)), $format);

      // if this is a "time" field, then similar to datetime-local, it needs to be adjusted.  That's because
      // in the database we saved it as UTC.  We ned to now convert into the user's timezone.
      if ($details ['type'] == 'time') {
        if (trim($display_value) != '') {
          $format = 'standard';
          if (isset($details ['format_date'])) {
            $format = $details ['format_date'];
          $display_value = format_date(convert_time(strtotime("2001-01-01 $display_value")), 'custom', 'g:ia');

      // if this is a select list, we want to display the option label this value went with.
      if ($details ['type'] == 'select' || $details ['type'] == 'radios') {
        $temp = @$details ['options'][$val];
        if ($temp != "") {
          $display_value = $temp;

      // If this is a single checkbox, then the possible values are 1 or blank.  Let's make the display_value a little more interesting
      if ($details ['type'] == 'checkbox') {
        $val = intval($val);
        if ($val === 1) {
          $display_value = t("Yes / Checked");
        else {
          $display_value = t("No / Unchecked");

      // If this was a set of checkboxes ($val is an array), we want to display the label the values went to.
      if ($details ['type'] == 'checkboxes') {
        $display_value = "<div class='checkbox-values checkbox-values-field__$fieldname'>";
        // Convert val into an array.  It will look like:  ~~key~~key~~key~~ etc.
        // Only do this if it is not ALREADY an array.        
        if (is_string($val)) {

          @$temp = explode("~~", $val);
          if (!is_array($temp)) {
            $temp = array();

          $val = array();
          foreach ($temp as $k) {
            if (trim($k) == "") {
            $val [$k] = $k;


        if (is_array($val)) {
          foreach ($val as $k => $v) {
            $temp = @$details ['options'][$v];
            if ($temp != "") {
              $display_value .= "<div class='checkbox-val'>$temp</div>";

        $display_value .= "</div>";
        $content->{'field__' . $fieldname}['value'] = $val;


      if ($details ['type'] == 'file') {

        if ($val != "") {
          $display_value = "";
          $fids = explode(",", $val);
          foreach ($fids as $fid) {
            if ($fid == '') {
            $fid = intval($fid);
            $file = content_get_uploaded_file($fid);
            if ($file) {
              $url = $file ['url'];
              $display_value .= "<div class='field-file-attachment-wrapper'><a href='$url'>" . $file ['original_filename'] . "</a></div>";


      $content->{'field__' . $fieldname}['display_value'] = $display_value;
    } // type != cfieldset
    else {
      // This is a fieldset, so we need to go into all its elements.
      foreach ($details ['elements'] as $c => $v) {
        foreach ($details ['elements'][$c] as $fieldname => $edetails) {
          $val = @$fieldvals ['field__' . $fieldname];
          if (is_serialized_string($val)) {
            $val = unserialize($val);

          $content->{'field__' . $fieldname} = array('value' => $val, 'field' => $details);
          $display_value = $val;
          if (isset($edetails ['filter']) && $edetails ['filter'] != 'plain') {
            $display_value = filter_markup(trim($display_value), $edetails ['filter']);
          else {
            // Always assumed to be "plain" if no filter is set.
            $display_value = filter_markup($display_value, "plain");
            // Need to add in line breaks if this was plain.
            $display_value = nl2br(trim($display_value));

          // If this is a datetime-local field, then the value needs to be adjusted for it to work correctly.
          if ($edetails ['type'] == 'datetime-local') {
            if (trim($display_value) != '') {
              //$value = date('Y-m-d\TH:i', strtotime($value));
              $format = 'standard';
              if (isset($details ['format_date'])) {
                $format = $details ['format_date'];
              $display_value = format_date(convert_time(strtotime($display_value)), $format);

          // if this is a "time" field, then similar to datetime-local, it needs to be adjusted.  That's because
          // in the database we saved it as UTC.  We ned to now convert into the user's timezone.
          if ($edetails ['type'] == 'time') {
            if (trim($display_value) != '') {
              $format = 'standard';
              if (isset($details ['format_date'])) {
                $format = $details ['format_date'];
              $display_value = format_date(convert_time(strtotime("2001-01-01 $display_value")), 'custom', 'g:ia');

          // if this is a select list, we want to display the option label this value went with.
          if ($edetails ['type'] == 'select') {
            $temp = @$edetails ['options'][$val];
            if ($temp != "") {
              $display_value = $temp;

          if ($edetails ['type'] == 'file') {
            $fid = intval($val);
            $file = content_get_uploaded_file($fid);
            if ($file) {
              $url = $file ['url'];
              $display_value = "<a href='$url'>" . $file ['original_filename'] . "</a>";

          // If this was a set of checkboxes ($val is an array), we want to display the label the values went to.
          if ($edetails ['type'] == 'checkboxes') {
            $display_value = "<div class='checkbox-values checkbox-values-field__$fieldname'>";
            // Convert val into an array.  It will look like:  ~~key~~key~~key~~ etc.
            $temp = explode("~~", $val);
            $val = array();
            foreach ($temp as $k) {
              if (trim($k) == "") {
              $val [$k] = $k;

            if (is_array($val)) {
              foreach ($val as $k => $v) {
                $temp = @$details ['options'][$v];
                if ($temp != "") {
                  $display_value .= "<div class='checkbox-val'>$temp</div>";
            $display_value .= "</div>";
            $content->{'field__' . $fieldname}['value'] = $val;


          $content->{'field__' . $fieldname}['display_value'] = $display_value;

    } // else type == cfielset

  } // foreach  
