function advise_cron
Search API
7.x advise.module | advise_cron() |
6.x advise.module | advise_cron() |
- modules/
advise/ advise.module, line 265
function advise_cron() {
// Delete advising data which has been marked with "delete_flag = 1"
$last_run = intval(variable_get("advise_last_run_delete_flag_removal", 0));
$check_against = strtotime("NOW - 7 DAYS"); // don't run any more often than once every 7 days.
$c = 0;
if ($check_against > $last_run) {
$res = db_query("SELECT * FROM advising_sessions
WHERE delete_flag = 1 ");
while ($cur = db_fetch_object($res)) {
$asid = $cur->advising_session_id;
// Delete courses that were part of this advising session.
db_query("DELETE FROM advised_courses WHERE advising_session_id = ?", array($asid));
// Lastly, delete from advising_sessions table itself.
db_query("DELETE FROM advising_sessions WHERE advising_session_id = ?", array($asid));
watchdog("advise", "Deleted from flagged db deleted advising_session_id $asid", array(), WATCHDOG_DEBUG);
} // while cur
watchdog("advise", "Delete from flagged advising sessions db complete. $c items removed.", array(), WATCHDOG_DEBUG);
$res = db_query("DELETE FROM student_substitutions WHERE delete_flag = 1");
$c = db_affected_rows($res);
watchdog("advise", "Delete from flagged student substitutions db complete. $c items removed.", array(), WATCHDOG_DEBUG);
$res = db_query("DELETE FROM student_unassign_group WHERE delete_flag = 1");
$c = db_affected_rows($res);
watchdog("advise", "Delete from flagged student unassign group db complete. $c items removed.", array(), WATCHDOG_DEBUG);
$res = db_query("DELETE FROM student_unassign_transfer_eqv WHERE delete_flag = 1");
$c = db_affected_rows($res);
watchdog("advise", "Delete from flagged student unassign transfer eqv db complete. $c items removed.", array(), WATCHDOG_DEBUG);
variable_set("advise_last_run_delete_flag_removal", time());
} // check against > last_run, so we should do it.