function advise_display_history
Search API
7.x | advise_display_history() |
6.x | advise_display_history() |
4.x | advise_display_history() |
5.x | advise_display_history() |
Displays the history tab on screen.
- modules/
advise/, line 11
function advise_display_history() {
global $current_student_id;
$student_id = $current_student_id;
$db = get_global_database_handler();
$extra_style = $ast = "";
$rtn = "";
fp_add_css(fp_get_module_path("advise") . "/css/advise.css");
fp_add_js(fp_get_module_path("advise") . "/js/advise.js");
$rtn .= "<table class='fp-semester-table'>";
// If coming here from a save, display info here.
if (@$_REQUEST ["adv_id_array_serialized"] != "") {
$click_links = "";
$advising_session_id_array = unserialize($_REQUEST ["adv_id_array_serialized"]);
foreach ($advising_session_id_array as $term_id => $value) {
$term_id = (string) $term_id; // Make sure term_id is a standard string
$aid = $advising_session_id_array [$term_id];
if ($aid != "")
$term_name = get_term_description($term_id);
$turl = fp_url("advise/popup-display-summary", "advising_session_id=$aid");
$click_links .= "<li>
<a href='javascript: popupPrintWindow(\"" . $turl . "\");'>
<img src='" . fp_theme_location() . "/images/popup.gif' border='0'>
$rtn .= "
<td colspan='2' width='100%'>
<div class='hypo'
align='left' style='border: 1px solid black;
margin: 10px 0px 10px 0px; padding: 10px;
font-size: 12pt; font-weight: bold;'>
" . t("You have successfully advised") . " " . $db->get_student_name($student_id) . " ($student_id).
<br><span style='color: blue;'>" . t("Click
to view a pop-up printable summary for:") . "
<ul style='margin-top: 5px; margin-bottom: 5px;'>
$rtn .= "<tr><td width='50%' valign='top' style='padding-right: 10px;'>
///////// Advising History
$rtn .= fp_render_curved_line(t("Advising History"));
$render_left = array(); // creating a new render array.
$render_left ["#id"] = "advise_history_left_column";
$render_left ["#student_id"] = $student_id;
//$rtn .= "<table border='0' cellspacing='0'>";
$old_session_d_t = 0;
$a_count = 0;
$c = 0;
$is_empty = true;
$first_style = "color: maroon; font-weight:bold;";
$advising_session_id_array = array();
$on_mouse_over = "
$html = "";
$res = db_query("SELECT * FROM advising_sessions
WHERE student_id = '?'
AND is_draft = '0'
AND is_empty = '0'
ORDER BY `posted` DESC, `term_id` DESC ", $student_id);
while ($cur = db_fetch_array($res)) {
extract($cur, 3, "db");
$dt = date("n/j/y g:ia", $db_posted);
$html = "";
// Is this datetime within 5 seconds of the previous datetime?
// If so, they were likely saved together, and are part
// of the same advising session. Otherwise, this is a NEW
// advising session. The if statement below is testing is this
// a new advising session.
$test_d_t = $db_posted;
if ($old_session_d_t < ($test_d_t - 5) || $old_session_d_t > ($test_d_t + 5))
$p = "20px;";
if ($a_count == 0)
$p = "10px;";
$old_session_d_t = $test_d_t;
$advised_by = "<div style='padding-top: $p'>
<b>" . t("Advised by") . " " . fp_get_faculty_name($db_faculty_id, false) . "</b>
$rtn .= "<tr><td colspan='2' class='tenpt'>
$html .= "<div class='tenpt'>$advised_by</div>";
$is_empty = false;
if ($a_count > 1) {
$first_style = "";
$turl = fp_url("advise/popup-display-summary", "advising_session_id=$db_advising_session_id");
$advising_session_id_array [] = $db_advising_session_id;
$on_click = "popupPrintWindow(\"" . $turl . "\");";
$term = get_term_description($db_term_id);
$rtn .= "<tr $on_mouse_over style='cursor: pointer; $first_style'
<td valign='top' class='tenpt'
<td valign='top' class='tenpt'>
$html .= "<div $on_mouse_over style='cursor: pointer; $first_style' onClick='$on_click'>
<div class='tenpt' style='display: inline-block; padding-left:20px; width:165px;'>$term</div>
<div class='tenpt' style='display: inline-block;'>$dt</div>
// If this is more than X number, let's hide the rest in a collapsible fieldset.
if ($c < 5) {
$render_left ["advising_history_$c"] = array(
"value" => $html,
"weight" => $c,
else {
// Let's place in a collapsible fieldset!
if (!isset($render_left ["advising_history_fs"])) {
$render_left ["advising_history_fs"] = array(
"type" => "cfieldset",
"label" => t("View complete advising history"),
"start_closed" => TRUE,
"elements" => array(),
"weight" => $c,
$render_left ["advising_history_fs"]["elements"][] = array("advising_history_$c" => array(
"value" => $html,
//$rtn .= "</table>";
if ($is_empty == true) {
//$rtn .= "<div class='tenpt'>No advising history available.</div>";
$render_left ["markup_no_adv_history"] = array(
"value" => t("No advising history available."),
else {
$print_all_url = fp_url("advise/popup-display-summary", "advising_session_id=" . join(",", $advising_session_id_array));
$render_left ["markup_print_all"] = array(
"value" => "<a href='javascript: popupPrintWindow(\"" . $print_all_url . "\");'
class='nounderline tenpt'><img src='" . fp_theme_location() . "/images/popup.gif' border='0'>view/print all</a>
"weight" => -1,
// Okay, we can render the left-hand side now.
$rtn .= fp_render_content($render_left);
//------------------------------ COMMENT HISTORY -----------------------------------------
$rtn .= "</td><td width='50%' valign='top'>";
$rtn .= fp_render_curved_line(t("Comment History"));
//$rtn .= "<table border='0' cellspacing='0'>";
// Prepare a render array for the right-hand side.
$render_right = array();
$render_right ["#id"] = "advise_history_right_column";
$render_right ["#student_id"] = $student_id;
$html = "";
$old_term_id = "";
$first_style = "first";
$is_empty = true;
$has_admin_category = false;
$access_line = "";
//if (!user_has_permission("view_faculty_comments")) {
// $access_line = "and `access_type`='public' ";
$access_types = (user_has_permission("view_faculty_comments")) ? array("faculty", "public") : array("public");
$turl = fp_url("comments/popup-display-all-comments");
$rtn .= "<tr><td colspan='3' class='tenpt'>
<!--STARTCOM--><div style='padding-top: 10px;'>
<b>" . t("Advising Comments") . "</b>
<a href='javascript: popupPrintWindow(\"" . $turl . "\");'
class='nounderline'><img src='" . fp_theme_location() . "/images/popup.gif' border='0'>view/print all</a>
$html .= "<div colspan='3' class='tenpt'>
<!--STARTCOM--><div style='padding-top: 10px;'>
<b>" . t("Advising Comments") . "</b>
<a href='javascript: popupPrintWindow(\"" . $turl . "\");'
class='nounderline'><img src='" . fp_theme_location() . "/images/popup.gif' border='0'>view/print all</a>
// Use the function comments_get_comments instead of a direct query.
$res = comments_get_comments($student_id, FALSE, $access_types);
$res = db_query("SELECT * FROM advising_comments
WHERE student_id = '?'
AND delete_flag = '0'
order by `posted` desc ", $student_id);
//while ($cur = db_fetch_array($res))
foreach ($res as $cur)
extract($cur, 3, "db");
$dt = format_date($db_posted);
if ($first_style == "first")
$first_style = "color: maroon; font-weight:bold;
$turl = fp_url("comments/popup-display-comment", "id=$db_id");
$on_click = "popupPrintWindow(\"" . $turl . "\");";
$rtn .= "<tr $on_mouse_over style='cursor:pointer; $first_style $extra_style'
<td valign='top' width='165' class='tenpt'
style='padding-left: 20px;'>
" . fp_get_faculty_name($db_faculty_id, false) . "
<td valign='top' class='tenpt'>
$html .= "<div $on_mouse_over style='cursor:pointer; $first_style $extra_style'
<div class='tenpt' style='padding-left: 20px; width:165px; display:inline-block;'>
" . fp_get_faculty_name($db_faculty_id, false) . "
<div class='tenpt' style='display: inline-block;'>
$is_empty = false;
$first_style = "";
if ($is_empty == true) {
$rtn .= "<tr><td colspan='4' class='tenpt'>
<div style='padding-left: 20px;'>
" . t("No comment history available.") . "</div></td></tr>";
$render_right ["markup_no_comment_history"] = array(
"value" => t("No comment history available."),
$render_right ["comment_history"] = array(
"value" => $html,
"weight" => 0,
//$rtn .= "</table>";
// Render our render array now...
$rtn .= fp_render_content($render_right);
$rtn .= "</td></tr>";
$rtn .= "</table>";
return $rtn;