30 calls to invoke_hook()

admin_apply_draft_changes_form_submit in modules/admin/admin.module
Handles the actual moving of draft courses into production.
advise_init_screen in modules/advise/advise.module
bootstrap.inc in ./bootstrap.inc
This file should be included by every public-facing page of FlightPath. It will include all the classes, as well as settings and function files, and modules.
cron.php in ./cron.php
The cron.php file for FlightPath, which should be run periodically.
fp_get_student_majors in includes/db.inc
Return back the codes or records for a student's degrees, based on what is in the student_degrees table (thanks to system.module), as well as what we get from hooks.
fp_render_currently_advising_box in includes/theme.inc
Draws the CurrentlyAdvisingBox which appears at the top of the screen, containing the student's information like name, major, etc.
get_term_description in includes/misc.inc
Convert a term ID into a description. Ex: 20095 = Spring of 2009.
index.php in ./index.php
The primary entry point for FlightPath.
menu_rebuild_cache in includes/menu.inc
Go through all installed modules and rebuild the menu_router table, based on each module's hook_menu function.
stats_display_main in modules/stats/stats.module
Main menu screen for this module.
system_display_status_page in modules/system/system.module
This page displayes the results of each module's hook_status.
system_perform_run_cron in modules/system/system.module
Called from menu, will run hook_cron() for all modules.
t in includes/misc.inc
This function will facilitate translations by using hook_translate()
_AdvisingScreen::build_footnotes in classes/_AdvisingScreen.php
Constructs the HTML which will show footnotes for substitutions and transfer credits.
_AdvisingScreen::build_screen_elements in classes/_AdvisingScreen.php
This function calls the other "build" functions to assemble the View or What If tabs in FlightPath.
_AdvisingScreen::display_screen in classes/_AdvisingScreen.php
This function generates the HTML to display the screen. Should be used in conjunction with output_to_browser()
_AdvisingScreen::display_semester in classes/_AdvisingScreen.php
Given a Semester object, this will generate the HTML to draw it out to the screen.
_AdvisingScreen::draw_course_row in classes/_AdvisingScreen.php
This is used by lots of other functions to display a course on the screen. It will show the course, the hours, the grade, and quality points, as well as any necessary icons next to it.
_AdvisingScreen::draw_group_select_row in classes/_AdvisingScreen.php
This draws the "blank row" for a group on the degree plan, which instructs the user to click on it to select a course from the popup.
_AdvisingScreen::draw_popup_group_select_course_row in classes/_AdvisingScreen.php
Used in the group selection popup, this will display a course with a radio button next to it, so the user can select it.
_AdvisingScreen::draw_progress_boxes in classes/_AdvisingScreen.php
This function calls drawPieChart to construct the student's 3 progress pie charts.
_AdvisingScreenTypeView::display_semester_list in classes/_AdvisingScreenTypeView.php
Display contents of a semester list as a single semester, only displaying courses matching the requirement_type. If the requirement_type is "e", then we will also look for anything not containing a defined requirement_type.
_Course::load_course in classes/_Course.php
Loads $this as a new course, based on course_id.
_CourseList::find_best_grade_match in classes/_CourseList.php
Find a list of matches to Course courseC, which fulfill the min_grade requirement, ordered by most best grade first.
_CourseList::find_most_recent_match in classes/_CourseList.php
Find a list of matches to Course courseC, which fulfill the min_grade requirement, ordered by most recently taken.
_DegreePlan::load_degree_plan in classes/_DegreePlan.php
Load our complete degree plan, including all courses and groups.
_FlightPath::assign_courses_to_list in classes/_FlightPath.php
_FlightPath::save_advising_session_from_post in classes/_FlightPath.php
_Group::load_group in classes/_Group.php
_Student::load_student in classes/_Student.php