function hook_clear_cache

Allows each module to perform actions when the cache is cleared.

If your custom module needs to clear its own cache, for example, then you should implement this hook and place your module-specific code inside.

4 functions implement hook_clear_cache()

Note: this list is generated by pattern matching, so it may include some functions that are not actually implementations of this hook.

advise_clear_cache in modules/advise/advise.module
Implementation of hook_clear_cache Called by other modules, this function will take care of clearing anything this module has cached.
fp_clear_cache in includes/
Call all modules which implement hook_clear_cache
system_clear_cache in modules/system/system.module
Implements hook_clear_cache Take care of clearing caches managed by this module
system_perform_clear_cache in modules/system/system.module
This function will clear our various caches by calling on the hook_clear_cache in each module.


includes/hook.api.php, line 482
Lists all available hooks within FlightPath's core code.


function hook_clear_cache() {
  db_query("DELETE FROM mymodule_cache_tables WHERE 1");