18 calls to fp_get_faculty_name()

advise_display_history in modules/advise/advise.history.inc
Displays the history tab on screen.
advise_popup_display_summary in modules/advise/advise.history.inc
Displays the printable advising summary.
alerts_advisees_alerts_form in modules/alerts/alerts.module
Displays alerts for our various advisees.
audit_display_audit in modules/audit/audit.module
calendar_build_custom_calendar in modules/calendar/calendar.module
Actually renders the HTML for the calendar.
calendar_confirm_cancel_appointment_form_submit in modules/calendar/calendar.module
calendar_display_schedule_appointment_page in modules/calendar/calendar.module
This is the page which lets students schedule an appointment with the faculty member supplied in the user_id.
calendar_display_schedule_staff_page in modules/calendar/calendar.module
This page (primarily meant for students) is for quickly finding your advisor or professor or whomever, and finding their link to schedule an appointment with them.
calendar_find_and_remind_notify_upcoming_appointments in modules/calendar/calendar.module
This function will find appointments approaching within X number of minutes, and send out notifications to all involved.
calendar_form_alter in modules/calendar/calendar.module
Implements hook_form_alter
calendar_schedule_appointment_confirm_form in modules/calendar/calendar.module
The confirmation form the user will see once they have made their schedule selections.
calendar_schedule_appointment_confirm_form_submit in modules/calendar/calendar.module
We passed validation, it's time to actually submit now!
comments_render_comment in modules/comments/comments.module
Display the comment array in a pretty way.
fp_render_top_nav_content in includes/theme.inc
Returns the HTML for the top navigation content of the screen itself.
student_files_content_alter in modules/student_files/student_files.module
Implememnt hook_content_alter
system_display_dashboard_page in modules/system/system.module
This is the "dashboard" page for FlightPath, which replaces the "main" page from FP 5.
user_edit_user_advisees_form in modules/user/user.module
This form lets us populate the advisor_student table
user_edit_user_form in modules/user/user.module
Let the user edit a user's roles and other information.