22 calls to db_fetch_object()

admin_cron in modules/admin/admin.module
admin_display_watchdog in modules/admin/admin.module
admin_display_watchdog_entry in modules/admin/admin.module
Display the details of a particular watchdog entry, specified by its table id.
advise_cron in modules/advise/advise.module
alerts_advisees_alerts_form in modules/alerts/alerts.module
Displays alerts for our various advisees.
alerts_display_advisee_activities_page in modules/alerts/alerts.module
Display all advisee activities since the beginning of time, thanks to pager query.
calendar_build_custom_calendar in modules/calendar/calendar.module
Actually renders the HTML for the calendar.
calendar_find_and_remind_notify_upcoming_appointments in modules/calendar/calendar.module
This function will find appointments approaching within X number of minutes, and send out notifications to all involved.
calendar_get_appointments_for_faculty in modules/calendar/calendar.module
Return back a list of appointment content nodes for this faculty member, which fall between the specified datetimes.
calendar_get_upcoming_appointments_for_cwid in modules/calendar/calendar.module
Returns an array of upcoming appointments, where the user is specified by CWID. start_date and end_date is meant to be in UTC, in the form of Y-m-d
content_content_load in modules/content/content.module
Implementation of content's hook_content_load
content_cron in modules/content/content.module
content_get_content_for_faculty_id in modules/content/content.module
This function will look for content (in the content tables) for a field called field__faculty_id, and return an array of fully loaded content objects.
content_public_files_form in modules/content/content.module
This screen lets the user upload/manage/delete "public files" stored at custom/files/content_uploads/public_uploads/
DatabaseHandler::get_course_db_row in classes/DatabaseHandler.php
Returns an object from db query for a row we find with matching course_id, from the most recent catalog year.
engagements_display_advisee_engagements_page in modules/engagements/engagements.module
engagements_display_main in modules/engagements/engagements.module
displays the main Engagements tab, which shows the history of past engagements.
fp_load_user in includes/db.inc
Returns back a user object for this user_id. If the user is not found in the users table, it will return NULL. If the user_id requested is 0, the anonymous user object is returned.
student_search_display_majors_search in modules/student_search/student_search.module
Display the majors search sub-tab, where we can select a major and see the students assigned to it.
student_search_get_majors_for_fapi in modules/student_search/student_search.module
Returns an array of majors from the database, suitable for use with our Form API.
system_display_dashboard_page in modules/system/system.module
This is the "dashboard" page for FlightPath, which replaces the "main" page from FP 5.
z__admin_display_watchdog in modules/admin/admin.module
Displays recent watchdog entries, from the watchdog table