function pPie::draw2DRing
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5.x pPie.class.php | pPie::draw2DRing($X, $Y, $Format = "") |
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pchart/ pchart/ class/ pPie.class.php, line 886
function draw2DRing($X, $Y, $Format = "")
$OuterRadius = isset($Format ["Radius"]) ? $Format ["Radius"] : 60;
$Precision = isset($Format ["Precision"]) ? $Format ["Precision"] : 0;
$InnerRadius = isset($Format ["Radius"]) ? $Format ["Radius"] : 30;
$Border = isset($Format ["Border"]) ? $Format ["Border"] : FALSE;
$BorderR = isset($Format ["BorderR"]) ? $Format ["BorderR"] : 255;
$BorderG = isset($Format ["BorderG"]) ? $Format ["BorderG"] : 255;
$BorderB = isset($Format ["BorderB"]) ? $Format ["BorderB"] : 255;
$BorderAlpha = isset($Format ["BorderAlpha"]) ? $Format ["BorderAlpha"] : 100;
$Shadow = isset($Format ["Shadow"]) ? $Format ["Shadow"] : FALSE;
$DrawLabels = isset($Format ["DrawLabels"]) ? $Format ["DrawLabels"] : FALSE;
$LabelStacked = isset($Format ["LabelStacked"]) ? $Format ["LabelStacked"] : FALSE;
$LabelColor = isset($Format ["LabelColor"]) ? $Format ["LabelColor"] : PIE_LABEL_COLOR_MANUAL;
$LabelR = isset($Format ["LabelR"]) ? $Format ["LabelR"] : 0;
$LabelG = isset($Format ["LabelG"]) ? $Format ["LabelG"] : 0;
$LabelB = isset($Format ["LabelB"]) ? $Format ["LabelB"] : 0;
$LabelAlpha = isset($Format ["LabelAlpha"]) ? $Format ["LabelAlpha"] : 100;
$WriteValues = isset($Format ["WriteValues"]) ? $Format ["WriteValues"] : NULL; //PIE_VALUE_PERCENTAGE
$ValuePadding = isset($Format ["ValuePadding"]) ? $Format ["ValuePadding"] : 5;
$ValuePosition = isset($Format ["ValuePosition"]) ? $Format ["ValuePosition"] : PIE_VALUE_OUTSIDE;
$ValueSuffix = isset($Format ["ValueSuffix"]) ? $Format ["ValueSuffix"] : "";
$ValueR = isset($Format ["ValueR"]) ? $Format ["ValueR"] : 255;
$ValueG = isset($Format ["ValueG"]) ? $Format ["ValueG"] : 255;
$ValueB = isset($Format ["ValueB"]) ? $Format ["ValueB"] : 255;
$ValueAlpha = isset($Format ["ValueAlpha"]) ? $Format ["ValueAlpha"] : 100;
$RecordImageMap = isset($Format ["RecordImageMap"]) ? $Format ["RecordImageMap"] : FALSE;
/* Data Processing */
$Data = $this->pDataObject->getData();
$Palette = $this->pDataObject->getPalette();
/* Do we have an abscissa serie defined? */
if ($Data ["Abscissa"] == "") {
/* Try to find the data serie */
$DataSerie = "";
foreach ($Data ["Series"] as $SerieName => $SerieData)
if ($SerieName != $Data ["Abscissa"]) {
$DataSerie = $SerieName;
/* Do we have data to compute? */
if ($DataSerie == "") {
/* Remove unused data */
list($Data, $Palette) = $this->clean0Values($Data, $Palette, $DataSerie, $Data ["Abscissa"]);
/* Compute the pie sum */
$SerieSum = $this->pDataObject->getSum($DataSerie);
/* Do we have data to draw? */
if ($SerieSum == 0) {
/* Dump the real number of data to draw */
$Values = array();
foreach ($Data ["Series"][$DataSerie]["Data"] as $Key => $Value)
if ($Value != 0) {
$Values [] = $Value;
/* Compute the wasted angular space between series */
if (count($Values) == 1) {
$WastedAngular = 0;
else {
$WastedAngular = 0;
} // count($Values)
/* Compute the scale */
$ScaleFactor = (360 - $WastedAngular) / $SerieSum;
$RestoreShadow = $this->pChartObject->Shadow;
if ($this->pChartObject->Shadow)
$this->pChartObject->Shadow = FALSE;
$ShadowFormat = $Format;
$ShadowFormat ["Shadow"] = TRUE;
$this->draw2DRing($X + $this->pChartObject->ShadowX, $Y + $this->pChartObject->ShadowY, $ShadowFormat);
/* Draw the polygon pie elements */
$Step = 360 / (2 * PI * $OuterRadius);
$Offset = 0;
$ID = 0;
foreach ($Values as $Key => $Value)
if ($Shadow)
$Settings = array("R" => $this->pChartObject->ShadowR, "G" => $this->pChartObject->ShadowG, "B" => $this->pChartObject->ShadowB, "Alpha" => $this->pChartObject->Shadowa);
$BorderColor = $Settings;
if (!isset($Palette [$ID]["R"])) {
$Color = $this->pChartObject->getRandomColor();
$Palette [$ID] = $Color;
$this->pDataObject->savePalette($ID, $Color);
$Settings = array("R" => $Palette [$ID]["R"], "G" => $Palette [$ID]["G"], "B" => $Palette [$ID]["B"], "Alpha" => $Palette [$ID]["Alpha"]);
if ($Border) {
$BorderColor = array("R" => $BorderR, "G" => $BorderG, "B" => $BorderB, "Alpha" => $BorderAlpha);
else {
$BorderColor = $Settings;
$Plots = array();
$Boundaries = array();
$AAPixels = array();
$EndAngle = $Offset + ($Value * $ScaleFactor);
if ($EndAngle > 360) {
$EndAngle = 360;
for ($i = $Offset; $i <= $EndAngle; $i = $i + $Step)
$Xc = cos(($i -90) * PI / 180) * $OuterRadius + $X;
$Yc = sin(($i -90) * PI / 180) * $OuterRadius + $Y;
if (!isset($Boundaries [0]["X1"])) {
$Boundaries [0]["X1"] = $Xc;
$Boundaries [0]["Y1"] = $Yc;
$AAPixels [] = array($Xc, $Yc);
if ($i < 90) {
if ($i > 180 && $i < 270) {
if ($i >= 270) {
$Plots [] = $Xc;
$Plots [] = $Yc;
$Boundaries [1]["X1"] = $Xc;
$Boundaries [1]["Y1"] = $Yc;
$Lasti = $EndAngle;
for ($i = $EndAngle; $i >= $Offset; $i = $i -$Step)
$Xc = cos(($i -90) * PI / 180) * ($InnerRadius -1) + $X;
$Yc = sin(($i -90) * PI / 180) * ($InnerRadius -1) + $Y;
if (!isset($Boundaries [1]["X2"])) {
$Boundaries [1]["X2"] = $Xc;
$Boundaries [1]["Y2"] = $Yc;
$AAPixels [] = array($Xc, $Yc);
$Xc = cos(($i -90) * PI / 180) * $InnerRadius + $X;
$Yc = sin(($i -90) * PI / 180) * $InnerRadius + $Y;
if ($i < 90) {
if ($i > 180 && $i < 270) {
if ($i >= 270) {
$Plots [] = $Xc;
$Plots [] = $Yc;
$Boundaries [0]["X2"] = $Xc;
$Boundaries [0]["Y2"] = $Yc;
/* Draw the polygon */
$this->pChartObject->drawPolygon($Plots, $Settings);
if ($RecordImageMap && !$Shadow) {
$this->pChartObject->addToImageMap("POLY", $this->arraySerialize($Plots), $this->pChartObject->toHTMLColor($Palette [$ID]["R"], $Palette [$ID]["G"], $Palette [$ID]["B"]), $Data ["Series"][$Data ["Abscissa"]]["Data"][$Key], $Value);
/* Smooth the edges using AA */
foreach ($AAPixels as $iKey => $Pos) {
$this->pChartObject->drawAntialiasPixel($Pos [0], $Pos [1], $BorderColor);
$this->pChartObject->drawLine($Boundaries [0]["X1"], $Boundaries [0]["Y1"], $Boundaries [0]["X2"], $Boundaries [0]["Y2"], $BorderColor);
$this->pChartObject->drawLine($Boundaries [1]["X1"], $Boundaries [1]["Y1"], $Boundaries [1]["X2"], $Boundaries [1]["Y2"], $BorderColor);
if ($DrawLabels && !$Shadow)
if ($LabelColor == PIE_LABEL_COLOR_AUTO)
$Settings = array("FillR" => $Palette [$ID]["R"], "FillG" => $Palette [$ID]["G"], "FillB" => $Palette [$ID]["B"], "Alpha" => $Palette [$ID]["Alpha"]);
$Settings = array("FillR" => $LabelR, "FillG" => $LabelG, "FillB" => $LabelB, "Alpha" => $LabelAlpha);
$Angle = ($EndAngle - $Offset) / 2 + $Offset;
$Xc = cos(($Angle -90) * PI / 180) * $OuterRadius + $X;
$Yc = sin(($Angle -90) * PI / 180) * $OuterRadius + $Y;
$Label = $Data ["Series"][$Data ["Abscissa"]]["Data"][$Key];
if ($LabelStacked) {
$this->writePieLabel($Xc, $Yc, $Label, $Angle, $Settings, TRUE, $X, $Y, $OuterRadius);
else {
$this->writePieLabel($Xc, $Yc, $Label, $Angle, $Settings, FALSE);
$Offset = $Lasti;
if ($DrawLabels && $LabelStacked) {
if ($WriteValues && !$Shadow)
$Step = 360 / (2 * PI * $OuterRadius);
$Offset = 0;
foreach ($Values as $Key => $Value)
$EndAngle = $Offset + ($Value * $ScaleFactor);
if ($EndAngle > 360) {
$EndAngle = 360;
$Angle = $Offset + ($Value * $ScaleFactor) / 2;
if ($ValuePosition == PIE_VALUE_OUTSIDE)
$Xc = cos(($Angle -90) * PI / 180) * ($OuterRadius + $ValuePadding) + $X;
$Yc = sin(($Angle -90) * PI / 180) * ($OuterRadius + $ValuePadding) + $Y;
if ($Angle >= 0 && $Angle <= 90) {
if ($Angle > 90 && $Angle <= 180) {
if ($Angle > 180 && $Angle <= 270) {
if ($Angle > 270) {
$Xc = cos(($Angle -90) * PI / 180) * (($OuterRadius -$InnerRadius) / 2 + $InnerRadius) + $X;
$Yc = sin(($Angle -90) * PI / 180) * (($OuterRadius -$InnerRadius) / 2 + $InnerRadius) + $Y;
if ($WriteValues == PIE_VALUE_PERCENTAGE) {
$Display = round((100 / $SerieSum) * $Value, $Precision) . "%";
elseif ($WriteValues == PIE_VALUE_NATURAL) {
$Display = $Value . $ValueSuffix;
else {
$Label = "";
$this->pChartObject->drawText($Xc, $Yc, $Display, array("Align" => $Align, "R" => $ValueR, "G" => $ValueG, "B" => $ValueB));
$Offset = $EndAngle;
$this->pChartObject->Shadow = $RestoreShadow;
return (PIE_RENDERED);