function pDraw::drawPolygon

5.x pDraw.class.php pDraw::drawPolygon($Points, $Format = "")
5 calls to pDraw::drawPolygon()
pDraw::drawFilledStepChart in inc/pchart/pchart/class/pDraw.class.php
pDraw::drawLabelBox in inc/pchart/pchart/class/pDraw.class.php
pDraw::drawLine in inc/pchart/pchart/class/pDraw.class.php
pDraw::drawShape in inc/pchart/pchart/class/pDraw.class.php
pDraw::drawStackedAreaChart in inc/pchart/pchart/class/pDraw.class.php


inc/pchart/pchart/class/pDraw.class.php, line 127




function drawPolygon($Points, $Format = "") 
  $R = isset($Format ["R"]) ? $Format ["R"] : 0;
  $G = isset($Format ["G"]) ? $Format ["G"] : 0;
  $B = isset($Format ["B"]) ? $Format ["B"] : 0;
  $Alpha = isset($Format ["Alpha"]) ? $Format ["Alpha"] : 100;
  $NoFill = isset($Format ["NoFill"]) ? $Format ["NoFill"] : FALSE;
  $NoBorder = isset($Format ["NoBorder"]) ? $Format ["NoBorder"] : FALSE;
  $BorderR = isset($Format ["BorderR"]) ? $Format ["BorderR"] : $R;
  $BorderG = isset($Format ["BorderG"]) ? $Format ["BorderG"] : $G;
  $BorderB = isset($Format ["BorderB"]) ? $Format ["BorderB"] : $B;
  $BorderAlpha = isset($Format ["Alpha"]) ? $Format ["Alpha"] : $Alpha / 2;
  $Surrounding = isset($Format ["Surrounding"]) ? $Format ["Surrounding"] : NULL;
  $SkipX = isset($Format ["SkipX"]) ? $Format ["SkipX"] : OUT_OF_SIGHT;
  $SkipY = isset($Format ["SkipY"]) ? $Format ["SkipY"] : OUT_OF_SIGHT;

  /* Calling the ImageFilledPolygon() function over the $Points array will round it */
  $Backup = $Points;

  if ($Surrounding != NULL) {
    $BorderR = $R + $Surrounding;
    $BorderG = $G + $Surrounding;
    $BorderB = $B + $Surrounding;

  if ($SkipX != OUT_OF_SIGHT) {
    $SkipX = floor($SkipX);
  if ($SkipY != OUT_OF_SIGHT) {
    $SkipY = floor($SkipY);

  $RestoreShadow = $this->Shadow;
  if (!$NoFill) 
    if ($this->Shadow && $this->ShadowX != 0 && $this->ShadowY != 0) 
      $this->Shadow = FALSE;
      for ($i = 0; $i <= count($Points) -1; $i = $i + 2) 
        $Shadow [] = $Points [$i] + $this->ShadowX;
        $Shadow [] = $Points [$i + 1] + $this->ShadowY;
      $this->drawPolygon($Shadow, array("R" => $this->ShadowR, "G" => $this->ShadowG, "B" => $this->ShadowB, "Alpha" => $this->Shadowa, "NoBorder" => TRUE));

    $FillColor = $this->allocateColor($this->Picture, $R, $G, $B, $Alpha);

    if (count($Points) >= 6) 
      ImageFilledPolygon($this->Picture, $Points, count($Points) / 2, $FillColor);

  if (!$NoBorder) 
    $Points = $Backup;

    if ($NoFill) {
      $BorderSettings = array("R" => $R, "G" => $G, "B" => $B, "Alpha" => $Alpha);
    else {
      $BorderSettings = array("R" => $BorderR, "G" => $BorderG, "B" => $BorderB, "Alpha" => $BorderAlpha);

    for ($i = 0; $i <= count($Points) -1; $i = $i + 2) 
      if (isset($Points [$i + 2])) 
        if (!($Points [$i] == $Points [$i + 2] && $Points [$i] == $SkipX) && !($Points [$i + 1] == $Points [$i + 3] && $Points [$i + 1] == $SkipY)) {
          $this->drawLine($Points [$i], $Points [$i + 1], $Points [$i + 2], $Points [$i + 3], $BorderSettings);
        if (!($Points [$i] == $Points [0] && $Points [$i] == $SkipX) && !($Points [$i + 1] == $Points [1] && $Points [$i + 1] == $SkipY)) {
          $this->drawLine($Points [$i], $Points [$i + 1], $Points [0], $Points [1], $BorderSettings);

  $this->Shadow = $RestoreShadow;