
Primary tabs

Contains filters are case sensitive
Namesort descending Location Description
hook_alter_user_attribute_display modules/user/user.api.php This function lets us alter the value of a user attribute, before it is displayed to the user.
hook_apply_draft_changes includes/hook.api.php Allows modules to execute code when the admin user has chose to "apply draft changes".
hook_audit_get_additional_overall_calculations modules/audit/audit.api.php This hook allows other modules to add to the "overall" calculations table near the top of the Audit tab.
hook_audit_modify_approval_types modules/audit/audit.api.php This hook allows the module developer to modify the approval types which will be displayed on the audit tab.
hook_clear_cache includes/hook.api.php Allows each module to perform actions when the cache is cleared.
hook_content_alter includes/hook.api.php Similar to hook_form_alter, this function lets other modules alter content which is being rendered through the "render" system.
hook_content_load modules/content/content.api.php This hook is called by the function content_load($cid), and allows other modules to act on content which is being loaded. As with other hooks, modules act on the hook based on their weight in the modules table in the database.
hook_content_register_content_type modules/content/content.api.php Sample hook other modules implement to register a content type.
hook_content_save modules/content/content.api.php Functionally works the same as hook_content_load() above.
hook_courselist_find_match_allow_course includes/hook.api.php This hook his called just before returning a Course object from CourseList::find_best_grade_match or find_most_recent_match.
hook_course_load includes/hook.api.php Allows modules to act after a course object has been loaded.
hook_course_search_get_course_rotation_schedule modules/course_search/course_search.api.php This is called AFTER the regular course rotation schedule array has been built. Notice it is passed by reference. This lets us make alterations to it.
hook_course_search_get_course_rotation_schedule_not_anticipated modules/course_search/course_search.api.php This is called AFTER the regular course_search_get_course_rotation_schedule_not_anticipated. In general, we want to see if anything is going to be offered in the next 5 years.
hook_cron includes/hook.api.php This hook is called every time the system cron is run.
hook_define_calculation_tests modules/student_priority/student_priority.api.php Lets us modify an array of calculation tests, either adding to it, or altering the existing ones. Notice that $arr is passed by reference.
hook_degree_plan_load includes/hook.api.php Allows modules to hook in after a degree plan object is created & loaded.
hook_disable includes/hook.api.php This hook will be executed when a module is disabled in the system.
hook_enable includes/hook.api.php This hook will be executed when a module is enabled in the system. It will be executed AFTER hook_install.
hook_exit includes/hook.api.php Allows each module to execute code when the FlightPath page is completely finished.
hook_flightpath_can_assign_course_to_degree_id includes/hook.api.php Is the course allowed to be assigned to the specified degree? Returns TRUE or FALSE
hook_flightpath_can_assign_course_to_group includes/hook.api.php Is the course allowed to be assigned to the specified group? Returns TRUE or FALSE. $group should be a fully formed Group object.
hook_form_alter includes/hook.api.php Alter forms which are created using the Form API
hook_fp_get_student_majors includes/hook.api.php Returns a full listing of the student's majors.
hook_get_user_image_url includes/hook.api.php This accepts a CWID (student_id or faculty_id), and returns back a URL to the user's image, or FALSE if it cannot find one.
hook_group_load includes/hook.api.php Allows modules to act after a group object has been loaded.
hook_init includes/hook.api.php Allows each module to execute code when the module is first loaded.
hook_init_flightpath_degree includes/hook.api.php Allows a module to act on the degree_plan object AFTER being initialized by the FlightPath module.
hook_install includes/hook.api.php This hook will be executed the first time a module is enabled in the system.
hook_menu includes/hook.api.php Allows modules to specify valid URLs in FlightPath, and define what function to call when the user visits that URL.
hook_menu_alter includes/hook.api.php This hook lets us make alterations to menu items before saving them to the database.
hook_menu_handle_replacement_pattern includes/hook.api.php This hook is called by the menu system. It allows each module the chance to replace string patterns in its menu items (defined in hook_menu).
hook_perm includes/hook.api.php This hook defines available permissions for a module. These perms are used with hook_menu() and the function user_has_permission()
hook_prereqs_get_prereq_warnings_for_course modules/prereqs/prereqs.api.php If implemented, this hook has the option to modify or add more warnings after the original prereqs function is run.
hook_save_advising_session_from_post includes/hook.api.php This hook allows modules to perform extra functions just after an advising session is saved by the system.
hook_stats_additional_menublocks includes/hook.api.php Used by the stats module, this will ask other modules to return an array of paths suitable for the fp_render_menu_block() function. In other words, the paths should be the **beginning** of the paths of your custom reports or other links which you…
hook_status includes/hook.api.php Reports status information which each module is aware of, visible on admin/config/status.
hook_student_load includes/hook.api.php Allows modules to hook in after a new student object is created.
hook_submit includes/hook.api.php Handle submissions from the Form API
hook_theme_advise_course_row includes/hook.api.php This hook allows another module to alter the way a course row is drawn onto the advising screen.
hook_theme_advise_degree_header_row includes/hook.api.php This hook allows another module to alter the way a "degree header" row is drawn onto the advising screen.
hook_theme_advise_footnote includes/hook.api.php This function allows the user to theme footnotes before they are drawn onto the screen.
hook_theme_advise_group_select_row includes/hook.api.php Similar to hook_theme_advise_course_row. This lets the user theme the "select X hours..." row for a group.
hook_theme_pie_charts includes/hook.api.php Similar to other theme functions, this function will take an array which describes *all* the pie charts, and allow another module to act on them.
hook_translate includes/hook.api.php This function is called by the t() function, and gives modules a chance to intercept a string and change it. Meant primarily for translating to another language, but also good for simple replacements. Used by the Locale module.
hook_uninstall includes/hook.api.php This hook will be executed when a module is "uninstalled" in the system. Once a module is disabled, an "uninstall" link will appear.
hook_update includes/hook.api.php Handle needed database updates when user updates a module.
hook_user_login includes/hook.api.php Perform actions when the user logs in successfully.
hook_user_menu_links_alter includes/hook.api.php This hook allows you to alter the links which appear under the user menu pulldown, in the top-right of the screen.
hook_user_register_user_attributes modules/user/user.api.php Sample hook other modules implement to register a user attribute.
hook_validate includes/hook.api.php Validates form submissions from the Form API
