
Primary tabs

Contains filters are case sensitive
Namesort ascending Location Description
fp_debug_ct includes/ Shortcut to fp_debug_current_time_millis()
fp_clear_cache includes/ Call all modules which implement hook_clear_cache
fp_build_tab_array includes/ Looks at the current page array and returns a valid $tab_array Meant for the top of the screen.
fp_build_sub_tab_array includes/ Create a "sub-tab" array, which looks like a standard tab_array, but it contains only this page's sub-tab siblings.
fp_add_message includes/ Add a "message" to the top of the screen. Useful for short messages like "You have been logged out" or "Form submitted successfully."
fp_add_js includes/ Add extra javascript to the page.
fp_add_css includes/ Add an extra CSS file to the page with this function. Ex: fp_add_css(fp_get_module_path("admin") . '/css/admin.css');
fp_add_body_class includes/ Add a CSS class to the body tag of the page. Useful for themeing later on.
fpm includes/ Uses fp_add_message, but in this case, it also adds in the filename and line number which the message came from!
form_has_errors includes/ Returns TRUE or FALSE if there have been errors for this form submission (We will just look in the SESSION to find out).
form_field_sort_compare_by_weight includes/ This function is meant to be used by the uasort command, to help re-order a form array based on each element's weight value. If weight is blank, it is assumed to be 0 (zero).
form_error includes/ Register a form_error in the SESSION.
form_basic_validate includes/ This is a very basic valiator for form API submission. All I really care about is making sure required fields have a value in them. If they do not, we will file a form_error.
format_date includes/ Format a timestamp using the date command. TODO: Make the formats something which can be controlled through the settings.
filter_xss_split includes/ Like the filter_xss function, this is taken from D7's _filter_xss_split function
filter_xss_bad_protocol includes/
filter_xss_attributes includes/
filter_xss includes/ This function is taken almost directly from Drupal 7's core code. It is used to help us filter out dangerous HTML which the user might type. From the D7 documentation:
filter_markup includes/ Filter HTML, allowing only certain tags, and removing dangerous attributes.
example_helper_menu custom/modules/example_helper/example_helper.module Implementation of hook_menu
example_helper_init custom/modules/example_helper/example_helper.module Implementation of "hook_init".
example_helper_display_hello_world_page custom/modules/example_helper/example_helper.module Display our Hello World page to the user.
display_not_found includes/
display_access_denied includes/
depricated_message includes/ Displays a depricated message on screen. Useful for tracking down when depricated functions are being used.
db_table_exists includes/ Returns TRUE if the table specified exists or not.
db_set_user_setting includes/
db_result includes/ Returns back the first result from a resource_handler.
db_query includes/
db_num_rows includes/
db_insert_id includes/
db_get_user_settings includes/ Return the array from the user_settings table.
db_get_user_setting includes/ Return a specific setting's value, based on the var_name given.
db_get_user_id_from_cwid includes/
db_get_user_id includes/ Look up the user_id based on the the user_name. Returns FALSE if it cannot find it.
db_fetch_object includes/
db_fetch_array includes/
db_affected_rows includes/
csv_to_array includes/ Simple function to split a basic CSV string, trim all elements, then return the resulting array.
course_search_upload_attachment modules/course_search/
course_search_settings_form modules/course_search/course_search.module The system settins form for course_search settings.
course_search_perm modules/course_search/course_search.module
course_search_menu modules/course_search/course_search.module
course_search_install modules/course_search/course_search.install Implementation of hook_install
course_search_get_offering_csv modules/course_search/
course_search_get_course_syllabus_details modules/course_search/course_search.module
course_search_get_course_rotation_schedule_not_anticipated modules/course_search/course_search.module
course_search_get_course_rotation_schedule modules/course_search/course_search.module
course_search_edit_course_details_form_submit modules/course_search/
course_search_edit_course_details_form modules/course_search/ This form lets the user edit the course's syllabus or rotation schedule
