function example_helper_init

7.x example_helper.module example_helper_init()
6.x example_helper.module example_helper_init()
4.x example_helper.module example_helper_init()
5.x example_helper.module example_helper_init()

Implementation of "hook_init".

Notice we replace the word "hook" with our module name. This is how FlightPath knows to find this function.

It will be run on every page load.



custom/modules/example_helper/example_helper.module, line 25
example_helper.module - Example module file


function example_helper_init() {

  // Add a message to the screen which all users can see
  fp_add_message(t("Example Helper is running."));

  // Let's also provide a link to our menu item, created in hook_menu.
  // Notice to the use of the "l" function, for "link".
  fp_add_message(l("Example Helper's Hello World link", "example-helper/hello-world"));
