function _DatabaseHandler::get_faculty_major_code
Search API
4.x _DatabaseHandler.php | _DatabaseHandler::get_faculty_major_code($faculty_cwid) |
5.x _DatabaseHandler.php | _DatabaseHandler::get_faculty_major_code($faculty_cwid) |
Looks in our extra tables to find out what major code, if any, has been assigned to this faculty member.
- classes/
_DatabaseHandler.php, line 1080
function get_faculty_major_code($faculty_cwid) {
// Let's pull the needed variables out of our settings, so we know what
// to query, because this is a non-FlightPath table.
//$tsettings = $GLOBALS["fp_system_settings"]["extra_tables"]["human_resources:faculty_staff"];
//$tf = (object) $tsettings["fields"]; //Convert to object, makes it easier to work with.
//$table_name = $tsettings["table_name"];
$res = $this->db_query("SELECT * FROM faculty WHERE cwid = '?' ", $faculty_cwid);
$cur = $this->db_fetch_array($res);
return $cur ["major_code"];