function _DatabaseHandler::db_query
Search API
4.x _DatabaseHandler.php | _DatabaseHandler::db_query($sql_query) |
5.x _DatabaseHandler.php | _DatabaseHandler::db_query($sql_query, $args = array()) |
This function is used to perform a database query. It can take simple replacement patterns, by using ?. If you actually need to have a ? in the query, you can escape it with ??. For example: $result = $db->db_query("SELECT * FROM table WHERE name = '?' and age = ? ", $name, $temp_age);
unknown_type $sql_query:
Return value
32 calls to _DatabaseHandler::db_query()
- _DatabaseHandler::add_draft_instruction in classes/
_DatabaseHandler.php - _DatabaseHandler::duplicate_course_for_year in classes/
_DatabaseHandler.php - _DatabaseHandler::get_advising_session_id in classes/
_DatabaseHandler.php - _DatabaseHandler::get_course_id in classes/
_DatabaseHandler.php - _DatabaseHandler::get_degrees_in_catalog_year in classes/
- classes/
_DatabaseHandler.php, line 252
function db_query($sql_query) {
// If there were any arguments to this function, then we must first apply
// replacement patterns.
$args = func_get_args();
if (is_array($args [0])) {
// If the first argument was an array, it means we passed an array of values instead
// of passing them directly. So use them directly as our args.
$args = $args [0];
// The query may contain an escaped ?, meaning "??", so I will replace that with something
// else first, then change it back afterwards.
$sql_query = str_replace("??", "~ESCAPED_Q_MARK~", $sql_query);
// If $c (number of replacements performed) does not match the number of replacements
// specified, warn the user.
if (substr_count($sql_query, "?") != count($args)) {
fpm("<br><b>WARNING:</b> Replacement count does not match what was supplied to query: $sql_query<br><br>");
if (count($args) > 0) {
// Replace each occurance of "?" with what's in our array.
foreach ($args as $replacement) {
// Escape the replacement...
// The replacement might ALSO have a question mark in it. Escape that too.
if (strpos($replacement, "?") !== 0) {
$replacement = str_replace("?", "~ESCAPED_Q_MARK~", $replacement);
// Because mysql_real_escape_string will allow \' to pass through, I am going to
// first use mysql_real_escape_string on all slashes.
$replacement = str_replace("\\", mysql_real_escape_string("\\"), $replacement);
// Okay, perform the replacement
$replacement = mysql_real_escape_string($replacement);
// If we have a $ followed by a number (like $99), preg_replace will remove it. So, let's escape the $ if so.
/// if so.
$replacement = addcslashes($replacement, '$');
$sql_query = preg_replace("/\?/", $replacement, $sql_query, 1);
$sql_query = str_replace("~ESCAPED_Q_MARK~", "?", $sql_query);
// Run the sqlQuery and return the result set.
$result = mysql_query($sql_query, $this->dbc);
if ($result)
return $result;
else {
// Meaning, the query failed...
// Do nothing. Do not attempt to log anything, as that could cause an infinite loop.
// Display the error on screen