Transfer Search

This module will allow students and faculty to see available "global" transfer equivalencies between outside universities and your university.

As a bonus feature, users may select which transfer courses they might have taken at another school, and see how they will fit in to degrees at your school. This advanced feature requires the Blank Degrees module be enabled (which ships with FlightPath, but may need to be enabled).


Once installed, you must populate the "transfer_eqv_global" table with appropriate data. This may be best as an automated routine or script. See the included README.txt file for a more detailed explanation of how each field in this table should be populated.

Banner Schools: If you use the Banner Integration module, the latest version of that module comes with a routine function (in the file) for populating our transfer_eqv_global table. It is banner_integration_routines_import_transfer_eqv_global()". See that module for instructions on setting up nightly routines.

FlightPath 7.x
Please note: The 7x version of this module is exclusively supported and made available through FlightPath Academics.