Mobile theme?

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Mobile theme?

The documentation says the following:

Mobile-ready with an included specialized mobile template

Is the template available?


Yes, it's actually part of the "classic" theme (fp_mobile_template.php), and switching to mobile presentation should be automatic.

If you just visit your site on a mobile phone, it should work automatically (or visit the demo site on on a mobile phone).

Basically what happens is instead of 2 columns, the page becomes single-columned, and we switch to fp_mobile_template.php. That is to say, there are some code changes that take place, and we also use a
different PHP template file & additional css file.

The logic for deciding if its a mobile device is in /includes/!

I just look at the user agent coming back from the browser to decide. At the moment, this isn't really able to be overwritten, but that is something I'd like to have in a future release.

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