Search API
- 7.x themes/fp_clean/page.tpl.php
- 7.x themes/how_to_customize/custom_fp_clean/page.tpl.php
- 6.x themes/fp6_clean/page.tpl.php
- 6.x themes/how_to_customize/custom_fp6_clean/page.tpl.php
This file is responsible for outputting our content to the web browser.
Available variables (supplied by AdvisingScreen::output_to_browser() method.
$page_content The primary content of the page. $page_logo_url Will contain the URL to the logo image $page_on_load If the page performs any javascript onLoad, it goes here. $page_tabs Contains the HTML to draw the correct tabs at the top of the page. $page_is_popup Set to either TRUE or FALSE. If TRUE, do not display the header, and possibly have different layout parameters. These are booleans and not strings. $page_title The title of the page, set in the <head> $page_display_title The title we should display for the page. Blank if none. $page_has_search Either TRUE or FALSE. Is a boolean, not a string. If set to TRUE, the page will have a search bar at the top. $page_scroll_top If set, the page will automatically scroll to this position (and the one below it) on load. $page_hide_report_error if set to TRUE, the page will not display the link to report an error. $page_banner_is_link true or false. If true, the banner at the top will load FP in a new window. $page_extra_js_settings These are variable definitions set by other modules, using the fp_add_js() command. $page_extra_css_files These are extra CSS files which other modules wish to include, using fp_add_css(). $page_extra_js_files Similar to extra_css files, but for extra javascript files. $page_body_classes A string containing the CSS classes (space-separated) which should go on the body element.
$page_header This is the "header content" for the page. Basically, the logo? TODO: do I need this to be a variable? $page_sidebar_left_content This is the HTML contents that should appear in the left sidebar, if any. $page_top_nav_content This is HTML for the top navigation content.
$theme_location This contains the URL to the selected theme's location. Ex: "/themes/fp6_clean"
themes/fp6_clean/page.tpl.php- <?php
- /**
- * @file
- * This file is responsible for outputting our content to the web browser.
- *
- * Available variables (supplied by AdvisingScreen::output_to_browser() method.
- *
- * $page_content The primary content of the page.
- * $page_logo_url Will contain the URL to the logo image
- * $page_on_load If the page performs any javascript onLoad, it goes here.
- * $page_tabs Contains the HTML to draw the correct tabs at the top of the page.
- * $page_is_popup Set to either TRUE or FALSE. If TRUE, do not display the header,
- * and possibly have different layout parameters. These are booleans
- * and not strings.
- * $page_title The title of the page, set in the <head>
- * $page_display_title The title we should display for the page. Blank if none.
- * $page_has_search Either TRUE or FALSE. Is a boolean, not a string. If set to
- * TRUE, the page will have a search bar at the top.
- * $page_scroll_top If set, the page will automatically scroll to this position (and
- * the one below it) on load.
- * $page_hide_report_error if set to TRUE, the page will not display the link to report
- * an error.
- * $page_banner_is_link true or false. If true, the banner at the top will load FP in a
- * new window.
- * $page_extra_js_settings These are variable definitions set by other modules, using the fp_add_js() command.
- * $page_extra_css_files These are extra CSS files which other modules wish to include, using fp_add_css().
- * $page_extra_js_files Similar to extra_css files, but for extra javascript files.
- * $page_body_classes A string containing the CSS classes (space-separated) which should go on the body element.
- *
- * $page_header This is the "header content" for the page. Basically, the logo? TODO: do I need this to be a variable?
- * $page_sidebar_left_content This is the HTML contents that should appear in the left sidebar, if any.
- * $page_top_nav_content This is HTML for the top navigation content.
- *
- * $theme_location This contains the URL to the selected theme's location. Ex: "/themes/fp6_clean"
- *
- *
- */
- ?>
- <body class='<?php print $page_body_classes; ?>'>
- <?php if (!$page_is_popup) : ?>
- <div id='header'>
- <div id='top-nav'>
- <?php print $page_top_nav_content; ?>
- </div>
- <div class='top-banner'>
- <a href='<?php print fp_url("<front>"); ?>'>
- <img src='<?php print $page_logo_url; ?>' border='0' alt='<?php print htmlentities(variable_get('system_name', 'FlightPath'), ENT_QUOTES); ?>'>
- </a>
- </div>
- </div>
- <?php endif; ?>
- <div id='main-contant-wrapper'>
- <?php if ($page_sidebar_left_content) : ?>
- <div id='sidebar-left'>
- <?php print $page_sidebar_left_content; ?>
- </div>
- <?php endif; ?>
- <div id='page-content'>
- <?php if ($page_breadcrumbs): ?>
- <div id='breadcrumbs-wrapper'><?php print $page_breadcrumbs;?></div>
- <div class='clear'></div>
- <?php endif; ?>
- <?php if ($page_display_title): ?>
- <h2 class='title'><?php print $page_display_title; ?></h2>
- <?php endif; ?>
- <?php if ($page_tabs): ?>
- <div id='page-print-options'><a href='javascript:print();' title='Print'><i class='fa fa-print'></i></a></div>
- <div class='page-tabs-wrapper'><?php print $page_tabs; ?></div>
- <?php endif; ?>
- <?php if (isset($page_student_profile_header) && $page_student_profile_header != ""): ?>
- <div id='page-student-mini-profile-wrapper'><?php print $page_student_profile_header; ?></div>
- <div class='clear'></div>
- <?php endif; ?>
- <div class='inner-page-content-wrapper'>
- <?php print $page_content; ?>
- </div>
- </div>
- </div>
- <?php if (!$page_is_popup) : ?>
- <div class='fp-bottom-message'>
- <span class='popup-contact'>
- <?php
- if ($page_hide_report_error != TRUE && trim(variable_get('contact_email_address', ''))) {
- $contact_title = t("Contact the @FlightPath Production Team", array("@FlightPath" => variable_get("system_name", "FlightPath")));
- $contact_title = str_replace("'", "", $contact_title);
- $contact_title = str_replace('"', "", $contact_title);
- print "<a class='nounderline' href='javascript:fpOpenLargeIframeDialog(\"" . fp_url("popup-report-contact") . "\",\"" . $contact_title . "\")'>" . $contact_title . "</a>";
- }
- ?>
- </span>
- <span class='powered-by-fpa'><?php print t("Powered by ") . " <a href='' target='_blank'><i class='fa fa-send'></i> FlightPath Academics</a>"; ?></span>
- <!-- Optional copyright message could go here.
- <span>© Date, Institution, etc.</span> -->
- </div>
- <?php endif; ?>
- </body>
- </html>