function user_edit_student_user_form_submit

7.x user_edit_student_user_form_submit($form, $form_state)
6.x user_edit_student_user_form_submit($form, $form_state)
4.x user.module user_edit_student_user_form_submit($form, $form_state)
5.x user_edit_student_user_form_submit($form, $form_state)

Submit handler for editing student users.


modules/user/, line 1189
Keep track of functions dealing specifically with student user management


function user_edit_student_user_form_submit($form, $form_state) {

  $values = $form_state ["values"];
  foreach ($values as $key => $val) {
    if (!is_array($val)) {
      $values [$key] = trim($val);
  $user_id = $values ["user_id"];
  $student_cwid = $values ["student_cwid"];

  // Are we supposed to DELETE a student?
  if ($values ["perform_action2"] == "delete_student" && user_has_permission("delete_users")) {

    db_query("DELETE FROM students WHERE cwid = '?' ", $student_cwid);
    db_query("DELETE FROM users WHERE cwid = '?' AND is_student = '1' ", $student_cwid);

    watchdog("user_edit", "Deleted student user $user_id (cwid $student_cwid)");

    fp_add_message(t("User has been deleted."));

  $bool_is_new = FALSE;

  if ($student_cwid != "new") {
    // NOT a new student!  Insert values normally.
    // First-- was there a password given?  If so, insert that separate.
    if (trim($values ["new_password"]) != "") {
      $new_pass = user_hash_password(trim($values ["new_password"]));
      db_query("UPDATE users 
                SET password = '?' 
                WHERE cwid = '?' 
                AND is_student = '1' ", $new_pass, $student_cwid);

      unset($values ['new_password']);
      watchdog("user_edit", "Update student user with cwid @cwid with new password", array("@cwid" => $student_cwid));
    // Okay, now we can just update everything else.
    // Update users table first...
    db_query("UPDATE users
              SET email = '?',                  
                  f_name = '?',
                  l_name = '?',
                  is_disabled = '?'
               WHERE cwid = '?'
               AND is_student = '1' ", trim(strtolower($values ["email"])), $values ["f_name"], 
    $values ["l_name"], $values ["is_disabled"], 

    // Now, update the students table entry.
    db_query("UPDATE students
             SET cumulative_hours = '?',
                 gpa = '?',
                 rank_code = '?',                 
                 catalog_year = '?',
                 is_active = '?'                 
             WHERE cwid = '?'", $values ["cumulative_hours"], $values ["gpa"], $values ["rank_code"], 
    $values ["catalog_year"], 
    $values ["is_active"], $student_cwid);
    watchdog("user_edit", "Update student user with various values: @other", array("@other" => ppm($values, TRUE)));
    fp_add_message(t("User updated successfully."));

  else {
    // This is a NEW user!  We need to perform inserts.  Thanks to our validate handler,
    // we know all of the values we have are valid.

    $bool_is_new = TRUE;

    if (trim($values ["l_name"]) == "") {
      $values ["l_name"] = $values ["new_user_name"]; // force a last name if none supplied

    db_query("INSERT INTO users (user_name, password, is_student, email, cwid, f_name, l_name, is_disabled)
              VALUES ('?', '?', '1', '?', '?', '?', '?', '?')
              ", $values ["new_user_name"], user_hash_password($values ["new_password"]), trim(strtolower($values ["email"])), $values ["new_student_cwid"], 
    $values ["f_name"], $values ["l_name"], intval($values ["is_disabled"]));

    db_query("INSERT INTO students (cwid, cumulative_hours, gpa, rank_code, catalog_year, is_active)
              VALUES ('?', '?', '?', '?', '?', '?')
             ", $values ["new_student_cwid"], $values ["cumulative_hours"], $values ["gpa"], $values ["rank_code"], 
    $values ["catalog_year"], intval($values ["is_active"]));

    fp_add_message(t("User created successfully."));

    $student_cwid = $values ["new_student_cwid"];

    unset($values ['new_password']);
    watchdog("user_edit", "Create new student user with various values: @other", array("@other" => ppm($values, TRUE)));


  // Now, regardless if this was a new student or not, we need to update the student_degrees table.
  // First, delete what's there for this CWID.
  db_query("DELETE FROM student_degrees WHERE student_id = ?", $student_cwid);
  // Now, insert.
  $temp = explode("\n", $values ["major_codes"]);
  foreach ($temp as $mc) {
    $mc = trim($mc);
    if ($mc == "") {

    $is_editable = "0";
    if (strstr($mc, "*")) {
      $is_editable = "1";
      $mc = trim(str_replace("*", "", $mc)); // remove the asterisk.

    // Now, insert into the table.
    db_query("INSERT INTO student_degrees (student_id, major_code, is_editable)
              VALUES (?, ?, ?) ", array($student_cwid, $mc, $is_editable));


  if ($bool_is_new) {
    // If new, we need to go to the regular edit form for this newly created student.
    fp_goto("admin/users/edit-student-user", "student_cwid=" . $values ["new_student_cwid"]);

  // If not new, it just reloads the form normally.
