function tinymce_init

6.x tinymce.module tinymce_init()
4.x tinymce.module tinymce_init()
5.x tinymce.module tinymce_init()


modules/tinymce/tinymce.module, line 9
The TinyMCE module will init TinyMCE (the editor) on appropriate pages. This module is primarily for managing what those pages are.


function tinymce_init() {

  $bool_activate = FALSE;

  $include_paths = explode("\n", variable_get("tinymce_include_on_paths", ""));
  $include_paths = array_map("trim", $include_paths);

  // Wildcards are allowed at the END of the path.
  // So, "content/edit*"  would be OK.  We need to go through
  // our paths and look at this.
  foreach ($include_paths as $ipath) {

    if ($ipath == "") {

    if ($ipath == @$_REQUEST ["q"]) {
      $bool_activate = TRUE;

    // Contains a wildcard!  So, is the ipath partially in the request?
    if (strstr($ipath, "*")) {
      $ipath = str_replace("*", "", $ipath);
      if (substr(@$_REQUEST ["q"], 0, strlen($ipath)) == $ipath) {
        $bool_activate = TRUE;


  if ($bool_activate) {
    fp_add_js(array("tinymceModulePath" => fp_get_module_path("tinymce")), "setting");

    fp_add_js(fp_get_module_path("tinymce") . "/inc/tiny_mce/tiny_mce.js");
    fp_add_js(fp_get_module_path("tinymce") . "/js/tinymce_module.js");

    // Set to TRUE for pages where tinymce is in use.
    $GLOBALS ["tinymce_active"] = TRUE;