function system_popup_report_contact_form

7.x system.module system_popup_report_contact_form()
6.x system.module system_popup_report_contact_form()
4.x system.module system_popup_report_contact_form()
5.x system.module system_popup_report_contact_form()

This is the form which lets users send an email to the FlightPath production team,


modules/system/system.module, line 1062


function system_popup_report_contact_form() {
  $form = array();

  $m = 0;

  $form ["mark" . $m++] = array(
    "value" => "<p>" . t("If you've noticed an error or have a suggestion, use this
                  form to contact the @FlightPath Production Team.", array("@FlightPath" => variable_get("system_name", "FlightPath"))) . "</p>",

  $form ["category"] = array(
    "type" => "select",
    "label" => t("Please select a category"),
    "options" => array(
      t("Dashboard") => t("Dashboard"),
      t("Appointments") => t("Appointments"),
      t("Advising") => t("Advising"),
      t("Degree plan") => t("Degree plan"),
      t("What If?") => t("What If?"),
      t("Searching") => t("Searching"),
      t("Comments") => t("Comments"),
      t("Audit") => t("Audit"),
      t("Engagements") => t("Engagements"),
      t("Sending/Receiving Text") => t("Sending/Receiving Text"),
      t("Reports") => t("Reports/Analytics"),
      t("Other") => t("Other"),

  $form ["comment"] = array(
    "type" => "textarea",
    "rows" => 7,
    "label" => t("Comment:"),

  $form ["submit"] = array(
    "type" => "submit",
    "spinner" => TRUE,
    "value" => t("Send email"),

  $form ["#redirect"] = array("path" => "popup-contact-form/thank-you");

  return $form;