function system_perm
Search API
7.x system.module | system_perm() |
6.x system.module | system_perm() |
4.x system.module | system_perm() |
5.x system.module | system_perm() |
Implementation of hook_perm(). Expects to return an array of permissions recognized by this module.
Ex: $a = array( "deCanDoSomething" => array ( "title" => "Can Do Something", "description" => "Allow the user to do something." ) );
- modules/
system/ system.module, line 16
function system_perm() {
$perms = array(
"access_logged_in_content" => array(
"title" => t("Access logged-in content"),
"description" => t("This should be given to all authenticated users. It simply means
the user is allowed to view the logged-in area of FlightPath."),
"administer_modules" => array(
"title" => t("Administer modules"),
"description" => t("This will allow a user to install, enable, disable, and uninstall modules."),
"admin_restricted" => TRUE, // means only appears for admin (user_id == 1)
"clear_system_cache" => array(
"title" => t("Clear system cache"),
"description" => t("This will allow a to clear the system cache, including the menu router. Give to developers and/or admin users."),
"access_popup_report_contact" => array(
"title" => t("Access and Submit the report-contact form"),
"description" => t("Only give to authenticated users. If allowed, users will see a link
to 'Contact the FlightPath Production Team' at the bottom of most pages."),
"run_cron" => array(
"title" => t("Run Cron"),
"description" => t("The user may run hook_cron functions at will. Causes a new menu link to appear
on the admin page."),
"de_can_administer_system_settings" => array(
"title" => t("Can administer system settings"),
"description" => t("This allows the user to edit any of the FlightPath
system settings."),
"de_can_administer_school_data" => array(
"title" => t("Can administer school data"),
"description" => t("This allows the user to edit the school data settings for FlightPath.
For example, describing college and subject codes."),
"view_fpm_debug" => array(
"title" => t("View debug output from the fpm() function"),
"description" => t("The user may view debug output from the fpm() function.
Useful for developers."),
"admin_restricted" => TRUE, // means only appears for admin (user_id == 1)
"view_system_status" => array(
"title" => t("View system status"),
"description" => t("The user may view the update status and other requirements of the system."),
"execute_php" => array(
"title" => t("Execute PHP code"),
"description" => t("WARNING: This is a very VERY powerful and DANGEROUS permission. Only give it to
developers. An 'Execute PHP' link will appear on the admin menu, which
lets the user execute any arbitrary PHP code."),
"admin_restricted" => TRUE, // means only appears for admin (user_id == 1)
return $perms;