function system_perform_db_updates_perform_batch_operation
Search API
7.x system.module | system_perform_db_updates_perform_batch_operation(&$batch, $modules) |
6.x system.module | system_perform_db_updates_perform_batch_operation(&$batch, $modules) |
Performs db updates ONE module at a time.
- modules/
system/ system.module, line 913
function system_perform_db_updates_perform_batch_operation(&$batch, $modules) { // if this is our first time through, let's init our values.
if (!isset($batch ["results"]["total"])) {
// Our first time through. Let's start up.
$batch ["results"]["total"] = count($modules);
$batch ["results"]["current"] = 0;
$batch ["results"]["finished"] = FALSE;
$t = $batch ["results"]["current"];
$module = $modules [$t]['module'];
$path = $modules [$t]['path'];
$cur_schema = $modules [$t]['cur_schema'];
$schema = $modules [$t]['schema'];
// If the module has a .install file, begin by including it.
if (include_module_install($module, $path)) {
// Include the original module file first.
include_module($module, TRUE, $path);
// Now, we can call hook_update, if it exists.
if (function_exists($module . '_update')) {
call_user_func_array($module . '_update', array($cur_schema, $schema));
// Okay, update the modules table for this module, and set schema to correct version.
$res = db_query("UPDATE modules
SET `schema` = '?'
WHERE path = '?' LIMIT 1 ", $schema, $path);
fp_add_message(t("The module %module has run its DB updates.", array("%module" => $module)));
// Update our values.
$batch ["results"]["current"] = $t + 1; // go to next one.
// Have we finished?
if (intval($batch ["results"]["current"]) >= intval($batch ["results"]["total"])) {
$batch ["results"]["finished"] = TRUE;