function system_display_status_page

7.x system.module system_display_status_page()
6.x system.module system_display_status_page()
4.x system.module system_display_status_page()
5.x system.module system_display_status_page()

This page displayes the results of each module's hook_status.


modules/system/system.module, line 3031


function system_display_status_page() {
  $rtn = "";

  $pol = "";

  fp_add_css(fp_get_module_path("system") . "/css/style.css");

  $status_array = invoke_hook("status"); // get everyone's hook_status.

  $rtn .= "<p>" . t("This page will show you important status messages
                     about FlightPath.  For example, what modules (if any) have
                     an update available.") . "</p>";

  $rtn .= "<table width='100%' border='1' class='status-table' cellpadding='4'>
            <tr class='header-row'>
              <th width='10%' class='package-header'>" . t("Package") . "</th>
              <th>" . t("Status") . "</th>
  foreach ($status_array as $module => $details) {
    $pol = ($pol == "even") ? "odd" : "even";

    if (@$details ["severity"] == "") {
      $details ["severity"] = "normal";

    $rtn .= "<tr class='status-row status-row-$pol'>
              <td valign='top' class='module-name'>$module</td>
              <td valign='top' class='module-status module-status-" . $details ["severity"] . "'>
              " . $details ["status"] . "

  $rtn .= "</table>";

  return $rtn;