function student_search_settings_form

7.x student_search.module student_search_settings_form()
6.x student_search.module student_search_settings_form()
4.x student_search.module student_search_settings_form()
5.x student_search.module student_search_settings_form()

This is a system_settings form for configuring our module.


modules/student_search/student_search.module, line 233


function student_search_settings_form() {
  $form = array();

  $form ["extra_student_search_conditions"] = array(
    "type" => "textarea",
    "label" => t("Extra student search conditions:"),
    "value" => variable_get("extra_student_search_conditions", ""),
    "description" => t("This is mysql which will get appended to end of the WHERE clause of every query
                    relating to searching for students.  It is so you can easily add global conditions, 
                    especially if you are overriding the student_search module.  For example,
                    to check that the students are admitted or enrolled.  If you are unsure what to do, leave this blank."),

  // TODO:  This setting isn't really necessary anymore.  We should just add is_active = 1 to the stats/report that uses it.  
  $form ["enrolled_student_search_conditions"] = array(
    "type" => "textarea",
    "label" => t("Enrolled student search conditions:"),
    "value" => variable_get("enrolled_student_search_conditions", " AND is_active = 1 "),
    "description" => t("<b>Soon to be deprecated.</b> Similar to the one above it, this is a clause which will only bring up students
                    who are enrolled at the university, and taking courses.  This might be identical to the
                    one above it.  At the moment, this is only being used in the Stats module, and not
                    for any logic in FlightPath, so you should consider it optional.
                    <br>Default is:  AND is_active = 1 "),

  return $form;