function engagements_sms_get_all_messages

7.x engagements.module engagements_sms_get_all_messages()
6.x engagements.module engagements_sms_get_all_messages()

Retrieve all messages, update the ones which don't have prices associated with them yet.

We will also be getting voice calls & prices too for our log table.

1 call to engagements_sms_get_all_messages()
engagements_cron in modules/engagements/engagements.module
Implements hook_cron


modules/engagements/engagements.module, line 1606
This is the primary module file for the engagements module.


function engagements_sms_get_all_messages() 

  require_once (fp_get_module_path('engagements', TRUE, FALSE) . '/lib/signalwire/vendor/autoload.php');

  $vars = array();

  $error_codes = engagements_get_signalwire_sms_error_codes_array();

  // project id, auth tolen, space url
  $project_id = variable_get('sms_project_id', '');

  if ($project_id == "") {
    return FALSE;

  $auth_token = variable_get('sms_auth_token', '');
  $space_url = variable_get('sms_space_url', '');

  $client = new SignalWire\Rest\Client($project_id, $auth_token, array("signalwireSpaceUrl" => $space_url));

  // Get all messages so we can update our table.

  // We only care about messages sent TODAY, since we theoretically already got them yesterday
  $check_since = date('Y-m-d', strtotime("NOW - 3 HOURS")); // We will get messages from 3 hours in the past and today, 
  // (in case it's close to ***midnight***) 
  // to make sure we don't miss anything.  The idea being that we have a cron 
  // running frequently enough that this gives us lots of chances to retrieve information.

  $messages = $client->messages->read(array('dateSentAfter' => $check_since));
  foreach ($messages as $record) {
    //fpm(ppm($record, TRUE)); 
    //    fpm($record->status);

    watchdog('engagements_debug', "In engagements_sms_get_all_messages().  Reviewing message: <pre>" . print_r($record, TRUE) . "</pre>", array(), WATCHDOG_DEBUG);

    $status = strtolower(trim($record->status));
    $error_message = $record->errorMessage;
    $error_code = intval($record->errorCode);

    if ($error_code == 12100 || $error_code == 11200) {
      // We don't care about these code, as they appear on EVERY message.
      $error_code = NULL;
      $status = NULL;

    $friendly_error_message = '';
    if ($error_code) {
      $friendly_error_message = @$error_codes [$error_code];
    $message_sid = $record->sid;

    $vars ['MessageSid'] = $message_sid;

    // Should we update any details about this message? Price, errors, etc?
    $test = engagements_get_sms_from_history($message_sid);
    if ($test && (floatval($record->price) != floatval($test ['sw_price']) || $error_code != $test ['err_code'])) {

      // update prices
      $price = $record->price;
      //$fp_price = engagements_get_fp_price($price, $test['direction'], intval($test['num_segments']));
      $fp_price = 0; // no longer using this field.

      watchdog('engagements_debug', "In engagements_sms_get_all_messages().  Updating sms_history table.", array(), WATCHDOG_DEBUG);

      db_query("UPDATE sms_history
                SET sw_price = ?, fp_price = ?, price_processed = 1, delivery_status = ?, err_code = ?, err_message = ?, err_friendly_message = ?
                WHERE mid = ?", array($price, $fp_price, $status, $error_code, $error_message, $friendly_error_message, $test ['mid']));

      // Meaning, we already have this one saved, and now that we've updated it, we can continue.
    } // if test and we have things to update
    else if ($test) {
      // meaning, we already have this one saved.  Skip it.  

    $from_mobile = engagements_convert_to_valid_phone_number($record->from);
    $to_mobile = engagements_convert_to_valid_phone_number($record->to);

    $body = $record->body;

    $date_sent = $record->dateSent; // this is a Datetime object
    $date_sent_ts = strtotime($date_sent->format("Y-m-d H:i:s"));

    $direction = $record->direction;
    $num_segments = intval($record->numSegments);

    $vars ['From'] = $from_mobile;
    $vars ['To'] = $to_mobile;
    $vars ['Body'] = $body;
    $vars ['date_sent_ts'] = $date_sent_ts;
    $vars ['direction'] = $direction;
    $vars ['NumSegements'] = $num_segments;
    $vars ['delivery_status'] = $status;
    $vars ['err_code'] = $error_code;
    $vars ['err_message'] = $error_message;
    $vars ['err_friendly_message'] = $friendly_error_message;

    $vars ['NumMedia'] = 0;

    // Is there media?
    if (intval($record->numMedia) > 0) {

      $vars ['NumMedia'] = intval($record->numMedia);

      // List all media for this message.
      $allmedia = $client->messages($message_sid)->media->read();
      $c = 0;
      foreach ($allmedia as $mitem) {

        $media_sid = $mitem->sid;
        $content_type = $mitem->contentType;

        $vars ['MediaContentType' . $c] = $content_type;
        $vars ['MediaUrl' . $c] = "https://$space_url/api/laml/2010-04-01/Accounts/$project_id/Messages/$message_sid/Media/$media_sid";

      } // foreach media

    } // there was media!

    watchdog('engagements_debug', "In engagements_sms_get_all_messages().  Sending to engagements_handle_incoming_sms: <pre>" . print_r($vars, TRUE) . "</pre>", array(), WATCHDOG_DEBUG);

    // Save this message using our "handle_incoming_sms" function.
  } // foreach messages


  $body = "";
  // Now, we also want to get a list of all calls and their prices too.
  $calls = $client->calls->read(array('startTimeAfter', $check_since));

  foreach ($calls as $record) {

    watchdog('engagements_debug', "In engagements_sms_get_all_messages().  Reviewing CALL: <pre>" . print_r($record, TRUE) . "</pre>", array(), WATCHDOG_DEBUG);

    $sid = $record->sid;

    // Do we already have this in our table?  If so, skip.
    $test = engagements_get_sms_from_history($sid);
    if ($test) {
      continue; // We've already recorded this, so skip.

    $date_sent = $record->startTime; // this is a Datetime object
    $date_sent_ts = strtotime($date_sent->format("Y-m-d H:i:s"));

    $to_mobile = engagements_convert_to_valid_phone_number($record->to);
    $from_mobile = engagements_convert_to_valid_phone_number($record->from);

    // Figure out what user this came from/to!
    $from_cwid = "";
    $user_id = db_result(db_query("SELECT user_id FROM user_attributes WHERE `name` = 'mobile_phone' AND `value` = ?", array($from_mobile)));
    if ($user_id) {
      $from_cwid = db_get_cwid_from_user_id($user_id);

    $to_cwid = "";
    $user_id = db_result(db_query("SELECT user_id FROM user_attributes WHERE `name` = 'mobile_phone' AND `value` = ?", array($to_mobile)));
    if ($user_id) {
      $to_cwid = db_get_cwid_from_user_id($user_id);

    $duration = $record->duration;
    $direction = $record->direction;
    $price = $record->price;
    $fp_price = engagements_get_fp_price($price, $direction, 1, 'call');

    // Write our data to our sms_history table.
    "INSERT INTO sms_history (`message_sid`, sw_type, `body`, `from_number`, `to_number`, `sw_price`, `fp_price`, `from_cwid`, `updated`, `direction`, 
                                `media_filenames`, `date_sent`, price_processed, num_segments)
              VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) ", 
    array($sid, 'call', $body, $from_mobile, $to_mobile, $price, $fp_price, $from_cwid, time(), $direction, '', $date_sent_ts, 1, $duration)

    watchdog("engagements_sms", "Documented call to $to_mobile.", array(), WATCHDOG_DEBUG);

  } //foreach calls as record 

  // Record the last time we called this function.
  variable_set('engagements_sms_get_all_last_check', time());