function engagements_mass_sms_perform_batch_operation

7.x engagements.module engagements_mass_sms_perform_batch_operation(&$batch, $recipients, $message, $from_number)
6.x engagements.module engagements_mass_sms_perform_batch_operation(&$batch, $recipients, $message, $from_number)


modules/engagements/engagements.module, line 654
This is the primary module file for the engagements module.


function engagements_mass_sms_perform_batch_operation(&$batch, $recipients, $message, $from_number) 

  // if this is our first time through, let's init our values.
  if (!isset($batch ["results"]["total"])) {
    // Our first time through.  Let's start up.

    $batch ['recipients'] = array();
    $batch ['not_found'] = array();
    $batch ['rejected'] = array();
    $batch ['date_sent_ts'] = time();
    $batch ['date_sent'] = format_date(convert_time(time()));
    $batch ['csv'] = "";
    $batch ['message'] = $message;
    $safe_message = str_replace('"', "'", $message);
    $num_segments = ceil(strlen($message) / 160);
    // Create headers for the csv
    $batch ['csv'] .= "From Number,To Entered Value,Recipient Mobile Number,Recipient Cwid,Recipient User Type,SMS Status,Message,Num Segments,MessageSid,Date Sent\n";
    // Second row states the message, so we don't have to repeat it each row.
    $batch ['csv'] .= "000,Sending msg:,0,0,0,0,\"$safe_message\",$num_segments,0,0\n";
    $batch ['csv'] .= "--,--,--,--,--,--,--,--,--,--\n";

    $lines = explode("\n", $recipients);

    $batch ["results"] = array();
    $batch ["results"]["total"] = count($lines);
    $batch ["results"]["current"] = 0;
    $batch ["results"]["finished"] = FALSE;
  } // if....   (this is our first time through)    

  // Actually go through our lines of recipients, try to find their number, and send!
  $current = $batch ["results"]["current"];
  $total = $batch ["results"]["total"];

  $limit = 1; // How many numbers to process this time through
  $c = 0; // count of records.      

  $lines = explode("\n", $recipients);

  for ($t = $current; $t < count($lines); $t++) {

    if ($c >= $limit) {

    $line = trim($lines [$t]);
    if (!$line) {
    // Whatever this is, let's try to get a valid phone number out of it.

    $num = $cwid = $user_type = $user_name = "";

    $user_type = 'student';

    // First, we were given a CWID?
    $test = db_get_user_id_from_cwid($line, 'student');
    if (!$test) {
      $test = db_get_user_id_from_cwid($line, 'faculty');
      $user_type = 'faculty';

    if (!$test) {
      $user_type = '';
      // Okay, it was NOT a CWID.  Is this an email address?
      if (strstr($line, '@')) {
        $test = db_get_user_id_from_email($line, 'student');
        $user_type = 'student';
        if (!$test) {
          $test = db_get_user_id_from_email($line, 'faculty');
          $user_type = 'faculty';

    if (!$test) {
      $user_type = '';
      // Okay, this was not an email address either.  Perhaps this is simply a phone number all by itself?
      $num = engagements_convert_to_valid_phone_number($line);
      if (!$num) {
        // Okay, we are going to have to give up-- this was not a valid number, nor anything else we might try
        // to search for.
        $batch ['not_found'][] = $line;
        // add to csv
        $batch ['csv'] .= "\"$from_number\",\"$line\",\"\",\"\",\"\",\"user/number not found\",\"\",\"\",\"\",\"\"\n";
      else {
        // Figure out what user_id this phone number belongs to.
        // TODO:  This bit of code means it can only be sent to current users, and not non-users.  Perhaps that should be a setting?
        $test = db_result(db_query("SELECT user_id FROM user_attributes WHERE `name` = 'mobile_phone' AND `value` = ? LIMIT 1", array($num)));

    if ($test) {
      $user_type = 'student';
      // This means that we found a user_id.  Let's get their mobile_phone number from their user attributes.
      $num = engagements_convert_to_valid_phone_number(user_get_attribute($test, 'mobile_phone', ''));
      $test_account = fp_load_user($test);
      if ($test_account && !$test_account->is_student) {
        $user_type = 'faculty';
      // Let's also get their CWID.
      $cwid = db_get_cwid_from_user_id($test);
      // And let's get their name.
      $user_name = $test_account->l_name . ", " . $test_account->f_name;

    if (!$num || $num == "") {
      // Okay, we are going to have to give up-- this was not a valid number
      $batch ['not_found'][] = $line;
      $batch ['csv'] .= "\"$from_number\",\"$line\",\"$cwid\",\"$user_type\",\"\",\"user has no valid mobile number\",\"\",\"\",\"\",\"\"\n";

    // If we made it here, then we have a valid recipient!  Let's put it into an array called details.    
    $details = array(
      'num' => $num,
      'user_id' => $test,
      'cwid' => $cwid,
      'user_type' => $user_type,
      'user_name' => $user_name,
      'line' => $line,

    // Has the user opted-out of receiving our txt messages?
    if (!engagements_can_send_sms_to_number($num)) {
      $batch ['opt_out'][] = $line;
      $batch ['csv'] .= "\"$from_number\",\"$line\",\"$cwid\",\"$user_type\",\"\",\"user opted-out of receiving text\",\"\",\"\",\"\",\"\"\n";

    // Send our message to this number, record it as an engagement as well.
    $num_segments = ceil(strlen($message) / 160);
    $status = "sent";

    $external_msg_id = engagements_send_sms_to_number($num, $message, $details ['cwid'], $from_number);
    if (!$external_msg_id) {
      $batch ['rejected'][] = $num;
      $status = "rejected";
    else {
      // We can create an engagement for this SMS.  We will make use of our engagements_handle_incoming_sms function.
      $vars = array(
        'MessageSid' => $external_msg_id,
        'From' => $from_number,
        'To' => $num,
        'Body' => $message,
        'NumMedia' => 0,
        'NumSegements' => $num_segments,
        'direction' => 'outbound-api',
        'date_sent_ts' => $batch ['date_sent_ts'],


    $safe_message_sid = (string) $external_msg_id;

    $batch ['csv'] .= "\"$from_number\",\"{$details ['line']}\",\"$num\",\"{$details ['cwid']}\",\"{$details ['user_type']}\",\"$status\",\"\",\"$num_segments\",\"$safe_message_sid\",\"{$batch ['date_sent']}\"\n";

  } // foreach

  // Update our $batch results variables
  $batch ["results"]["current"] = $current + $c;

  if ($batch ["results"]["current"] >= $total) {
    // We are finished!
    $batch ["results"]["finished"] = TRUE;

  // Add the information to the SESSION so we can call on it later.
  $_SESSION ['mass_sms_batch_data'] = $batch;
  $_SESSION ["mass_sms_batch_data"]["last_timestamp"] = time();