function content_get_content_for_faculty_id

7.x content.module content_get_content_for_faculty_id($content_type, $faculty_id, $order_by = "title ASC", $bool_published_only = TRUE)
6.x content.module content_get_content_for_faculty_id($content_type, $faculty_id, $order_by = "title ASC", $bool_published_only = TRUE)

This function will look for content (in the content tables) for a field called field__faculty_id, and return an array of fully loaded content objects.

4 calls to content_get_content_for_faculty_id()
calendar_display_schedule_appointment_page in modules/calendar/calendar.module
This is the page which lets students schedule an appointment with the faculty member supplied in the user_id.
calendar_display_schedule_staff_page in modules/calendar/calendar.module
This page (primarily meant for students) is for quickly finding your advisor or professor or whomever, and finding their link to schedule an appointment with them.
calendar_display_user_appointment_settings_page in modules/calendar/calendar.module
This page is where the user can configure their various appointment settings (like when they offer them)
calendar_get_available_faculty_schedule in modules/calendar/calendar.module
Returns back an array of time slots available for this faculty member and event_type


modules/content/content.module, line 2072


function content_get_content_for_faculty_id($content_type, $faculty_id, $order_by = "title ASC", $bool_published_only = TRUE) {
  $rtn = array();

  $published_line = " AND n.published = 1 ";
  if (!$bool_published_only) {
    $published_line = "";

  // Display all of the event types for this faculty member.
  $res = db_query("SELECT DISTINCT(a.cid) FROM content__$content_type a, content n
                   WHERE field__faculty_id = ?
                   AND a.vid = n.vid
                   AND a.cid = n.cid
                   AND n.delete_flag = 0
                   ORDER BY $order_by, a.vid DESC", array($faculty_id));
  while ($cur = db_fetch_object($res)) {
    $cid = $cur->cid;
    $content = content_load($cid);
    $rtn [$cid] = $content;

  return $rtn;
