function batch_start_batch_from_form_submit

6.x batch.module batch_start_batch_from_form_submit($batch_id, $redirect_path = "", $redirect_query = "")
5.x batch.module batch_start_batch_from_form_submit($batch_id, $redirect_path = "", $redirect_query = "")

A batch process is being initiated from a form submission.


unknown_type $batch_id:

1 call to batch_start_batch_from_form_submit()
system_handle_form_submit in modules/system/system.module
Intercepts form submissions from forms built with the form API.


modules/batch/batch.module, line 399


function batch_start_batch_from_form_submit($batch_id, $redirect_path = "", $redirect_query = "") {

  // We need to confirm that this user is allowed to access THIS batch.
  $current_user_token = batch_get_token();

  $batch = batch_get($batch_id);

  if ($batch ["token"] == $current_user_token) {
    // Yes, we can proceed!

    // If there isn't a finished_callback set, we will set it using fp_goto() to return to the original form's redirect path and query.
    if (!isset($batch ["finished_callback"])) {
      $batch ["finished_callback"] = array("fp_goto", array($redirect_path, $redirect_query));
      // Update the database...
      db_query("UPDATE batch_queue
                SET batch_data = '?'
                WHERE batch_id = '?'", serialize($batch), $batch_id);

    // Let's fp_goto to our batch-processing page...

  else {
    // No... some problem.
    fp_add_message(t("Sorry, this batch process could not be initialized.  Bad token, or batch does not exist?"), "error");
