function batch_finished_page

7.x batch.module batch_finished_page($batch_id)
6.x batch.module batch_finished_page($batch_id)
5.x batch.module batch_finished_page($batch_id)

We redirect to this page when we have finished a batch.


unknown_type $batch_id:


modules/batch/batch.module, line 152


function batch_finished_page($batch_id) {

  $batch = batch_get($batch_id);
  if ($batch ["token"] != batch_get_token()) {

    return "<p>" . t("Sorry, there is a token mismatch or this batch no longer exists.") . "</p>";

  // Otherwise, we can just return whatever their callback function is.  If this is from a form submission, we will send them
  // to the form's original destination.

  if (isset($batch ["file"]) && $batch ["file"] != "") {
    require_once ($batch ["file"]);
  $finished_callback = $batch ["finished_callback"][0];
  $finished_args = array();
  if (isset($batch ['finished_callback'][1])) {
    $finished_args = $batch ["finished_callback"][1];

  $params = array();

  // If we are NOT going to fp_goto, then add the $batch as the first argument.
  if ($finished_callback != "fp_goto") {
    // Add our $batch to the beginning of the $args array.
    //array_unshift($finished_args, $batch);
    $params = array(0 => &$batch);

  foreach ($finished_args as $val) {
    $params [] = $val;

  if (isset($batch ["success_message"])) {
    fp_add_message($batch ["success_message"]);

  // Okay, let's call our function:
  return call_user_func_array($finished_callback, $params);
