function audit_display_audit

7.x audit.module audit_display_audit()
6.x audit.module audit_display_audit()


modules/audit/audit.module, line 323
This is the Audit module, which provides functionality relating to degree audits.


function audit_display_audit() {
  global $current_student_id, $user, $fp, $degree_plan, $screen;


  $rtn = "";

  fp_add_css(fp_get_module_path("comments") . "/css/comments.css");
  fp_add_css(fp_get_module_path("audit") . "/css/audit.css");

  fp_add_js(fp_get_module_path("audit") . "/js/audit.js");

  // We will re-use code from the advise module, to pre-initialize all of our information for the student.    
  $temp = advise_display_view();
  // We will get rid of the sub tabs and other values we've added.
  $screen->screen_mode = "not_advising"; // do this so the mini profile doesn't get any options added to it from the advise module.  

  $student = $fp->student;

  $school_id = $student->school_id;

  // Get this from settings  
  $audit_requirement_types = array();
  $tlines = explode("\n", variable_get_for_school("audit_requirement_types", "g ~ General Requirements\nc ~ Core\nm ~ Major\ndegree ~ Degree", '', $school_id));
  foreach ($tlines as $tline) {
    $temp = explode("~", trim($tline));
    if (trim($temp [0]) != "") {
      $audit_requirement_types [trim($temp [0])] = trim($temp [1]);

  $pol = "";

  $rtn .= " <table class='audit-table'>  ";


  foreach ($degree_plan->gpa_calculations as $gpa_degree_id => $gpa_details) {

    if ($gpa_degree_id == 0) {
      // This is "overall"
      $rtn .= "<tr class='audit-req audit-req-new-degree-title audit-row-$pol audit-req-degree-title-OVERALL'>
                    <td colspan='3'>" . t("Overall:") . "</td>
      $pol = ""; // start over after a blank row      
    else {
      // This is a degree.

      $dtitle = fp_get_degree_title($gpa_degree_id, TRUE, TRUE);
      $rtn .= "<tr class='audit-req audit-req-new-degree-title audit-row-$pol audit-req-degree-title-member-degree'>
                    <td colspan='3'>$dtitle:</td>
      $pol = ""; // start over after a blank row 

    foreach ($audit_requirement_types as $type => $desc) {
      $gpa = "";
      if ($pol != "even") {
        $pol = "even";
      else {
        $pol = "odd";

      if (@$degree_plan->gpa_calculations [$gpa_degree_id][$type]["qpts_hours"] > 0) {
        $gpa = fp_truncate_decimals($degree_plan->gpa_calculations [$gpa_degree_id][$type]["qpts"] / $degree_plan->gpa_calculations [$gpa_degree_id][$type]["qpts_hours"], 3);

      $percent = "0";
      if (@$degree_plan->gpa_calculations [$gpa_degree_id][$type]["total_hours"] > 0) {
        $percent = fp_truncate_decimals(($degree_plan->gpa_calculations [$gpa_degree_id][$type]["fulfilled_hours"] / $degree_plan->gpa_calculations [$gpa_degree_id][$type]["total_hours"]) * 100, 2);

      // Are we trying to judt have a blank row?
      if ($desc == "BLANK") { // if description is BLANK, then yes, make this row blank.
        $rtn .= "<tr class='audit-req audit-req-BLANK audit-row-$pol audit-row-blank'>
                    <td colspan='3'>&nbsp; &nbsp;</td>
        $pol = ""; // start over after a blank row

      // Okay, let's display our row normally now:    

      $rtn .= "    
        <tr class='audit-req audit-req-$type audit-row-$pol'>
          <td width='25%'>$desc:</td>
          <td class='audit-req-hours-percent'><span class='audit-hours'><span class='audit-completed-hours'>{$degree_plan->gpa_calculations [$gpa_degree_id][$type]["fulfilled_hours"]}</span> 
                    / <span class='audit-total-hours'>{$degree_plan->gpa_calculations [$gpa_degree_id][$type]["total_hours"]} hrs</span>
                      <span class='audit-percent-completed'>($percent%)</span>
          <td class='audit-req-gpa'>GPA: $gpa ({$degree_plan->gpa_calculations [$gpa_degree_id][$type]["qpts"]} qpts 
                    / {$degree_plan->gpa_calculations [$gpa_degree_id][$type]["qpts_hours"]} qhrs)</td>

    } // foreach audit_requirements

  } // foreach degreeplan->gpa_calculations

  // invoke hook to check for more "overall" / calculations information for audit tab
  $res = invoke_hook('audit_get_additional_overall_calculations', array($student, $school_id));
  if (is_array($res) && count($res) > 0) {
    $pol = "";
    $rtn .= "<tr class='audit-req audit-req-new-degree-title audit-row-$pol audit-req-degree-title-OVERALL'>
                <td colspan='3'>" . t("Additional:") . "</td>

    foreach ($res as $module_name => $thow_away) {
      if (isset($res [$module_name]) && is_array($res [$module_name])) {
        foreach ($res [$module_name] as $c => $calcs) {

          if ($pol != "even") {
            $pol = "even";
          else {
            $pol = "odd";

          $title = $calcs ['title'];
          $sec_1 = $calcs ['section_1_html'];
          $sec_2 = $calcs ['section_2_html'];

          $rtn .= "    
            <tr class='audit-req audit-req-additional-from-hook audit-row-$pol'>
              <td width='25%'>$title</td>
              <td class='audit-req-hours-percent'>$sec_1</td> 
              <td class='audit-req-gpa'>$sec_2</td>              


    // Add a blank row at the end to make it easier to read.
    $rtn .= "<tr class='audit-req audit-req-BLANK audit-row-$pol '>
                    <td colspan='3'>&nbsp; &nbsp;</td>
    $pol = ""; // start over after a blank row    


  $rtn .= "    
      <td valign='top'>Footnotes & Messages:</td>
      <td colspan='2'><table border='0' width='100%'>
      " . $screen->build_footnotes(FALSE) . "

  $rtn .= "
      <td valign='top'>Approvals:</td>
      <td colspan='2'>
        <table border='0' class='approvals' width='100%'>

  // Get approval types from our setting
  $types = audit_get_approval_types($school_id);
  $options = audit_get_approval_options();
  // Go through our types, displaying completed or not completed lines...
  foreach ($types as $approval_type => $approval_details) {

    $approval_title = $approval_details ["title"];
    $approval_description = $approval_details ["description"];

    $approval_value = '';
    $faculty_id = '';
    $posted = 0;

    $cur = audit_get_approval_record($student->student_id, $approval_type);

    if ($cur) {
      $posted = $cur ['posted'];
      $faculty_id = $cur ['faculty_id'];
      $approval_value = $cur ['approval_value'];

    $dt = date("m/d/Y", $posted);
    $faculty_name = fp_get_faculty_name($faculty_id);

    if ($approval_value == "") {
      $approval_value = "not_complete";
      $dt = $faculty_name = " -- ";

    $approval_value_desc = $options [$approval_value];
    if ($approval_value_desc == "") {
      @$approval_value_desc = $approval_value;

    $rtn .= "<tr class='audit-approval-row audit-approval-row-" . $approval_value . "'>";

    $rtn .= "
        <td><div class='audit-approval-title audit-approval-" . $approval_value . "'>$approval_title</div>
        <td class='audit-approval-value audit-approval-desc-" . $approval_value . "'>" . $approval_value_desc . "</td>
        <td class='audit-approval-datetime'>" . $dt . "</td>
        <td class='audit-approval-faculty'>" . $faculty_name . "</td>";

    $rtn .= "      
                  <a class='approval-edit' href='javascript:popupSmallIframeDialog(\"" . fp_url("audit/popup-edit-approval/$approval_type/$student->student_id") . "\",\"" . t("Edit Approval") . "\",\"\");'><i class='fa fa-pencil'></i> Edit</a>

    $rtn .= "</tr>";

    // If the is an approval_description, show it in a new row....
    if ($approval_description != "") {
      $rtn .= "<tr>
                  <td colspan='5' class='audit-approval-description audit-approval-description=" . $approval_value . "'><div>$approval_description</div></td>

  } // foreach types => approval_type

  $rtn .= "
              </table> <!-- class approvals -->
      </table> <!-- class audit-table -->";

  $rtn .= "

      <h2>" . t("Audit Comments") . "</h2>
      " . t("These comments will be visible to individuals with access to this tab.") . "

  // Add our audit comments form in the page.  The extra code is about not making the title show
  // up twice.
  $temp_title = $GLOBALS ["fp_set_title"];
  $GLOBALS ["fp_set_title"] = ""; // prevent page title from showing up here    
  $form = fp_render_form("audit_comment_form", "normal", $student->student_id, $user->cwid);
  $GLOBALS ["fp_set_title"] = $temp_title;

  $rtn .= fp_render_c_fieldset($form, t("Click to enter audit comment"), TRUE, 'enter-audit-comment-fs');

  $comments = comments_get_comments($student->student_id, FALSE, array("audit private"));

  foreach ($comments as $comment) {

    $delete_link = "";
    // Should we present a "delete link" to the user for this comment?
    if (user_has_permission("can_delete_own_comments_3_months")) {
      // See if this comment is younger than 3 months.
      $del_range = strtotime("-3 month");
      $then = $comment ["posted"];

      if ($then > $del_range) {

        // We will use the comment module's delete function for this, and tell it to
        // redirect back here by setting the destination=audit.
        $js_action = 'window.location=FlightPath.settings.basePath + "/comments/delete-comment&current_student_id=' . $student->student_id . '&comment_id=' . $comment ['id'] . '&destination=audit";';
        $delete_link = fp_get_js_confirm_link(t("Are you sure you wish to delete this comment?\nThis action cannot be undone."), $js_action, "Delete?");

    $rtn .= comments_render_comment($comment, $delete_link);

  // We wish to add our hidden form, so the approval popup can write its values to this page,
  // and then submit them.
  $temp_title = $GLOBALS ["fp_set_title"];
  $GLOBALS ["fp_set_title"] = ""; // prevent page title from showing up here
  $rtn .= fp_render_form("audit_hidden_approval_form");
  $GLOBALS ["fp_set_title"] = $temp_title;

  watchdog("audit", "display_audit $student->student_id", array());

  return $rtn;