function announcements_enable

7.x announcements.install announcements_enable()
6.x announcements.install announcements_enable()


modules/announcements/announcements.install, line 42


function announcements_enable() {

  // Now, add a piece of custom content using content_save() function.

  $content = new stdClass();
  $content->type = 'announcement';
  $content->cid = "new";
  $content->published = 1;
  $content->delete_flag = 0;
  $content->title = "Sample Announcement";

  // TODO:  This extra field data (aside from title) is not getting saved on first install, because hooks do not appear to be working
  // on first install of FlightPath.  At least, not in this situation.  I think it's because the content_content_save function cannot find
  // all the fields associated with this content type.

  $content->field__activity_datetime ['value'] = date("Y-m-d H:ia");
  $content->field__msg ['value'] = '<p>This is a sample announcement! You may add new announcements (or delete this one) from the Admin Tools, then Content.</p>';
  $content->field__visibility ['value'] = 'public';

  content_content_save($content); // Since this is in our install script (which is run on first installation of FlightPath, we will call content_content_save, instead
  // of just content_save, thereby skipping the hook check.  
