function alerts_form_alter

6.x alerts.module alerts_form_alter(&$form, $form_id)


modules/alerts/alerts.module, line 748
module file for Alerts


function alerts_form_alter(&$form, $form_id) {

  if ($form_id == 'content_edit_content_form') {
    if (@$form ['type']['value'] == 'alert') {

      fp_add_css(fp_get_module_path('alerts') . '/css/style.css');

      $db = get_global_database_handler();

      // If this is a NEW form, then check for values in the URL to auto-fill.      
      if ($form ['cid']['value'] === 'new') {

        if (isset($_GET ['student_id'])) {
          $form ['student_id']['value'] = $_GET ['student_id'];

          $form ['student_id']['attributes'] = array('class' => 'hidden');
          $extra_mark = "";

          if ($form ['student_id']['value'] != "") {
            $form ['mark_to'] = array(
              'type' => 'markup',
              'value' => "<div class='alert-field-mark alert-student'>
                                 " . $db->get_student_name($form ['student_id']['value'], TRUE) . "<span class='alert-student-extra-mark'>$extra_mark</span>
              'weight' => $form ['student_id']['weight'],

        } // if _GET[student_id]
      } // if "new"
      else {
        // This is NOT new!  We display display the student information and hide the field.

        $form ['student_id']['attributes'] = array('class' => 'hidden');
        $extra_mark = "";
        if ($form ['student_id']['value'] != "") {
          $form ['mark_to'] = array(
            'type' => 'markup',
            'value' => "<div class='alert-field-mark alert-student'>
                               " . $db->get_student_name($form ['student_id']['value'], TRUE) . "<span class='alert-student-extra-mark'>$extra_mark</span>
            'weight' => $form ['student_id']['weight'],



    } // if type == alert
  } // if form_id   
