function advise_display_popup_course_description
Search API
7.x advise.module | advise_display_popup_course_description() |
6.x advise.module | advise_display_popup_course_description() |
4.x advise.module | advise_display_popup_course_description() |
5.x advise.module | advise_display_popup_course_description() |
- modules/
advise/ advise.module, line 1337
function advise_display_popup_course_description() {
global $current_student_id, $screen;
$rtn = "";
fp_add_js(fp_get_module_path("advise") . "/js/advise.js");
fp_add_css(fp_get_module_path("advise") . "/css/advise.css");
$data_string = trim($_GET ["data_string"]);
$course = new Course();
if ($data_string != "")
$req_by_degree_id = $course->req_by_degree_id;
// Save the max hours from the data string here. This is to fix a bug where we didn't keep track
// of a course's remainder from a split substitution. Due to pass-by-reference, it gets reset
// in the display_popup_course_description function.
$datastring_max_hours = $course->max_hours;
$rtn .= $screen->display_popup_course_description("", $course);
// Create the tabs for the page...
$tab_array = array();
$tab_array [0]["title"] = "Description";
$tab_array [0]["active"] = true;
if (user_has_permission("can_substitute") && !$screen->bool_blank && intval($course->get_first_assigned_to_group_id()) != DegreePlan::GROUP_ID_FOR_COURSES_ADDED) {
if ($course->get_bool_substitution() != TRUE && $course->grade == "") {
// By checking grade, we are making sure this course has NOT already
// been taken by the student. In other words, verify that this course
// is an unfulfilled requirement on the degree plan ONLY.
$extra_vars = "hours_avail=$datastring_max_hours";
$tab_array [1]["title"] = "Substitute";
$tab_array [1]["on_click"] = "popupSubstituteSelected(\"$course->course_id\",\"" . $course->get_first_assigned_to_group_id() . "\",\"$course->assigned_to_semester_num\",\"$req_by_degree_id\",\"$extra_vars\");";
//$screen->page_tabs = $screen->draw_tabs($tab_array);
return $rtn;