function admin_perm
Search API
7.x admin.module | admin_perm() |
6.x admin.module | admin_perm() |
4.x admin.module | admin_perm() |
5.x admin.module | admin_perm() |
- modules/
admin/ admin.module, line 1066 - The administrative configurations for FlightPath.
function admin_perm() {
return array(
"can_access_admin" => array(
"title" => t("Access administrative console"),
"description" => t("This is a powerful permission! This allows a
user to access the 'admin console' for FlightPath."),
"can_edit_urgent_message" => array(
"title" => t("Edit urgent message"),
"description" => t("The user may edit the 'Urgent Message' which appears at the top of every page, if set."),
"can_access_data_entry" => array(
"title" => t("Access Data Entry"),
"description" => t("The user can access (view) the data-entry portion of the admin console. Degree plans, groups, and courses."),
"can_edit_data_entry" => array(
"title" => t("Edit Data Entry"),
"description" => t("This is a powerful permission! The user can edit degree plans, groups, and courses."),
"can_view_advanced" => array(
"title" => t("View advanced"),
"description" => t("The user may see advanced information on-screen, for example, internal ID numbers for degrees and courses."),
"can_apply_draft_changes" => array(
"title" => t("Apply draft changes"),
"description" => t("The user may move draft changes into production."),
"can_edit_advising_settings" => array(
"title" => t("Edit advising settings"),
"description" => t("The user may edit advising settings, like available term IDs and the current catalog year."),
"display_watchdog" => array(
"title" => t("View watchdog (log) entries"),
"description" => t("The user may view the recent watchdog log entries. This represents a security concern, so give this only to trusted users."),