function fp_html_print_r

7.x fp_html_print_r($var, $name = "", $cnt = 0, $max_levels = 20)
6.x fp_html_print_r($var, $name = "", $cnt = 0, $max_levels = 20)
4.x fp_html_print_r($var, $name = "", $cnt = 0)
5.x fp_html_print_r($var, $name = "", $cnt = 0, $max_levels = 20)

Similar to print_r, this will return an HTML-friendly click-to-open system similar in design to Krumo.

1 call to fp_html_print_r()
fpm in includes/
Uses fp_add_message, but in this case, it also adds in the filename and line number which the message came from!


includes/, line 2540
This file contains misc functions for FlightPath


function fp_html_print_r($var, $name = "", $cnt = 0, $max_levels = 20) {
  $rtn = "";

  if ($cnt > $max_levels) {
    // Max levels deep.  Deeper, and PHP might run
    // out of memory or complain.
    $rtn .= "<div class='fp-html-print-r-too-deep'>
              " . t("Depth too great. To view deeper,
                     rephrase your fpm() call, starting at this depth.") . "
    return $rtn;

  $type = gettype($var);
  $rnd = md5(mt_rand(0, 999999) . microtime() . $type . $name);

  if ($type == "boolean") {
    $var = ($var == TRUE) ? "TRUE" : "FALSE";

  $count = "";
  if ($type == "string") {
    $count = " - " . strlen($var) . " " . t("chars");

  if ($type == "array" || $type == "object") {

    if ($type == "array") {
      $count = " - " . count($var) . " " . t("elements");

    if ($type == "object") {
      $count = " - " . get_class($var);

    $rtn .= "<div class='fp-html-print-r-multi-row'>
               <div class='fp-html-print-r-selector'
                  <span class='fp-html-print-r-var-name'>$name</span>
                  <span class='fp-html-print-r-var-type'>($type$count)</span>
               <div class='fp-html-print-r-var-value' id='fp-html-print-r-var-value-$rnd' style='display: none;'>";
    foreach ($var as $key => $value) {
      $rtn .= fp_html_print_r($value, $key, ($cnt + 1), $max_levels);

    $rtn .= "</div>
  else if ($type == "string" && strlen($var) > 50) {
    // If the variable is fairly long, we want to also make it a hide-to-show type field.
    $rtn .= "<div class='fp-html-print-r-multi-row'>
                    <span class='fp-html-print-r-var-name'>$name</span>
                    <span class='fp-html-print-r-var-type'>($type$count)</span>
                    <span class='fp-html-print-r-var-value-abbr'>" . htmlentities(substr($var, 0, 50)) . "...</span>
               <div class='fp-html-print-r-var-value' id='fp-html-print-r-var-value-$rnd' style='display: none;'>
    $rtn .= htmlentities($var);
    $rtn .= "</div></div>";
  else {

    $html_val = $var;
    if ($type != "resource") {
      $html_val = htmlentities("" . $var);

    $rtn .= "<div class='fp-html-print-r-single-row'>                
                <span class='fp-html-print-r-var-name'>$name</span>
                <span class='fp-html-print-r-var-type'>($type$count)</span>
                <span class='fp-html-print-r-var-value'>$html_val</span>

  return $rtn;