function fp_get_session_id_from_str

6.x fp_get_session_id_from_str($str)

This will validate the session str (or the session_id.

See also

fp_get_session_str()) and return back either FALSE

1 call to fp_get_session_id_from_str()
index.php in ./index.php
The primary entry point for FlightPath.


includes/, line 1621
This file contains misc functions for FlightPath


function fp_get_session_id_from_str($str) {

  // We expect $str to look like this:
  // session_id~_md5(session_id . ip . php_uname('n'))

  $temp = explode("~_", $str);

  $session_id = trim($temp [0]);
  $hash = trim($temp [1]);

  $ip = @$_SERVER ["REMOTE_ADDR"];
  if ($ip == "") {
    $ip = "000";

  $test_hash = md5($session_id . $ip . php_uname('n'));

  if ($test_hash === $hash) {
    // Success!
    return $session_id;

  return FALSE;
