function filter_xss
Search API
7.x | filter_xss($string, $allowed_tags = array('a', 'em', 'strong', 'cite', 'blockquote', 'code', 'ul', 'ol', 'li', 'dl', 'dt', 'dd', 'span', 'div')) |
6.x | filter_xss($string, $allowed_tags = array('a', 'em', 'strong', 'cite', 'blockquote', 'code', 'ul', 'ol', 'li', 'dl', 'dt', 'dd', 'span', 'div')) |
4.x | filter_xss($string, $allowed_tags = array('a', 'em', 'strong', 'cite', 'blockquote', 'code', 'ul', 'ol', 'li', 'dl', 'dt', 'dd', 'span', 'div')) |
5.x | filter_xss($string, $allowed_tags = array('a', 'em', 'strong', 'cite', 'blockquote', 'code', 'ul', 'ol', 'li', 'dl', 'dt', 'dd', 'span', 'div')) |
This function is taken almost directly from Drupal 7's core code. It is used to help us filter out dangerous HTML which the user might type. From the D7 documentation:
Filters HTML to prevent cross-site-scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities. Based on kses by Ulf Harnhammar, see For examples of various XSS attacks, see: This code does four things: Removes characters and constructs that can trick browsers. Makes sure all HTML entities are well-formed. Makes sure all HTML tags and attributes are well-formed. Makes sure no HTML tags contain URLs with a disallowed protocol (e.g. javascript:).
1 call to filter_xss()
- filter_markup in includes/ - Filter string with possible HTML, allowing only certain tags, and removing dangerous attributes.
- includes/, line 1082 - This file contains misc functions for FlightPath
function filter_xss($string, $allowed_tags = array('a', 'em', 'strong', 'cite', 'blockquote', 'code', 'ul', 'ol', 'li', 'dl', 'dt', 'dd', 'span', 'div')) {
// Only operate on valid UTF-8 strings. This is necessary to prevent cross
// site scripting issues on Internet Explorer 6.
if (!fp_validate_utf8($string)) {
return '';
// Store the text format.
filter_xss_split($allowed_tags, TRUE);
// Remove NULL characters (ignored by some browsers).
$string = str_replace(chr(0), '', $string);
// Remove Netscape 4 JS entities.
$string = preg_replace('%&\s*\{[^}]*(\}\s*;?|$)%', '', $string);
// Defuse all HTML entities.
$string = str_replace('&', '&', $string);
// Change back only well-formed entities in our whitelist:
// Decimal numeric entities.
$string = preg_replace('/&#([0-9]+;)/', '&#\1', $string);
// Hexadecimal numeric entities.
$string = preg_replace('/&#[Xx]0*((?:[0-9A-Fa-f]{2})+;)/', '&#x\1', $string);
// Named entities.
$string = preg_replace('/&([A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9]*;)/', '&\1', $string);
return preg_replace_callback('%
<(?=[^a-zA-Z!/]) # a lone <
| # or
<!--.*?--> # a comment
| # or
<[^>]*(>|$) # a string that starts with a <, up until the > or the end of the string
| # or
> # just a >
)%x', 'filter_xss_split', $string);