function menu_check_user_access

7.x menu_check_user_access($router_item)
6.x menu_check_user_access($router_item)
4.x menu_check_user_access($router_item)
5.x menu_check_user_access($router_item)

Looks at the router item's details (from menu_get_item) and returns TRUE or FALSE if the user can access this item.

8 calls to menu_check_user_access()
fp_build_sub_tab_array in includes/
Create a "sub-tab" array, which looks like a standard tab_array, but it contains only this page's sub-tab siblings.
fp_build_tab_array in includes/
Looks at the current page array and returns a valid $tab_array Meant for the top of the screen.
fp_display_page in includes/
Output the contents of the $page variable to the screen. $page is an array containing details about the page, as well as its original menu item (router_item) definition.
fp_render_breadcrumbs in includes/
Return the HTML for breadcrumbs for the current page we are on. Will skip any breadcrumbs we do not have permission to access.
fp_render_menu_item in includes/

... See full list


includes/, line 92


function menu_check_user_access($router_item) {

  $access = FALSE;
  if ($router_item ["access_callback"] == 1) {
    $access = TRUE;
  if (is_array($router_item ["access_arguments"])) {
    if ($router_item ["access_callback"] == "") {
      // If we specified access arguments, but not a callback, assume it
      // is the function user_has_permission().
      $router_item ["access_callback"] = "user_has_permission";

  // Does the access_arguments have any wildcards?
  if (isset($router_item ['access_arguments']) && is_array($router_item ['access_arguments'])) {
    if (count($router_item ['access_arguments']) == 1 && !$router_item ['access_arguments'][0]) {
      // Meanng, access arguments has been created, but nothing there.  We likely need to populate it if there are wildcards in this item.      
      $router_item = menu_get_item($router_item ['path']);

  if (!$access && $router_item ["access_callback"] != "") {

    // We need to see if the user has the right permissions to use this item.  We will do this
    // by calling the access_callback, passing it the access_arguments
    $access = call_user_func_array($router_item ["access_callback"], $router_item ["access_arguments"]);

  return $access;