
Primary tabs

Contains filters are case sensitive
Name Locationsort descending Description
example_helper_init custom/modules/example_helper/example_helper.module Implementation of "hook_init".
example_helper_menu custom/modules/example_helper/example_helper.module Implementation of hook_menu
example_helper_display_hello_world_page custom/modules/example_helper/example_helper.module Display our Hello World page to the user.
db_get_user_settings includes/ Return the array from the user_settings table.
db_insert_id includes/
fp_get_system_settings includes/
fp_rebuild_modules_list includes/ Re-query the modules table and re-add to our global array.
variable_set includes/ Set a variable value, so we can retrieve it later on.
variable_get includes/ Get a variable from the database. We will first look in our GLOBALS array, to see that it hasn't already been retrieved this page load.
db_table_exists includes/ Returns TRUE if the table specified exists or not.
db_affected_rows includes/
db_num_rows includes/
db_fetch_object includes/
db_fetch_array includes/
db_result includes/ Returns back the first result from a resource_handler.
fp_get_permissions_for_role includes/
fp_get_student_name includes/
db_get_user_id_from_cwid includes/
db_get_user_id includes/ Look up the user_id based on the the user_name. Returns FALSE if it cannot find it.
fp_load_user includes/ Returns back a user object for this user_id. If the user is not found in the users table, it will return NULL. If the user_id requested is 0, the anonymous user object is returned.
fp_get_faculty_name includes/ Returns the faculty member's name based on the ID provided.
watchdog includes/ Add a log entry to the watchdog (log) table.
db_get_user_setting includes/ Return a specific setting's value, based on the var_name given.
db_set_user_setting includes/
db_query includes/
form_basic_validate includes/ This is a very basic valiator for form API submission. All I really care about is making sure required fields have a value in them. If they do not, we will file a form_error.
fp_render_form_element includes/ Returns the HTML to render this form element to the screen. $name is the HTML machine name. $element is an array containing all we need to render it. If you want default values to be taken from the SESSION (because we had form_errors, say, and…
form_has_errors includes/ Returns TRUE or FALSE if there have been errors for this form submission (We will just look in the SESSION to find out).
form_error includes/ Register a form_error in the SESSION.
clear_session_form_values includes/ Clear the form submissions variable from the SESSION for this callback.
fp_render_form includes/ Render the form array from the callback to the screen, and set the form to save itself in our default submit handler. Valid form_types are: "system_settings" => values automatically saved to variables table. "normal" or BLANK…
form_field_sort_compare_by_weight includes/ This function is meant to be used by the uasort command, to help re-order a form array based on each element's weight value. If weight is blank, it is assumed to be 0 (zero).
fp_get_form includes/ This function gets the form array, where the callback is the same as form_id. It will also look for modules which may want to alter the form, using hook_form_alter, and go ahead and apply that.
hook_student_load includes/hook.api.php Allows modules to hook in after a new student object is created.
hook_menu_handle_replacement_pattern includes/hook.api.php This hook is called by the menu system. It allows each module the change to replace string patterns in its menu items (defined in hook_menu).
hook_menu includes/hook.api.php Allows modules to specify valid URLs in FlightPath, and define what function to call when the user visits that URL.
hook_perm includes/hook.api.php This hook defines available permissions for a module. These perms are used with hook_menu() and the function user_has_permission()
hook_user_login includes/hook.api.php Perform actions when the user logs in successfully.
hook_init includes/hook.api.php Allows each module to execute code when the module is first loaded.
hook_uninstall includes/hook.api.php This hook will be executed when a module is "uninstalled" in the system. Once a module is disabled, an "uninstall" link will appear.
hook_disable includes/hook.api.php This hook will be executed when a module is disabled in the system.
hook_enable includes/hook.api.php This hook will be executed when a module is enabled in the system. It will be executed AFTER hook_install.
hook_install includes/hook.api.php This hook will be executed the first time a module is enabled in the system.
hook_cron includes/hook.api.php This hook is called every time the system cron is run.
hook_save_advising_session includes/hook.api.php This hook allows modules to perform extra functions just after an advising session is saved by the system.
hook_status includes/hook.api.php Reports status information which each module is aware of, visible on admin/config/status.
hook_exit includes/hook.api.php Allows each module to execute code when the FlightPath page is completely finished.
hook_submit includes/hook.api.php Handle submissions from the Form API
hook_validate includes/hook.api.php Validates form submissions from the Form API
hook_form_alter includes/hook.api.php Alter forms which are created using the Form API
