function example_helper_display_hello_world_page

7.x example_helper.module example_helper_display_hello_world_page()
6.x example_helper.module example_helper_display_hello_world_page()
4.x example_helper.module example_helper_display_hello_world_page()
5.x example_helper.module example_helper_display_hello_world_page()

Display our Hello World page to the user.

This is the callback function for our example-helper/hello-world menu item. Notice that we will build up our HTML for the page in a varialbe, and then RETURN it. We do not attempt to print it out. When we RETURN it, FlightPath handles the themeing of the content, which is what we want.


custom/modules/example_helper/example_helper.module, line 79
example_helper.module - Example module file


function example_helper_display_hello_world_page() {

  $rtn = '';

  $rtn .= '<b>Hello everyone!  This is a test to make sure my menu item is working.</b>
            <li>Notice we just type straight HTML in this page.</li>
            <li>Then, we return our result.</li>

  return $rtn;